{4} a different way of meeting
soo this is a different way of meeting, so its "fluffy" meeting the guilds a new way
I see a inland in the distance and sigh with relief, I get up to the inland and hoop out of my small boat, I see a castle like thing, I think it was a guild, I make it to the castle and start to look around.
I see a door and hear voices coming from the door, I make sure my hat was on right and I fix the hair covering my eye, I knock on the door and someone opens it.
a male with black hair and green eyes, he has a yellow bandanna on, he wears a dark green shirt with a blue jacket on, he has gray pants with brown shoes on.
"oh sorry if I was in interrupting something, may I come in?" I ask.
"sure?" he says, he moves out of the way and I walk in, I see it was like a meeting place.
'so I was right about the guild part' I think.
"who are you?" a guy with blue hair asks.
"oh im ch- Fluffy, im Fluffy nice to meet you" I say with a smile on my face.
"oh? ok what brings you here" blue hair guy asks.
"oh you see im a traveler and I was wondering if I could stay here for the night, Its been awhile sense I had a place to rest" I say a little shy.
"how old are you?" the door guy asks.
"oh? oh! im 13" I say, everyone in the room looked shocked.
"w-what? did i do something wrong?" I ask a bit scared.
"oh no no! you did nothing wrong, your just so young to be a traveler" blue hair guy asks.
"what happened to your parents if I may ask" The white hair guy sitting next to blue hair guy asks.
"t-there uhh lets not talk about that!" I say with a smile on my face still.
"oooooooooooooooooooook" door guy says.
"oh! who are you guys!" I ask.
"im Richie one of the guildleaders here" blue hair guy says.
"and im Brandon the other guildleader" White hair guy says.
"im Mario" door guy says
"and im David!" a black hair guy says, I jumped a little not knowing he was here.
"will its very nice meeting you all!" I say very happy.
"its nice to meet you to and I think we have a room you can stay in while your here" Richie says.
"oh! thank you so much!" I say with stars in my eyes.
"David can you show her to a room?" Richie asks.
"no problem boss!" David says as he starts to walk away, I say thank you to the guildleaders then follow David.
we make it to a room in the guildhail and I say thank you to him to before I closed the door.
"finally alone" I say as I move the hair from my left eye.
"I think ill take a nap then look around I was at sea for a few days" I say as I jump on the bed and fall asleep.
I wake up and sigh, I take a dress out of my bag and put it on, I put gloves on and fixed my hair and moved some to cover my eye.
I walk out of my room and start to walk around the inland, soon I find a training area and I look around, I see no one around so I sigh.
"maybe they wont mind if I just train a little" I say as I walk to the middle of the area.
I look at the targets and smile, I make a few ice shards and throw them at the targets, I start to hum as I make and then throw the shards.
I start to go faster, I stopped then sat down in the middle and closed my eyes, I started to make ice float around me, I hear footsteps and I open one eye to see Richie starring at me from the entrances, I get scared and the ice goes away, I stand up and open my other eye, (even tho he cant see it).
"s-sorry I was just t-testing my powers!" I say.
"oh? its fine" he says walking over to me.
"r-really?" I ask a bit scared.
"yes its fine and you have seem good magic there" he says.
"t-thanks! you get good when you have to defend yourself" I say.
"defend yourself?" he asks.
"oh uhh welp looks like I have to go" I say as I try to walk away but Richie stands in front of me.
"what do you mean defend yourself?" he asks again.
"i-its nothing really!" I say getting scared.
"if it was nothing you wouldn't hide it" he says.
"its just.... I havent told anyone! not even my best friends and I dont even know you" I say.
"sighs its fine you can trust me but if you dont want to talk how about I help you train!" he says.
"r-really!" I say.
"yes really come on" he says and we walk back to the middle of the training.
after a few hours we both were tired so I headed back to the room they gave me, I smiled thinking about how nice they are.
uhh I guess tell me if you want a part 2 o-o this just came into my head and i was bored soooo, hope you like bye 0-0
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