3 lovers (Yamitsu X Flurrry X Richie)
Yamitsu X Flurrry X Richie
Fluffy and a little angst and family moment
~~Author's perspective~~
Richie was just getting done with being scolded about drinking again. The only person who seems understand relapse is Devin. Lucas lets him get away with it from time to time bird no one catches him maybe he understands that too.
Richie was upset not because he got scolded by everyone in the guild. Besides Devin and Lucas they were on a quest together. His brother was also on the same quest with them. So this man Richie was alone with no one to turn to.
He decided to go on a walk in Atlanta. He found himself at the beach close to Le Carnival. He decided to take a seat and watch the waves. He's trying to figure out how he can get better. Not just for him and the guild. But for his family his ex or his Crush or Crushs and his son.
You see he's going to crush on his ex Flurry or Fleurette and that yamitsu boy.
Richie was watching the waves with a distant look of loneliness and sadness on his face. Little did he know two particularly people were watching him.
~~Richie's respective~~
I was watching the waves. I had no one to talk to no one to tell how I was feeling. Normally I would go to my brother but he was busy recently so I normally went to Devin, or went to Lucas. But all three are on a mission together. So this last me alone with my troubles thoughts.
"I'm a horrible person........ I-I don't deserve anything..... I'm a mistake...."
I say to myself not thinking no one was around.
I felt two different set of arms wrapped around me.
"No you weren't! And you deserve everything! You're only human we all make mistakes!"
I hear fleurette say I look over to see her, I look to my left to see yamitsu.
"Never call yourself that... your everything..."
I hear yamitsu say. I melt into the hug. As I felt my body started to cry and I don't really know why. But I couldn't stop myself.
~~Flurry's perspective~~
Hearing whut Richie said about himself and then watching him break down crying hurt me. I hugged him tighter and so does yamitsu. Me and yamitsu have been dating for a little bit now and we both found out we both like Richie as well.
Me and yamitsu we're on our way does the Oakley. He just woken up this morning. And from what I can tell Richie doesn't know yet.
"Guess what he's awake! Would you want to come see him with us!"
I say what's a smile he looks at me shocked to hear that he was awake and I knew he knew who I was talking about. He gives me a smile.
"Of course what are we waiting for!"
Je says happily all three of us take off towards their protectors Guild.
~~Author's perspective~~
When they arrive at the protective Guild. Le'Fo leads them to where he is.
As soon as Richie and flurry laid eyes on Oakley they rush over and hug him.
"Oh! my baby boy!"
Flurry said happily with tears down her face.
"We're so glad you're all right! my boy!"
Richie said I believe it's some tears coming down his face as well.
Yamitsu was standing in the doorway watching. Flurry already filled him in when Mania came by and told her Oakley was awake. He stood there watching the family is exchange.
"Mama, papa who is he?.... is he my other dad? As in all three of you are a thing?"
Oakley/Andless questioned. That thought made all of them turned red. And they are taking notice that each other were blushing at that.
"I-I mmmm wouldn't mind dating both of your parents cuz I'm already did in one~~"
Yamitsu says in a somewhat flirty way.
"I mean I'm down both of you are cute after all~~~"
Richie says in a flirty turn turning the other two redder than a tomato.
"That settles it yes yes he is!"
Fleury says as blushing mess.
Both of the baker mail said. Causing flurry to blush more. Yamitsu walks over and sits beside the bed Oakley was in.
All four of them talked and laughing. They all got along perfectly fine. Everything was happy and fine.
I hope you like it and that's all for now.
Bye-bye my little wolf pups!!!
Please do let me know if I spell yamitsu right!
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