Chapter 2 - Homecoming
Fairy Tail:
"Long time no see," The girl smiled before she fell to the floor, passed out. No one in Fairy Tail dared to move at first, worried that they might wake up from the dream they were in. However, the only one sleeping was the time traveler at the door.
"Is that," Wendy gasped.
"It's Nashi," Gray said with wide eyes. Erza was the first to move, she swiftly made her way to Nashi's side. Taking the girl's pulse, she assured to the others that the girl was alright, just sleeping.
"Is that really her?" Wendy asked, standing beside Erza. Erza quickly examined the girl. Her hair was much longer than it was when they had last seen her. Under her cloak, she wore a black halter top with an open back and yellow seams along with white shorts. She also wore black fingerless gloves and tall boots.
The poor girl seemed weak and malnourished as well. Rolling her over, Erza inspected the girl's back. There were three tube-like hoses stuck to her back that had been cut recently. However, the determining factor was the yellow guild mark on her left shoulder. The other factor was the jagged scar on her back from when future Rogue sent a shadow sword hurling through her body.
"It's her," Erza determined. Whispers rang throughout the guild hall at the revelation. Erza then draped Nashi's arm over her shoulder and stood. "Mira, go set up a bed in the infirmary,"
"On it,"
"Wendy, you and Carla go get Natsu and Lucy,"
"Yes ma'am,"
Erza barked several more commands to those nearby. However even more questions were going through her brain at the time.
- - - - - - - - - -
It was 5:42 AM and Natsu and Lucy were already fast asleep at his house when there was a loud knocking at the door. Natsu rolled over pressing his pillow to his ear in an effort to block out the noise. The knocking continued relentlessly, however.
"Ugh," finally Natsu climbed out of his hammock, walking down the hall to the front door. On the way, he passed the room that Lucy was sleeping in. She stirred and sat up, wiping away the tired feeling in her eyes.
"What would anyone want this early in the morning," she moaned groggily.
"Aye," Happy yawned, sluggishly flying after Natsu.
"Natsu! Happy! It's Wendy and Carla! Please open up, it's important," Wendy pleaded. Natsu rubbed his eyes and opened the door. There was a brisk breeze that blew into the room, as the door swung open.
"Thank goodness you're awake," Wendy smiled. She was strangely chipper for this early in the morning.
"We are now, what's up?" Lucy answered, making her way to the door.
"Lucy?! You're here too?" Wendy's eyes became huge white orbs and her face turned bright red. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to barge in on you guys!"
"SAY WHAT?! Wendy, it's not what you think!" Lucy tried to explain, suddenly wide awake.
"What are you doing here anyway? It's almost 6 o'clock in the morning," Natsu asked, cutting to the chase.
"Uh right," Wendy started, regaining her composure. "We need you both back at the guild, it's important,"
"Can't it wait a few more hours," Natsu and Happy complained.
"Trust me, you'll want to see this. Now get dressed and meet us at the guild," Carla demanded.
"Alright," Natsu moaned. He closed the door and the wizards stumbled back to their rooms to get dressed.
20 minutes later, Natsu and Lucy were dressed and ready to go. They started down the path to town with Happy floating right alongside them. The air was brisk and chill, completely different from what it was yesterday afternoon. Lucy shivered and hugged her arms while they made their way down the path.
After a while, the trio arrived at the guild hall. The sky had turned into a light shade of grey while they got dressed and it was now a beautiful sunrise. Letting out one final yawn, Natsu and Lucy pushed the guild doors open. When they stepped inside, all eyes were on them. People whispered to one another as they walked further inside.
"Natsu! Lucy!" Gray called out, he was on the second floor, standing next to the railing. "Up here," he gestured.
Natsu and Lucy shared a look and made their way up to the second floor. When they reached the top, they were greeted by smiles all around.
"You're not gonna believe what the cat dragged in this morning," Gray started. Wendy and Carla nodded in agreement.
"She's inside," Erza gestured to the infirmary.
"She?" Lucy questioned. Everyone smiled and gave the duo a nod. Natsu gave them all a skeptical look but stepped inside nevertheless.
On the far wall, the windows streamed in yellow sunshine with hints of blue and purple color peering over the clouds. The room smelled like fresh sheets and the morning dew from the open window. Gray, Erza, Wendy, Carla, and Happy stood in the doorway watching the scene in the room unfold with big grins on their faces.
"I told you, I'm fine," a girl's voice complained from behind a curtain.
"You're malnourished and extremely low on magic power. I seriously doubt you're fine," Porlyusica countered.
"So I'm hungry and tired, I'll be alright," the curtain slid open revealing the girl with bright pink hair. She was covered in bruises and minor cuts. She was also thinner wearing a black halter shirt, shorts, fingerless gloves, boots, and a cloak. Her sleepy brown eyes went wide and her breath fell short.
Natsu and Lucy couldn't even move. They could hardly breathe at the sight of their daughter alive. Nashi relaxed a bit and smiled, "It's good to see you,"
"Nashi," Lucy's voice broke as she lunged and pulled her baby into a tight embrace. Tears rolled down the woman's face as she smiled the biggest smile she could muster. At last, her little girl was safe. "You're okay!"
Nashi glanced over Lucy's shoulder making eye contact with her father. Natsu wrapped his arms around Nashi and Lucy, squeezing them both as tight as he could. "I swear I'm never letting you go again," Natsu whispered with tears in his eyes.
All in all, Natsu and Lucy were feeling beyond relieved. Their little girl was safe, she was alive! They no longer needed to worry about all of those awful thoughts of her death.
Natsu ran his fingers through Nashi's hair, the smell of smoked vanilla consuming his senses. Just standing there holding his girls made him feel so much better. He never wanted to let go.
I said nothing as my parents held me, it was a reasonable reaction considering the fact that they thought I was dead. My death may not have fazed me too much, but I'm sure that those around me were definitely affected greatly. They needed this... and I needed this too. For the first time in a while, I felt safe. Wrapped in the arms of those who loved me, it made me
Natsu and Lucy pulled away, wiping away stray tears. "How are you alive?" Lucy questioned. The eavesdroppers at the door stepped further into the room. They didn't want to interrupt, but they wanted to hear the story as well.
"I have no idea," I began. I explained to them the things I saw after I died and how I woke up in the hallway with a beating heart. "I ran out to come find you guys and-" I stopped and paused.
"What's wrong?" Natsu questioned. He noticed my mood suddenly turning to a more saddened state. "What happened,"
"Someone attacked me out of nowhere before I could get to you. By the time I got free of them you all had already left,"
"I'm so sorry," Lucy said in a sympathetic tone, there was concern written all over her face.
"I swear whoever did that is going to get turned into a pile of ashes," Natsu growled. I could see his hand curl into a fist and his knuckles turn white.
"There is one thing that I know," I added. "The future team didn't make it back to X816," Everyone's eyes went wide. "After I broke free, I managed to find my team before they left. But some woman stopped me before I could get to them. They saw me and tried to fight her, but she knocked Lukas and Nova into the portal that took them back to our time."
"What about the others?" Gray asked almost urgently.
"The woman who got me used her magic to transport each of them to a different location. I have no idea where they are now."
Erza and Gray scowled at the floor, now concerned for the safety of their own children.
"Okay, what happened next?" Lucy continued. I paused and let out a deep sigh.
"I don't remember anything after that," I looked out the window, the sunrise was beautiful. "I woke up a few weeks ago on the other side of the country with no memory of the past three months,"
"You're kidding right?" Natsu asked with concerned wide eyes. I didn't bother answering.
"I woke up in Matza Valley with no idea of how I got there. The only clues I have about the past three months," I turned around and walked over to the hospital bed I had been using and grabbed my bag. "are in here," I dumped the bag's contents onto the bed for everyone to see. They all moved closer to inspect the items that were spread on the bed.
There were fake ID's, passports, souvenirs, camping supplies, and an assortment of papers. Lucy picked up a small notebook and opened it. "That's my journal," I explained.
"Well maybe we can find something about the past few months in here," Lucy offered.
"That's what I thought too, but all the pages containing the past three months have been ripped out. I don't know if I did it or if someone else did,"
"Someone else?" Erza questioned.
"Ever since I woke up, there have been these people following me. I have no idea who they are, but they keep coming after me. They've followed me all across the country by now and I barely know a thing about them," I sifted through the papers on the bed and came across the one I was looking for. "I found this one on one of the guys who was following me a week ago," I held it out for everyone to see.
The paper had a picture of me on it and all my information like my age, physical description, and my magic type. Stamped in big red letters were the words: WANTED ALIVE. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION.
I could hear Natsu clenching his fist so hard that his knuckles popped. "I swear," He growled. "We're gonna find these bastards and we're gonna make them pay,"
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