{14} Birthday!!!
Fluffys P.O.V
I sigh as I sat in my Bed, I knew it was my Birthday today, I don't know how but I just know, I stood up and got dressed, I sighed as I put a snowflake hair pin in my hair, a smile on my face as I leave my room.
I hummed as I started to walk to the guild hall, I smiled and waved as I saw David walked towards me, his eyes widen before he coughed and smiled.
"Hey Fluffy!! Do you want to help me with the garden? I was just gonna go and water some of the flowers!" He says.
I smiled and nod, we started to walk to the garden, We talked as we walked, him asking me questions most of the time.
I smile as I see the garden, I grab a watering can and start to help David with the flowers, after awhile I yawned as my stomach growled, I sighed and looked towards David.
"David~ I'm hungry!!~" I say, whining as I pouted.
He sighed and smiled, ruffling my hair as I pouted.
"Come on squirt!! Let's go get some food!!" He says.
I smiled and nod, following him as we walked to the guild hall, as we walked I grabbed his hand, not wanting to be around people without holding onto something.
He smiled at me as we walked, soon we made it to the guild hall, I smile as I started to feel food, David smiled at me.
"ok squirt! close your eyes" he says, I tilt my head.
"why?" I ask.
"just do it!" he says, I sigh and nod, closing my eyes.
he grabbed both of my hands and started to lead me inside, he brought me to the middle of the guild hall before he stepped away, I titled my side, I heard him say I could open my eyes so I did.
as I slowly opened my eyes I saw everyone and by everyone I mean everyone friend I have made in every guild, soo all the people in the guilds, I gasp as they all yell Happy Birthday, I smile as I look at everyone.
Kit and Kay came up to me and gave me a tiara that had a 14 on it, it was a light pinkish color, I smile as I put it on.
(this is a real tiara I have)
I giggled as they started to drag me around, I said hi to everyone and ended up just in the middle of a lot of people talking and laughing.
at the end of the party I had lots of fun and lots of new things.
the end
sooo uhh ya, its kinda my Birthday today owo I made this for fun and this is 14 because im still workinh on 12 and 13- they should be out soon, there request so wait for that.
and should I make a ask and dare book? ive been bored and seen a lot of other people do it, it would be with my OCS 'Fluffy' De and Wolfy with all the people they've meet so far.
so it would be in FTO, just asking before I do it.
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