Fairy Tail Couples (Female)
Lucy: Hi guys!!!!
Levy: Hi Lu-chan!
Erza: Hi Lucy!
Mira: 👋 Lucy!
Juvia: Greetings from Juvia!
Lucy: Great! All of us are in this group!
Levy: Right!
Erza: What is this, exactly? A free cake corner?!
Mira: Ah Erza... Do you think about anything else than cake?
Erza: Cakes are the best :3
Mira: 😥😥😥
Levy: Still, what is this group?
Lucy: It's All female couple group!
Erza: Wh-what? O///O
Levy: Really? O///O
Mira: Why am I here then?
Lucy: coughLaxuscough
Mira: 😠😠😠
Lucy: PLZ don't hurt me! 🙏🙏🙏
Lucy: Eh... Thats why you are here...
Juvia: Juvia thanks love rival.
Levy: wh-wait ! Do you mean we and Gajeel...
Mira: Meh, I had known about you both for an year.
Erza: W-when did this happen? O///O
Lucy: Oh no... Not again.
Mira: Erza.exe has stopped working. 😂
Juvia: Juvia asks Erza to snap out of it.
Levy: Wow, I didn't realize that we were that noticeable.
Lucy: Well, you are lucky.
Levy: Meh.
Juvia: But Juvia is lucky too... Gray-sama is the reason Juvia is not in a pathetic clan like Phantoms.
Lucy: Me too, Natsu is the reason I am in fairy tail, after all.
Erza: Me too. Jellal was the one who named me 'Scarlett'.
Levy: - - ¡ On our first meeting, Gajeel almost tried to kill me.
Lucy: 😅
Erza: 😅
Juvia: 😅
Levy: Ah, well. But we are the one who had made the most progress afterall. XP
Lucy: Huh....
Erza: Hm.....
Juvia: No.....!!!
Mira: At least you guys have known. I don't even know when I(Everyone) started getting attracted towards Laxus. 😅
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