Sky Ice and Water (David x Lucas x Brandon)
David x Lucas x Brandon
~~Author's perspective~~
Everyone was getting quite tired of Brandon and Davis is fighting. You see they fight every time when Lucas isn't around. And that is because they like him so they fight over him. Everyone decided to send the three on a quest together. One thing of two well happened, they both confessed and Lucas decides to date both of them or Lucas chooses one over the other.
Little did they know, the lady they took the Quest for. Is fully aware of their situation through the guilt, and fully agree to help.
~(at their mission)~
"Okay madam what is the mission you want us to do?"
Lucas asked the elderly Lauder. Kindness in this town. Davis and Brandon sit on either side of him.
"I am so glad y'all came!" The older lady said, as she got up and grab something that look to be in a bag.
"Here Dairy will you put this on for me! it will help you on your quest"
She said as she handed Lucas the bag.
"Okay sure!"
Lucas said kind of nervous.
"You can get changed over there."
She said pointing at the bathroom door.
"Okay I'll be right back."
Lucas said as he walked towards the bathroom door. He comes back a little 10 minutes later.
"Is this what you meant to give me?"
He asked, slightly nervous and blushing. As he standing in the maid's outfit( looks like the one in the image above) he's hair down with a side pigtail.
"Yes indeed Dairy."
The Elder said. Brandon, and Davis took over, and start to blush looking at Lucas.
"You look nice Lucas."
Brandon said, in his normal with a slight hint of nervous. As pinking on his cheeks.
"Yeah you were great I guess."
David said in his novel sassy tone, with rolling his eyes at the end.Making Lucas think he didn't mean it.
"Yeah whatever Davis, and thank you Brandon!"
Lucas said as he cheeks get a little more pink.
"So why do I where this?"
Lucas said turn it back to the elderly lady.
"Oh of course! You're the most attractive one, out of other two, and it will help you. Get past the interesting people here without being suspicious, or if you need to you be able to seduce your way through!"
The lady said, as she handed Lucas a piece of paper//letter (that said only open when you arrive.) explaining everything that had to do in more detail.
"After all it is for S-Class in higher Mages but, you're know two S-Class wages are here, and a SS-class Mage the gang leader. So I know y'all will be perfect for the quest! And what with Richie told me y'all be a perfect team!"
The elderly lady said. Which made Davis, and Brandon stuff a little knowing the factor there brother/guildmaster made them come on this. They have a weird feeling he's up to something. Lucas didn't seem fazed like he expected.
"Seems like when she's up to something!"
Lucas a once they left the elderly lady's house. Both Davis, and Brandon stop and look at him.
"You notice it didn't look like you were phased!"
Both Davis and Brandon said in sync.
"It's Richie. he's always up to something. I got used to it, and I thought you two would be to but, seems like I was wrong. Anyway let's get going to church of you two!!"
Lucas said, as he passed the two boys he patted them on their head, and continue going.
~(time skip, when they get to the destination)~
"So this is the building?"
Davis asked, looking at the building questionably as they look around inside.
"Yep this is a place you told us to go to!!"
Lucas said.
"What are we do here again? Lucas what's in the paper she gave us?" Brandon asked us to look towards the guest.
"Well she did say open the letter once we got here so okay!!"
Lucas go for the letter but the floor gives out underneath.
Lucas screamed as he fell. Brandon catches him, and Davis.
"Are you okay?"
Branson asked, looking over the two boys to make sure they were okay. Once they landed.
"Yeah I'm fine. Now let's see what's in that letter."
Lucas said, he grabbed the letter and read it out loud.
Hey Brother, David, and Lucas!
Sorry to put you on this situation. You see me and the rest of the guild, got tired of Brandon, and Davis fighting over you Lucas. They fight over you because, they both like you a lot. And because you toad Kit you like both of them. we figured either one or two things well happened to here. 1. this is one of them, 2. you all three did each other. Or the third option and you choose neither. The only way to leave this place is there one of these three things. There's an enchantment setup
You will be stuck in this hole. Good luck.
Love: mostly Richie and the rest of the Gilda.
Lucas finish reading the letter, and looked at both Davis, and Brandon. Thay both were frozen in shock. Lucas calmly walked over to the boys, and kisses both of them on the cheek.
sorry that this took a little while to come out. I took a two-day break to make sure I wouldn't come up for a writer's block I rather be safe than sorry, and take a break here, now and again. To be honest I didn't have a idea for this one shot. Until I thought about it for a whole day, and I forgot what I wanted to do.😅
So I hope you like this one shot My Little Wolf pups and bye-bye!!😊😊
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