Chapter 13 - Defensive Measures
"You don't wanna say that!" Warren interrupted.
"We all know what you're feeling," Jet added.
"wish you'd made that threat a bit sooner," Droy moaned from his spot on the floor. Natsu had already destroyed 3 tables, several chairs, and Droy's face. Warren, Max, Nab, and Jet were all sitting on top of the dragon slayer, holding him back from going on another rampage.
"I'd like nothing better Natsu," Makarov said solemnly. "but we don't have nearly enough information yet,"
"They're called Tartaros," Erza continued. She crossed her armored arms across her chest, thinking deeply on the subject. "but aside from that, their objective, their location, all of it's a mystery,"
"Listen to Erza Natsu! How can you expect us to attack them right now if we don't even know where their base is?"
"Okay and where exactly are we going to find these other dark guilds?"
"You don't. So calm down and help us make a plan,"
"We do know one thing," Lucy pointed out. "They're targeting members of the magic council. Not just current members either, anyone who's ever been on the council is at risk,"
"Then all we gotta do is hang around some former council members and Tartaros will come to us," Gray pointed out.
"A good plan, but the addresses of all former council members are kept secret from the public,"
"Looks like another dead end,"
"Actually no," Loke spoke up. "I don't know where every former council member lives, but I can point you to a few,"
"Woah really?" Lucy piped in.
"How do you even find out that kind of thing?" Wendy curiously asked. Loke started whispering in Wendy's ears and all the sudden she turned bright red.
"Oh," Lucy realized.
- - - - - - - -
"Thanks to Loke's tramping about, we have the addresses of four former council members," Porlyusica explained. "We need to send a team to each location, our main objective is to protect the former council members from Tartaros, but our second goal is to find out everything these wizards know about the nature of Tartaros, the whereabouts of other former council members, and why they might have been targeted. Should you find the thing that poisoned Laxus, know that we need a sample of its blood. I won't be able to make an antidote without it. This is no time to be brash so avoid exposure at all costs."
Porlyusica stepped down off the stage and allowed Master Makarov to step on.
"Today we go to war!" He declared. "Our foe is a pillar of the Barum Alliance, as strong as Grimoire Heart and the Oracion Seis, but they should have learned from their Allies mistakes. For by the time our work is done, the bloody remnants of their guild will look back on this day and rue it. For this is the day they made an enemy of Fairy Tail. They've attacked our brethren. The pain they've caused is mine and yours, the blood they've spilled is our blood. Now it is time for the blood not shed to boil, for our pain to feed our burning rage. Let us fight not for justice, but for the thunder in our souls! I MAKE THIS OATH UPON THE HONOR OF OUR GUILD, FAIRY TAIL WILL DESTROY THIS FOE!!"
Makarov's speech was followed by a loud cheer that rang throughout the guild hall. Determination filled the building as we declared our victory yet to come. My team and I cheered in agreement and pride. We wouldn't miss out on this fight for the world.
After the cheers settled down, Fairy Tail divided some of it's strongest members into teams.
Team 1: Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Wendy, and Carla
Team 2: Gray and Juvia
Team 3: Gajeel, Pantherlily, Levy, Jet, and Droy
Team 4: Gale, Storm, Kali, and I
I had to admit, I was really excited that the guild thought that my team and I were capable enough to be on our own team alone. It also made me nervous though. Of course my team and I had handled jobs on our own, but we were up against Tartaros. Not only that, but we were missing one crucial member of our team, if something went wrong then we were doomed. There would be no backup to help us this time.
Looking over my team, I assessed our odds. It was obvious that they'd all grown a lot stronger in the past three months. They were determined, it was written all over their faces.
"You gonna be okay kiddo?"
I turned around to see Natsu standing beside me. I could see the worry in his eyes, but I could also tell that he knew I could do it.
"Yeah I'll be alright," I shrugged. "I've got my team back after all,"
"Yeah," He grinned. He rustled his hand through my hair one more time like he always does. Without saying a word, he pulled me into a hug. "You'd better come home in one piece," He whispered.
"I will I promise,"
"Ready to go?" Storm spoke up. Natsu let me go, giving me a confident grin. I looked at my team. Gale strapped on her leather fingerless gloves and made a fist. Kali adjusted the flight goggles on her head and Storm pulled on his coat. I grinned and pushed back my wild pink hair.
"Let's do this,"
- - - - - - - - -
When we finally arrived at the village, we were too late. The former council member we were sent to protect, master Yuri, was already dead.
"Damn it, we were too late," I growled. I wasn't just frustrated with Tartaros, I was frustrated with myself. Storm laid a hand on my shoulder.
"There was nothing we could have done," He tried to explain.
"I'll go ahead and get the communication lacrima set up. We need to tell Fairy Tail what happened," Gale determined. She pulled the lacrima out of the bag and muttered something about it being super old and bulky. While she set up the lacrima, Storm and I reexamined the body.
There was no sign of the cause of death, it was almost like he died of natural causes. However, it's timing couldn't be a coincidence.
"Hello? Master?" Kali questioned the orb.
"We can hear you," Makarov answered.
"Hey guys it's working!" Gale announced. Storm and I joined our friends around the lacrima, staring into it's screen.
"How is master Yuri?"
"We didn't make it in time," Storm answered.
"Same on our side," Gray added. He and Juvia were apparently in on the lacrima call as well.
"Us too," Gajeel added from his line.
"That just leaves master Mikolo. Who we sent Natsu's team to watch,"
"They haven't reported in yet?" I questioned. As if on cue, Lucy's image came visible on the screen. She was beaten pretty badly and her clothes were all torn up.
"It's working! Hey Gramps can you hear me?" She called out.
"Lucy? What happened?" Makarov asked.
"We would have contacted you sooner if we could have, but we ran into a little trouble on the mission,"
"Have you located Mikolo?"
"Yeah he's safe, although I can't say the same for Natsu though," In the back of Lucy's image, there was a worn out and beaten Natsu lying on the ground.
"I'm the champ," He moaned.
"He beat a member of Tartaros all by himself," Wendy praised.
"We need to know all we can from Mikolo," Makarov stated.
Lucy panned the lacrima screen over to where a terrified old man with cat ears and a bushy mustache was sitting next to a broken wall. He looked pretty spooked, almost like he was on the verge of insanity.
"They're going after Face," He whispered.
"What's Face?" I asked.
"Face is the strongest weapon the magic council has access to. It's an anti-magic pulse bomb that can erase any trace of magic on the continent."
"It can erase all magic? That would give magic deficiency syndrome to every wizard alive," Gale explained.
"It gets worse," Lucy added. "The demon Natsu fought told us that Tartaros uses curses instead of magic,"
"That would mean that any wizard who stands against them would be helpless against their curses," Gray pointed out.
Suddenly Lucy let out a gasp. "Nashi behind you!"
My team and I whirled around to see master Yuri on his feet, a finger gun pointed at the lacrima. Before we could even react, he shot the lacrima making it shatter into tiny pieces.
"What the heck?" Kali screeched. As suddenly as he had risen, master Yuri fell back onto the floor. We all stared in shock. Did he just die all over again?
We all stared at the body that had just risen and died all over again. "What just happened?"
"I did try to make him lifelike, but a corpse is a corpse,"
"Who the heck are you?" Kali questioned blatantly. Standing before us now was a tall curvy woman with dark hair and red eyes. She wore a short and revealing purple kimono and horns that protruded from her head.
"Seilah, not that it will matter to you much longer. You'll be dead in a few short minutes,"
"You're gonna kill us? Not likely," Storm tore off his coat and shirt, assuming his ice make stance. My friends followed suit, ready for a fight.
"Oh no I won't kill you," Seilah smiled, standing from her seat at the table and putting her book down. "She will,"
Suddenly my fist was glowing with sunlight. I watched as it swung and slammed into Kali, sending the cat flying into a wall.
"Nashi what are you doing?!" Gale shouted.
"It's not me! I can't control it!"
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