Gray x Reader
"What's taking so long?!" Lucy yells to Levy.
"Shoes! i can't find em!" she shes running like a headless chicken.
"The cake! cake, cake! CAKE, THE MOTHER DUCKING CAKE! DO NOT DROP IT!!!!" Erza yells.
"The stage is set!" Lisanna yells.
"Make up people! where is Evergreen!?" Mirjane says looking for Evergreen.
"I got the flowers!" says Bisca
"RELAX EVERYONE!" i shout.
"You guys are more nervous than me! and it's my wedding" i say giggling.
"Sorry, (y/n) but we just want this looking perfect!" Laki says.
"Gray you need your tux this time not underwear!" Natsu yells.
"Where are the rings?!" Elfman shouts
"Best man where is he!?" Droy yells barley able to move after all the weight he's gained.
"Dude did you forget my bowtie?!" I hear Max yell.
"Guys! Relax! it's my wedding!" i say.
~back with the girls~
"Where is Cana! we need her to finish the buffet!" i hear Evergreen say while doing my make-up.
"It's about to start!" Wendy says
"Put on her veil!" Carla says
"Got it!" Lucy shouts.
All of a sudden i can hear the music playing.
"Lucy, is my maid of honor! Mira,Cana and Erza come on you guys are my brides maids!" i say
"Right!" they say in unison and head out the door to be at the stage.
"Natsu, your my best man! Gajeel, Loe, and Alzack places guys!" i say panicing.
I get in my place and the preacher, Gildarts, will be marrying us.
~Your Pov~
I wait until Natsu comes through the door.
"Hey!" he says smiling.
Natsu will walk me down the aisle, since i have no family, Natsu is like a brother to me.
"I'm happy for ya!" he says holding his hand out for me to grab it.
"Thank you, Natsu" i say blushing and grab his arm as we both enter the church and the music plays.
I see out close friends, from Sabertooth, Blue Pegusas, Crime Sorcieir, Mermaids heel, Lamia scales and Quatro Puppy in their seats. Of course Fairy Tail too!
~Grays Pov~
I watch as Natsu walks down, (y/n)
The most beautiful woman in my life...I can't believe today has arrived.
as they reach the stage, Gildarts says,
"Natsu, do you grant permission, for you sister (not his real sister .-.) to Marry Gray Fullbuster?"
"I do" he says and faces (y/n), they hug and both give each othe a peck on the cheek.
Natsu then stand nexts to me, since he is my best man.
"Please say your speech, Gray."
"(y.n), you are the most important person in my life. You bring me happiness, you are the light in my world. I could never imagine my life if i hadn't met you that special day. We started off enimes, you being a maker-mage i thought we could be friends. I found yout you were a Fire Maker wizard and you hated my guts." he said
i heard a few giggles. I simply smiled and let him continue.
"But i always loved you. And i tried my best to be the guy you could fall for...I'm glad i never gave up. I love you, (F/N) (L/N)
I heard 'awws' here and there.
"Now you, Miss (y/n)." said Gildarts
"Gray fullbuster...when i 1st heard the name i knew who you were. The reason i joined was because of you...i 'hated' you but actually...i admired you, but i never told anyone. So i made it seem that i hated you when actually, i loved you more than anyone could imagine. Our friend ship blossomed in to something i thought only coulld exsit in fairy tales...But this fairy tale came true." i said blushing while holding his hands.
I head claps and shouts of excitment. I laugh a little... I love you guys
"Gray please take the ring." Said Gildarts.
Natsu handed the ring to Gray and he holds my ring finger.
"Reapeat after me,"With this ring, i promise to never leave your side. With this ring i will love you uncontrolably. with this ring, we will find our happy ending together." And Gray repeats
"(y/n), please recieve your ring." said Gildarts.
i then turn around and Lucy hands me the ring. I grab Gray's ring ringer
"Repeat after me With this ring i promise to never leave your side.With this ring i will love you uncontrolably. With this ring i will love you forever." and i repeat.
we both now have our rings on our fingers.
" Is there are any objections speak now or forever hold your peace." Gildarts states to the audience.
the whole church stays quiet
"Gray, Do you take, (y/n) as your lawfully wedded wife, to love her through sickness and health and till death do you part" Gildarts asks.
"I Do"
Gray says blushing even more
"(y/n) Do you take, Gray, as your lawfully wedded husband, To love him through sickness, and health, and till death do you part."
This was it. This is my day, our day. Where we can be happy forever.
"I Do" i say
"You may now kiss the bride" Gildarts says smiling.
Roars explode through the church and everone cheers, happily.
We break the kiss and say the words...
The words that made this day more special.
"I love you" we say in Unison.
This is our
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