A Demon Lover 2 (Jupiter X Lucas/boat)
Edited and Changed on 4-12-24
~~requested by~~
Jupiter X Lucas/boat
Cute and somewhat sad ending
~~Author's perspective~~
It's been 5 years. Jupiter and Lucas have 3 kids.
These are the kids names what they look like and their magic.
(Images are what they look like in the future when they're 20 and 16)
20 years old oldest twin
Magic~ Water devil Slayer

20 years youngest twin
Magic~ Sky god slayer

~Lulu but call her moon~
16 year old
Magic~ Sky God Slayer and water devil Slayer

Where it has been five years, everyone was now worried about Lucas. Since he disappeared a short while after the attack on Devils tongue. They've been looking for him, but they couldn't find him. They decided to try and get Brandon back in control. Since it's been 5 years they think it is worth a shot, after all they are stronger now. They might stand a chance so they found Devils tongue, and went in with different plan than before.
Jupiter since them coming, he took every step, he could to slow them down. He quickly arranged a Guild meeting. called back everyone and got them ready for a fight. Mori's the Ghost Dragon Slayer had to get the children Brandeen, Electric and Lulu to some were safe but, at the moment they were with their parents. On the top of the tower where Jupiter along with Lucas.
"Jupiter what are we going to do!!!"
Lucas yelled worried as he followed behind Jupiter.
"Don't worry I got a plan, besides they won't be able to do anything."
Jupiter said reassuringly and trying to comfort Lucas.
"But they're going to find me!!! And know I stayed with my own free will!!! And what am I supposed to do then!! How am I supposed to protect the children!"
Lucas yelled while he walking back and forth.
"Don't worry I have a plan for that you're just going to put these on."
Jupiter said as he handed his mate a shock collar that is controlled by a remote, and a sail stones that seals away once magic.
"What about Brandon...wouldn't he know?"
Lucas said worried but more calm. As he put it on the shock collar, he could feel the stones working.
"No he can't even see what I do. That's only because I put a barrier up. So he couldn't unless I wanted him to."
Jupiter said as he pulled his mate into a hug.
"If you say so."
Lucas said calmly has he hugged back.
"Now we must get ready."
Jupiter says hesitantly as he broke the hug.
"Wait before you go."
Lucas said, as he pulls Jupiter down for a kiss. Jupiter gladly is back. Lucas deepen the kiss, as he felt a tear go down his face. He had a feeling that he hated. That this was going to be one, of the last time he would get to kiss Jupiter. Jupiter could sense that his mate was crying, and deep the kiss even more trying to cheer his mate up. Lucas was the one that broke the kiss hesitantly.
"We must get going."
Lucas said somewhat sad. Jupiter went ahead, and went down the stairs to greet the "guests" in his castle. Lucas turn to the kids who each were upset. But they knew this was for their own good.
~~~Time skip couple minutes~~~
~~Lucas's perspective~~
I have the kids behind me. I told Mori to bring the kids in a little bite after I go downstairs. Me and Mori were really close friends after some time. They were one of the few I trusted with the children. Because they know what to do and what not to do. I shook my head I had work to do.
I make it downstairs, and I spotted Jupiter. I made my way towards him acting.
"You said we had guests darling~"
I say more in a tentative tone thin I normally would. I make my way towards him and stand beside him, I wait on a responds. Before I can do anything else.
"Yes in did! take a look for yourself my love~~"
Jupiter said more emotionlist then any other time it wasn't normal, for him to be so emotionalist. I look over as my eyes go wide, and I see everyone I remember. I can sense their magic power to they're all really strong. I pull up one of my bast acts I like do when it comes to greeting people.
"Hello!! Welcome to Devils Tongue!"
I say swaying happily, but with a tint of the nervous in my voice. I put on a fake smile that was slightly obvious that it was fake. In my eyes I put on a fake scared and also help me expression.
"Oh Mori there you are."
I say in the more relieved tone as I spot Mori walking into the room.
"Where are they?"
I asked slightly worried lookibg Mori over.
"No need to get worried Mistress, they right here."
Mori said as two children ran out from behind them as the eldest carried one-year-old in his arms.
"Here Mama!!"
Branden said as a handed LuLu to me gently.
"Thank you very much my darling."
I say in the calm, loving tone as I kiss his forehead.
"Aaah Brandeen and Electric do you mind coming here please~"
Jupiter said the kids ran over too Jupiter. I could sense the nervous in everyone else in the room besides me and Devils tongue.
"Yes Father what do you need?"
Electric said calmly as she hugged her father.
"When I tell you to, I want to you and your older brother take Lulu with Mori and I want you to leave. Is that okay?"
Jupiter asked so quietly that only the children, me, and Mori could hear the when we stood so close to them. Brandeen and Electric looked at each other and nodded yes to their, father as they walked back over to me and Mori.
"Sorry about that~"
Jupiter said comely.
"Mori I need you to take the kids now and go."
Jupiter said as he stood up. I look down Lulu, and give her a kiss on her forehead. Before handing her to over to Mori. Then I been down on my knee, and kiss the other two on their foreheads. As Mori starts to walk-off with the other two trailer behind them.
"Now let's have some fun~~ shall we?"
Jupiter asked before luncheon attacked at Richie.
As both sides being the fight, I'm standing there not knowing what to do. I noticed both sides are evenly matched in power. Neither side will survive this, if I don't do something quickly. I walk to the middle of the fighting and I yell which gets everyone's attention.
"Neither side will survive this!! there has to be another way!..."
I looked towards Jupiter with the pleading look. I never joined Devils tongue because Divinus Magia is still my home, and Jupiter knows this. I hope he realize this. I move to stand in front of Jupiter.
"Jupiter please there has to be another way!!"
I begged Jupiter as a fall to my knees in front of him.
"That's one thing I always loved about you. You care no matter what it is Anyone, anything, or what they have done to you."
Jupiter said as he lifts my chin up and looks me in my eyes.
"And if someone else was to asking. I would kill them, but you... I can't do that."
Jupiter said as he pulled me up and into his embrace.
"That's is what I loved about you. You changed me you know."
He gets close to my face, to the point I can feel his breath on my lips.
"Be with my host he will treat you better, like you truly deserve. Goodbye my beautiful mate~"
Jupiter whispered so quietly in my ear to where I was the only one to hear it. He kissed me then on the lips, before stepped back. As he gave Brandon control again. This is when I realized what his plan was to do this all long. To give a Brandon control again. I was holding back the tears that I wanted to cry.
~~Jupiter's perspectiv~~
I approached Brandon where he sat behind the barrier I built.
"Treat Lucas well he is our mate after all."
I tell Brandon and he looks at me slightly confused.
"Your brother and your guild will be there. Lucas is the only reason why I'm giving you control. But if you hurt him or our kids or you kids I would not hesitate to take control. Now go don't worry everyone, more than you already have."
I say, comely and in a threatening tone. I take Brandon's hand as we shook on it, and I gave him control again.
I was left alone in the Darkness. I look towards the ground and think to myself. This is the only way to keep you safe, my love my mate and my kids, this is for you I love you guys so much. Who would have thought. Me out of all demons to go soft.
"Hahahe, kind of makes you chuckle doesn't it~~"
~~Author's perspective~~
After Brandon go back in control. Everyone in Devils tongue got arrested except for Nyx. They joined
Divinus Magia. Everyone explained everything to Brandon what happened. Lucas told Brandon almost everything, keeping some things in between Jupiter and him a secret. And changed it up a bit.
After while Brandon and Lucas started to date. Jupiter watched all of this happen, and was happy that his mate moved on. No one knew the truth between Lucas and Jupiter other than the kids and Mori knew the truth but they kept it a secret. I guess some things ended happily, maybe not in the way you expected it to.
The End
I hope you like the story My Little Wolf Pup~ And this is all for now bye-bye.😊
Sorry if it was a bad ending😅 let me know what you think of.
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