Feel like sh¡t (Part 2 of Boyfriend)
~~ Song ~~
Feel like Sh¡t by, Tate McRae
~~ Ship ~~
Lucas x Michael
~~ Type ~~
~~ Author's Perspective ~~
It been about a day since the G&G party, and Blake is starting to realize what had really happened that night. And that she has lost in Lucas.
Blake was sitting on her bed crying.
"I normally never cry at all... I think I'm pretty tough!" Blake whispered to herself through her hiccups.
"How did I not notice what was happening... what I did... it started a couple weeks ago." Blake said to herself before she got out of her bed and looked out the window.
"Normally I would go out on a night like this... it's so pretty, maybe I should go out to night!.. though..." Blake said thin she thought about it a little more.
'No... because of the end of playing that song.. I'll just end thinking about Lucas, all night...' Blake thought looked at the street.
"What did I do!?" Blake hissed at herself angrily.
She did all she did to Lucas for a reason... didn't she?
.... Looking back she can't remember her reason...
And that made her hurt worse. She started to cry more. As she threw herself on her bed, as flashbacks hit her.
~~ Flashback ~~
'Today was the first time Lucas didn't try to talk to me... he normally wants to fix all of our problems as soon as possible!' Blake thought to herself before she shook her head.
~~ Later that Night ~~
'Why do I care...? I don't even like him anymore... do I..? And why does it feel like I might die..?' She thought to herself as she tried to go to sleep but couldn't. She rolled her eyes before turning to her back.
'I'll get used to it!'
~~ End of one of her several Flashbacks ~~
"Gods I feel like sh¡t..." She hiccuped through her tears.
She remember the night when they were officially over... Or when she realize it was officially over.
~~ Flashback ~~
Blake kissed the guy she was dancing with. Curious of how it would feel. But the only thing she could think about was Lucas. So she broke the kiss which lasted longer then it reasonably should have.
'I never realized Lucas was a good kisser tell now.... What! Why did I think that!?' Blake thought then something else had her.
'What have I done!? I love Lucas!!!' She thought. 'I can fix this! I still have time to fix this!' Blake thought she excused herself from her dance partner and went to find Lucas.
But when she found him he was already with Michael. She waa in dragon slayer hearing shot, and heard everything that was being said. It hurt her to now what she did to him. But none of that hurt as bad as to watching him kiss Michael back, or how long that kiss lasted for. It was clear the only reason why have they stopped was because of Flurry.
~~ End of Flashback ~~
"That night was the very first time he didn't try to talk to me..." Blake said to herself realize she had lost him before thin.
'It feels like I night die..' Blake thought to herself holding her heart. Curling into a ball trying her best to fall asleep.
"I just have to get used to it..." Blake told herself try to stop crying.
Blake looked up to her ceiling. She couldn't help but start thinking 'What if he was the one...'
"But the damage is done..." She said that part out loud to herself.
Blake couldn't help but look over to her open closet. Folded on one of the shelves was one of Lucas's old shirts. Actually it was the straight that she met him in. It's still about a soft smile to her face thinking about it. The smile faded when she thought of Lucas and Michael being an item.
Blake sighed before getting up, and put in the shirt and a small box in the bottom of the closet. Closing set box and closing the closet door.
"... I doubt that will help me forget..." she whispered before sitting on her bed looking at the floor.
Blake stood up and made her way towards her door. There was a guild meeting in less than an hour. She sighed before closing her door and going to the guild.
Before she entered the guild building and she whispered one thing to herself, that she knew she needed to hear. "Right now I feel like sh¡t..."
~~ Meanwhile ~~
Lucas and Michael are at Grimshade. Viper was playing music for everyone. The song Feel like Sh¡t by, Tate McRae was playing.
I hope you pups like it!
Have a good day or night my pups and bye-bye!!!
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