Twin Dragon Slayer Talkshow
Rogue: So, why did you drag me here?
Frosch: Frosch too!
Lector & Sting: And why won't you tell us your name!?
Me: Just call me Author-Chan. Oh I have a surprise for you two Sting and Rogue. *drags moving brown sack*
????: Let me the heck out of here!! And who the fudge are you!! And why can't I fudging swear!!
????: Help me! Please!
Rogue: Gajeel?!
Sting: YUKINO!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?!!?!!?!!!!!! *about to attack me*
Me: Geez, overprotective boyfriend much? *takes Yukino and Gajeel out of the bags*
Sting: *runs to Yukino* You ok Yuki?
Yukino: Y-yeah
Me: Awwwwwwww~
Rogue: *walks to Gajeel* Gajeel... *touches*
Gajeel: What the!! You're creeping me out!!
Mira: Sorry I'm late! Do they know your name yet?
Me: No. Watching them suffer is to much fun!
Everyone but Yukino Mira and I: WHAT PSYCHO-LADY!!
Me: Call me Author-Chan for a while and you'll unlock privileges.
Sting: *still holding a scared Yukino tightly to his chest* What do you mean...?
Mira and I: STINGYU!!!!
Rogue: What privileges?
Me: I'll tell you my name, and allow you to go home...for a while at least...
Yukino: *Sting is still protectively holding and soothing her* O-okay A-author-Chan
Me: *walks over to Yukino*
Sting: *glares at me* What are you doing psy-I mean Author-Chan...?
Lector: Yeah...Author-Chan...
Me: *makes three lollipops with author power* Here you go. You may also go home now.
Mira: At least after you speak with me!
Me: Yes, Mira is correct. *gives Frosch a lollipop too* You can go with Sting, Lector, and Yukino if you want Frosch.
Frosch: Fro too?
Mira and Me: Yep! *Mira hands him the lollipop*
Frosch: Yay!
Rogue and Gajeel: WHAT!?!?
Me: because Frosch is nice. Just call me Author-Chan and I'll let ya go.
Rogue: Ok Author-Chan.
Gajeel: fine, idiot Author-Chan.
Me: ok Rogue you're free. Oh and here's your lollipop.
Rogue: Uh thanks...
Me: *hands him paper* Read this and I'll let you go.
Gajeel: Fine...if you want to ask questions to the cast of Fairy Tail leave em' in the comments, and same with dares, questions, or things to react to. They can be for anyone in the anime- wait what's an anime?
Me: Just finish.
Gajeel: They should have the name of the person you asking a question to, daring or people you want to participate in the reacting, also please leave those things on this page, thank you.- There, I'm done can I leave now?
Me: yes, yes you can. *pulls lever making him fall down a long steep slide to the outside and throws a lollipop*
Mira: *comes back* Sting, Yukino, and Rouge agreed to host the show!
Me: *thinks* glad I wasn't in there no telling how she hurt the boys and I wouldn't want to be in the cross fire... *out loud* Awesome! Time for ships to sail! *high fives Mira* Thanks for reading guys! The word count is 519.
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