~Sounds in the woods~
It was about 3AM and everyone waited exhausted in front of the guild hall, waiting to get inside.
"We areeee sitting round the campfire and singing our campfire song! Our G-I-V-E-M-E-A-B-A-B-Y-S- Sooonggg!~" Mirajane sung as loud as she could trying to lift the mood.
Laxus chocked on his water as soon as he managed to unravel her weird spelling while everyone else besides Natsu sweatdropped. Natsu happily clapped along the song with Happy.
"So... Why exactly are we here again?" Charle finaly asked, leaving everyone else to face Levy's way.
"Well... the guild hall used to be open 24/7, I guess it has something to do with safety matters.".
"But the guild hall is the safest location to go! They are after us Levy! I can't believe how we can just sit here and wait till morn, just letting those people eye us until we fall asleep eventually!" Gray yelled angrily while Juvia tried to calm him down a little.
"Gray, we decided to stay here because our guild hall is the top location to oversee everything. If we left and went somewhere hidden, they would have taken us without us knowing it and maybe even without a fight. We are staying here until Master opens up the door and gives us our location." Erza spoke out as Gray sighed and sat down against the wooden door again.
"Juvia thinks Gray-sama is worried...".
"Well I probably am because you guys are in danger and the dragonslayers had the vision that we failed to protect you!" Gray shouted back causing Juvia to flinch.
Natsu suddenly stood up, his nose twitching along the way. Everyone eyed the boy as he began to act like a pointer dog.
"What is it N-Natsu...?" Lucy said as she trembled a little. A dark figurine eyeing her as Natsu suddenly jumped up in the air.
"Gramps is on his way!!" Natsu smiled cheekily, yet everyone else seemed rather upset.
"T-That is not Master Makarov!!" Levy cried as Gajeel instinctively jumped in front of her.
Gray took the same position, taking Juvia behind him as well as Lucy, Jellal and Erza both looked ready to fight and Mirajane transformed while Laxus grinned. Natsu carefully lifted up the creature from behind the shadows as everyone else eyed him in fear.
"IT IS THAT SNOWMAN- BUG THINGY!!" Natsu cried out as a grey version of Plue hang onto his lower arm.
Lucy carefully inspected it before she dragged Natsu away from it.
"That things is not PLUE! This thing is obvliously possesed and-"
" Peeeep.......peeeep.....peeeep.....peeeeeeeeeep....peeeeeeeeeeeep.." The thing started to rattle, Natsu grabbed Lucy's hand and ran away from the little snowman who started to peep louder and louder!
"I think I have seen this before! This is a form of molding magic! little robots are made to look and act exactly like the original! yet these things go off at a special time, revealing an explosion or a net to catch it's prey!" Levy said as Gajeel took her behind him, just a little more.
Erza stood up and pointed her sword at the snowman who started to tremble more and more.. it suddenly began to ran it's way towards Juvia and Gray, Jellal kicked it away right in time to see the little robot explode in the air. Juvia gasped from shock while Gray started to grit his teeth.
"Okay, I don't know what the heck that was, but these things aren't send to kidnap us! These things are planning to kill us!".
Jellal carefully inspected a few limbs from what was left from the robot. He took some samples and hid it inside his bag for later analyses, right now something else had more priority.
The guild hall was opened by a small man who had been hurrying. Master Makarov had sat down on a table and gestured for the group to come near him.
"Tell me my children.. you have arrived so early and look like you haven't slept all night! What had happened?" Makarov spoke up as everyone took place near him.
"Well, The dragonslayers had a vision last night that Juvia and I would be taken away from Gray and Natsu when they didn't notice, so we decided to stay inside a big group and headed towards the guild hall, not to forget that Natsu and Gray found a threat in the ruins of a burning house in the village." Lucy said as Mirajane made everyone some tea.
"I-I see... looks like they already started attacking us..." Makarov spoke up as he handed Levy a note.
"WHAT DOES IT SAY?!" Natsu cried as he tried to snatch away the note, only to be met with Gajeel's fist.
"We cannot say it out loud, they are listening." Makarov whispered as everyone gulped and nodded. Levy analysed the note and nodded.
"Now go, my children." Makarov finaly said as he laid a hand on Laxus' shoulder.
"Don't worry gramps, we will end this once and for all!".
The group exitted the guild hall, and ran after Levy right into the woods.
"OI SHRIMP?! WHY CAN YOU RUN FAST NOW?!" Gajeel cried after her.
" NO TIME GAJEEL, WE NEED TO HURRY NOW!!!" Levy spoke as everyone nodded and fastened their pace.
"Movement... out of distance....?.... Need to.......Can't....see......".
The group stopped as everyone panted from thrist and exhaustion. Gray handed Juvia a bottle of water while Lucy took her time to massage Natsu's back. Erza and Jellal shared a glance while they both kneld down. Happy and Charle finaly sat down as Happy held his wings in his tiny paw crying from the pain.
"W-we....need to go a little further.... to reach it...." Levy managed to say between her gasps.
"F-first we need to rest!" Gray said when he took the bottle from Juvia and took some water as well. Juvia was too tired to chant something about an indirect kiss and decided to lay down into the grass for a little.
"R-rain?? you awake..?" Gajeel whispered as he heard soft snoring.
Gray and Levy sweatdropped ad Gajeel began to take Mirajane's guitar and sat down in front of Juvia's sleeping face.
"CAaAn't YoU sToP LOOoovIng ThhHat DenSe MoTherFuCKER DeAR RaIn~!" Gajeel tried to sing.
It took a while for everyone to realise what he was singing but when they noticed it, Gray started to kick him and Natsu began to cry from laughter while everyone else just chuckled. Mirajane chanted something about her ships again but soon stopped when she noticed that Juvia didn't wake up.
"J-Juvia...?" Laxus said as Mirajane tried to shake her awake.
Juvia's body rolled over as her eye's opened to reveal a little surprise... they were crimson red!
" Peep......peep.......peep...Peeeeep....peeeeeeeeeep....PEEEEEP" Juvia began to chant as everyone began to scream.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO JUVIA?!" Lucy cried as Natsu held her in his arms.
"J-JUVIA? ANSWER ME YOU DUMMY!" Gray began to cry as he tried to wake her up. Juvia's body suddenly flew into the woods as if it was attached to a fishing rod.
"Kyaa!!!!"Levy cried as Gray and Natsu tried to run after it.
"Stop! Natsu-san! Gray-sama!!" Juvia's voice echoed.
"It is a trap! Juvia is okay!! Juvia managed to escape from the robots!" Juvia's voice cried as they all looked confused. Suddenly two Juvia's appeared in front of the group.
"Juvia has a twin!!" Juvia cried as the other Juvia began to scream as well.
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