Chapter 18 - Alegria Curse
"Keep going Kali!" I shout. Kali roars in confirmation, her massive paws pounding on the stone floor as she ran through the halls of Tartaros.
"I diDn't rEaLize THis riDe WouLd be sO BuMPy!" Gale's voice echoed from the back of Kali's backside.
"YoU wAnTed to GEt thrOuGh TartAros As fAst aS pOSsiBle, THis is HOw wE're getTiNg TheRe," Storm pointed out. His voice was loud in my ear from behind me.
"ShUt youR moUtH FrosTY!!"
"Both of you quit arguing," Reiki ordered from his seat in between the two.
After our little rebellion against my parents, my team and I decided to set out on our own and take down some of the small baddies of Tartaros. Mainly just foot soldiers and such, but so far we hadn't run into any soldiers inside the cube. My guess was that they were all on the outside of the cube fighting the rest of Fairy Tail.
"Kali stop!" I shout. Kali slides to a quick stop, the force of it slamming all of our heads together. We all grumble in pain and rub our heads that were forming bumps already.
"Urgh, what the hell Nashi?!" Gale yells. "What's with the crappy driving?"
"Yeah Nashi what gives?" Storm groaned.
"Shouldn't Face have activated by now?" I pointed out. Nobody said a word as they realized what I had just uncovered. If Face had been successfully activated, we should all be sitting on top of a small tabby cat. Instead, we were riding the back of a massive sabre tooth tiger.
"Wendy and Carla did it!" Gale cheered. "They beat Face! We can still use our magic, we can fight!"
"We can take on the big guns!" As I was about to turn this team around I felt a swift fist to the back of my head.
"We can't go back there," Reiki corrected.
"Why not?" I growled, rubbing my head.
"Natsu and Lucy can handle the demon back there. He was only one of nine, we need to lend our forces somewhere else that needs our help,"
"Hrngh, I guess you're right," I groaned. Then I smiled as a genius plan crossed my mind. "We've got bigger fish to fry anyway,"
"Nashi, whatever you're thinking, it's a bad idea,"
Suddenly there was a sound of a bell, only I didn't really hear it with my ears. I heard it with my mind. "Hey guys can you hear me?"
"Is that Warren's telepathy?" Storm asked out loud.
"We found Mira, she's safe and sound. Elfman and Lisanna are with us too. What? Yeah sure just hang on a second,"
"I feel like we're only hearing one side of a conversation," I grumbled.
"Hey Warren can you make it so that we can hear everyone?!" Gale shouted.
"Gah, yeah that's what I'm doing," Warren responded.
"Guys Wendy and Carla pulled it off! I don't know how they did it, but they stopped the Face,"
"Is that Lucy?" Reiki asked.
"I think so,"
"Has anyone seen the future team?"
"We're okay!" I shouted in response. "All members of the future team are present and accounted for," I saluted and stuck out my tongue.
"You found Reiki?"
"Yes, I'm here. It's good to hear everyone," He smiled. There were several cheers over the telepathic connection.
"There's something else we need to tell you about," Lucy added.
"Can Master hear me? I have a message," Happy explained. "We talked to the soul of master Hades,"
"His soul?" Storm wondered.
"He said even though we stopped Face, it's not over. He gave us a message for Master, I don't know what it all means but he told us that Master has to unleash the light,"
All of a sudden, the telepathic link started to sound like static. "Is everything okay? What's going on?" I questioned.
"Please pardon the interruption, I wish to speak to the wizard guild Fairy Tail," The voice in our heads wasn't Warren. It was a man's voice that sounded silky and evil.
"Somebody's hijacking Warren's telepathy," Reiki growled.
"Who the hell are you?" Storm yelled.
"The underworld king, Mard Geer. Knowing who I am won't save you, for none of you shall live to see tomorrow... Alegria,"
The floor beneath our feet began to shake and the walls began to change their shape.
"What the hell?!" Storm exclaimed.
"We gotta get out of here!" I yelled over the sound of shaking. As Kali began to run through the halls in an effort to escape, strange red sticky things began to erupt from all around us. They looked like muscle tissues and they sprang from everywhere and stuck to whatever they hit first.
"Watch out! Don't let those things touch you," Reiki shouted. Kali roared in response. She ran carefully and quickly through the red traps. As we continued to race through the halls the red muscle-like tissues began more common and harder to avoid.
As we rounded a corner we saw a window up ahead that was big enough for us all to fit through. The only problem was that the floor was covered in the tissue. Kali ran faster, her legs pounding and heart pumping with adrenaline. "Kali what are you doing?! We can't touch that!"
As soon as the words left my mouth, Kali leaped through the air. We were soaring over the red death trap as we were mere feet from freedom. Suddenly there was a crack as the concrete in the wall next to us split open and the red tissue sprang out.
It was as if it was in slow motion. I watched helplessly as the tendon slammed into Storm's side. The tendon pulled tight dragging him backwards and knocking Gale and Reiki off Kali's back.
"Guys!" I called out, trying to catch Storm's hand before he hit the blood colored trap below. I was too late. My friends hit the floor with a thump and the red tissue immediately began to latch on and pull them deeper into it's inescapable grasp.
I heard Kali roar with concern and as I looked ahead, a big red tendon sprung out of it's hiding place on the right wall, immediately sticking to the wall on our left. There was nothing we could do as Kali tripped on the new vessel just before she could reach safety.
"No," I whispered. The large cat stumbled over the tissue, falling forward onto the ground that was covered in the crimson quick sand. I quickly struggled to get away from it with no such luck. A scrappy vessel latched itself onto my back like a leech and began to pull me in.
I struggled against the pull of the tissues that fought against me. "You can't take me that easily," I grumbled. I pressed harder, trying to break free when three more vessels attached and began to pull as well. I was on my hands and knees now, fighting against the pull of the curse that rose up my elbows ave thighs. "Come on," I was beginning to panic as I felt myself sinking in the scarlet tissues.
I could hear Kali snapping her jaw and struggling to keep her head above.
I whirled around to see Storm's face, barely above the red quicksand. "Storm," I called out, trying to reach for his hand. My movement only made me sink faster.
In less than a minute, the tissues had consumed my entire body. Leaving nothing but my head and shoulders above it all.
I watched in pure horror as my teammates sank further into the ever growing body of the cube. This isn't how I wanted to go. I still had so much left to do.
The tissues were crawling up my neck at an extremely fast rate. Before I knew it, my face was coloring red with the foreign organism. I gasped for whatever air I could get as my vision turned red and my nostrils were covered.
My mind went black as my body became part of the Alegria curse.
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