{2} GrimShade
Des P.O.V
I was happly humming as I skip through the woods, I had blood all over my face my clothes and some get into my hair to, I was mad at that person so I made sure they "slept" wall.
As I was humming I almost missed the sound of footsteps coming closer to me, almost, I stoped skipping and looked up at the night sky trying to make it look like I don't know there here.
I heard one of them slowly walk closer to me, when they were almost right behind me I turned and then looked at him.
He had light purple hair, some almost covering his right eye, he had blue eyes with a nice black and white suit on.
"Hello there! Didn't know I would meet someone today or I would have had cookies hehehe!" I say, out of the corner of my eye I saw someone else trying to come up behind me, I turned to him and smiled, he had blue hair, his left eye was blue while the other was purple with black on that side of his face, he had almost no shirt on with black and dark purple pants.
"Ohh two people I would have had lots of cookies if I knew you were coming haha!" I say.
I slowly side stepped out of the way so I wasn't in the middle of them, I looked at both of them now standing next to each other
"Will we didn't want you to know we were coming " the blue guy said.
"Oh how rude of you! I am just trying to be friendly and you are being so rude!" I say and frown.
"Friendly? Friendly! After all the people you killed!" He yells.
I gasp and look at him dead In the eyes, "I killed no one! I just helped them go to sleep! They just bled to death after that, how dare you think that way!" I yell back.
"They were innocent and you killed them!" He yelled back.
At this point I'm getting mad he's being so rude! " will not all of them were innocent! Some may of been low life criminals, but that doesn't wander! I don't just 'kill' for no reason how dare you to think that way!" I yell back as I cross my arms and look away from him.
"Mitch stop let me deal with this" the purple one said,
"Mitch" growled but stepped back.
"Now you are nice he was being so rude!" I say to him.
"Oh so rude of me! I forget to tell you my name! I'm De nice to meet you not him though" I say with a smile on my face.
"Will hi De? May I ask why you kill?" He asked.
"Oh! That's easy! It makes the voices go away! The voices only go away if I help people sleep I don't know why though " I say.
"Oh great she's crazy" Mitch mumbled.
I gasp again, "he's being so rude! Now if I may what's your name!l I ask the purple haired one.
"Trigger finger" he says.
"Oh what kind of name is that but I do like it haha!" I say.
I fix my hat and put my hand out for him to shake, he does and my smile grows.
"Your so kind! Unlike your buddy, I think he just needs I little nap" I say as I pull a small knife out.
"Uhh no I think he's fine" trigger finger says as he pulls a gun out.
"Ohh pretty" I say as I drop my knife and run over to his gun and stare at it with stars in my eyes.
"I last my gun so long ago! I love guns makes it easier to help people sleep" I say as I try to grab it, he pulls it away.
"Let me Touch it!" I say as I try to grab it, while I was paying attention to the gun I didn't see Mitch slowly walk over to my knife and pick it up.
"No your not touching my gun" he says.
"Why not!" I say as I try and grab it again but he just keeps pushing me and pulling it away.
"Cause I'm not allowing you to touch it" he says.
I frown and look at him, "n-now your being mean to! I thought you were nice! But I guess not! You both should take a nap!" I say as I back away from both of them, I try to find my knife but couldn't I then saw it in Mitch's hand.
"Give me my knife back!!" I growl at him.
"No I think I'll keep it" he growls back, my eyes almost looked like they were glowing as a small flame grow bigger in my hand.
"I. Said. Give. Me. My. Knife. Back!" I yell as I throw a ball of fire at them, they both roll out of the way before it hit them.
"Fire magic huh this will be fun!" Mitch says as he pulls a sword out and runs at me, I side step out of the way of his sword just in time, I make a sword out of fire and start to sword fight with Mitch, I didn't see Trigger finger slowly walk behind me and aim his gun right at my back I just kept sword fighting mitch trying to make him drop my knife.
I heard as my fire sword slowly disappeared and I drop to the ground, my eyes were half closed as Trigger finger and Mitch looked down at me, they were saying things I didn't hear, my eyes slowly closed and my world went black.
Mitch's P.O.V
The girls eyes fully closed and her body relaxed she would look peaceful if she didn't have blood all over her.
"What are we gonna do with her?" Pat asked.
"We could kill her and get the money for the job" I say as I look at my sword.
"No were not gonna kill her, she seems strong just gets mad to easy" pat says, I growl and put my sword away.
"Will what are we gonna do then!" I yell.
"Calm down maybe she can come back with us" pat says.
"What!" I yell.
"She seems strong as long as we train her to not kill when the 'voices' say to she would be fine" pat says, I growl.
"Fine! But your carrying her back!" I yell as I start to walk away, pat picks the girl up bridle style and we both walked back.
Once we were back at the guild pat went off to find Lilly to help him clean the girl off and I went to Michael to tell him about the mission.
Des P.O.V
I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm in a clean room, I sat up and looked around more, the room didn't have a lot in it, just the bed that I was on night stands and a closet.
as soon as the voices start to talk again I get off the bed and start to look for something like a knife or a sword, ANYTHING! when I couldn't find any I went to a corner with nothing in it and curled into a ball rocking back and fourth, I started mumbling and pulling at my hair.
after what seemed like hours I heard a door open and close and then footsteps coming closer to me, I curled more into myself and stopped rocking back and fourth, I looked up and saw someone with black hair with a purple strip, he had red eyes that looked very tired, he wear a black shirt that was a bit to big for him, it had a white line going from his left shoulder to his right hip and then down to his left side of his waist, his solves and neck line had golden trims, he had black shorts on with golden sandals on.
"hello there, I am the guildleader here, pat and mitch said you were....... different" he says.
I title my said to the side a bit and then looked back down, "different is a weird word the voices are saying not to trust you guys, can I trust you" I say.
he knelt down in front of me and tried to look at my eyes, "You can trust us, the voices may not trust us but thats because we are trying to help you and get rid of them" he says.
"the voices dont go away" I say as I look up at him my red eye staring at his red eyes, "they always come back, they like me cause I do what they say and get away with it" I say and then looked back down.
"how do you get away with everything?" he asked.
"cause they tell me what to do, they also say I have strong magic" I say.
"hmm you know we can probably help you" he says.
I look up at him with wide eyes, "no ones every tried to help me, people just yell at me and scream, they are soo annoying, like that blue hair boy mitch? hes soo annoying" I say.
"he is, how about if we help you with the voices, and you dont kill anyone if there not a criminal ok?" he asks.
I look down trying to think it through, I look back up at him and slowly nod.
"whats your name again?" he asks.
"De" I say.
"will im Michael, welcome to the guild" he says.
sooo this is not how de normally is, this just came into my head so I made it, it has over 1550 words, its a lot.
just so you know, De is normally the kind one of the 3
the 3 are Wolfy Fluffy and De
Wolfy is the one who is aways mad and never happy.
and Fluffy is in the middle
anyways hope you have a nice day ^^
-Your mom Fluffy
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