showing off our powers pt. 1
Just so you know, Bryan got another pet between last part at this part.
Bryan's POV
When I got to the kitchen, I took some meat put of the fridge for Firwork and let it warm up naturally. I also took some more meat and cookies out for the newest addition to my family. A falcon named Atlas and he really likes cookies.
(It looks identical to the bird from falcon age (down below, image not mine))
If you're wondering how I met Atlas, long story short, on our way back, Firework and I found him with a disloacated wing and an open wound on his back, I fixed his wing and put some bandages on him, before taking him home with us, but not before making sure it's okay with him.
"Okay Atlas, Firework and I are leaving now. I left some food out so try not to eat it all until we get back and remember to be careful with your wing." He nodded before flying over to an empty shelf, and nuzzled me once he landed. Firework and I went out the front door and he dashed off towards the Protectors guild once I was on his back and holding onto his collar. I also made a mental note to get some elbow length, leather gloves and infuse my magic with them since he accidentally scratched my arm yesterday.
Before we got to the guild hall, we ran into Relena, Kay, and Jakey. We all greeted each other and decided to walk together. Oliver jumped onto Firework and curled up on my lap. He looked towards my scratched arm before moving my sleeve to make the scratch visible and gently licking the scratch.
The others gasped and seemed worried. But for some reason Jakey looked like he was the most worried, which made me feel kind of fuzzy inside. Speaking of Jakey, he was the first one to say anything.
''What happened!?! Are you okay?!?!'' I kind of sighed as I was expecting someone to find out and ask, but was still hoping no one would find out.
''I'm fine, you guys don't need to worry. And what happened was that on our way back home, Firework and I found an injured falcon with a scratched wing that was also dislocated. So I put the wing back in its place and took the falcon home with his permission.'' I stopped and they nodded to tell me to continue.
''Once we got back I wrapped some bandages around his wing, since he could fly a bit, not very high and not for long but he still could fly, he flew around and I asked him to land on my arm. His talons were much sharper than I thought because he ended up accidentally scratching me. He flew into a corner and started at the wall guiltily and only came out once I gave him a cookie to show I forgave him.'' They smiled softly once they heard that I wasn't upset since I knew it was an accident .
We continued to the guild hall and saw both Bri and Lo Pho outside. Lo Pho is facing the sun while Bri waved at us. I got of of Firework and held onto Oliver since I put him down but he kept on jumping up.
''They have arrived haven't they?'' The way Lo Pho said it made it seem like he already knew we were here
''Yep.'' Kay approached Lo Pho as Bri said that.
''Ahhhhhhh safeeennnaaaaaa.'' (I have no idea how to spell it) were the words that came out of Kay's mouth which caused Lo Pho to look at her.
''What are you doing?'' You could hear the confusion in his voice but I could tell he would realize what she did.
''Oh it just seemed like one of those moments.''
''Wait...'' I could tell he now knew what she did. ''That is not funny!'' Kay and I giggled at his reaction.
''I mean it is pretty funny.'' Bri said and while Kay said something, I couldn't hear it over her laughter.
I noticed how annoyed Lo Pho looked and I felt bed for laughing since he was annoyed by what made me laugh.
''S-sorry for laughing Lo Pho.''
''It is fine Bryan, you can't help what you find funny.'' I smiled a bit as I now felt better. ''But it is time for the training.'' Kay, who was still laughing, still had something to say.
''I mean I could have lifted you up if you really want.'' Lo Pho didn't look happy.
''No I don't want... you could lift me... well.'' He shook his head while rapidly saying no.
''Oh uh.'' Kay had said since she was a bit confused by his actions.
''I mean he is light enough.'' Ehen Bri said that, Kay's face lit up.
''Yeah!! Look at the kitty-'' Lo Pho gave her a look ''I mean uh very ferocious beast man.'' Lo Pho took a few steps away from her.
''If you put those hands on me you better be ready to use them.'' It sounded like he meant being scratched but I wasn't to sure.
''What do you mean by that?'' I looked at Kay before answering for Lo Pho.
''I think he means head scratches.'' After I said that, he looked at Kay.
''Don't you dare. I might consider letting Bryan pet me, but if I do than only he can pet me.'' I blushed when he said that and did what i usually do, which is bury my head in Firework's fur.
I didn't hear much since I was flustered but I did basically hear that we need to train if we want to stay in the guild, Kay was making cat jokes, and that we have enemies.
''The world is full of dangers. Monsters, beasts...'' I couldn't hear what he said after that. But I heard what Bri said.
''People who are just mean.'' What Kay said after that surprised me.
''Did you say doggos??'' I realized that was what Lo Pho had said.
''I said most doggos. Firework is a doggo, no offense if you don't like me calling you that since you're a wolf, and he's not bad.''
''I'm happy you don't think of Firework as an enemy but what's wrong with dogs?'' I tilted my head a bit to the side and I saw Jakey's face go red which confused me.
''It's because he's a cat.'' Kay said while laughing.
''Not funny.'' Lo Pho said that with a straight face.
''I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh.'' After Kay said that, Lo Pho said something that I couldn't quite hear but that it was basically him saying that some sort of dog people are some of the most evil beasts in this known world.
Bri and I started speaking at the same time, with her saying something about not mentioning doggos when Lo Pho is near.
''I wouldn't exactly say that dogs are evil.'' When the words left my mouth, Lo Pho walked over to me.
''Oh Bryan, you poor, sweet, innocent child. Most Doggos are evil. Even if you don't like it, you have to accept it.'' Jakey said that he know that some dogs are evil but it's not likely that most of them are evil. Bri spoke up after that.
''Let's stop talking about dogs or else Lo Pho is going to start a 10 hour rant.''
I hope you enjoyed this. Rember to always try and have a good day/night. Bye wolf pups!!
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