Erza x Reader (girls only)
"Erza...It's my first time.." i blush shyly looking down
"I'll help you. Just relax..." She whispers into my ear.
I grab her hand hoping for it to be amazing...
Mirajane sets up the camera and waits for me to make the first move. I reach down and grabbed it.
It was so beautiful...big...and red...
"Hurry up we want the cake!!!" Natsu screams.
I grab the strawberry and wipe the sweat from my forhead.
"You okay sweet heart?" Erza asks looking down at me.
"Yeah...Just 1...last...strawberry" i say and put the big red plush of yuminess on the center of the cake.
"I got it all on video!!" Mira says happily.
"I still can't believe you never made a cake! especially after you've known me for 5 years!" Erza says proudly looking at my master piece
"Time to eat!" Gray shouts.
"Aye Sir!" The blue cat bounces up and down waiting for his piece. I Gaze up at the 50lb cake. The worlds largest cake.
"I'm so proud!" Erza says tears forming in her eyes looking at me like i'm a god.
"Only cause i had you here with me." i say seductivly. I Grab her waist and pull her into my grasp.
"My little strawberry.." She says smiling , while our noses touched.
"Guys not now!" Lucy says laughing and rolled her eyes playfully.
"Get a room you two!" Cana yells jumping on Lucy.
"Cana! Your drunk! again!" We hear Lucy yell as she topples over.
Me and Erza laugh at our friends and nod in agreement.
We climb all the way to the top of the cake using my Spider-webbing maker magic. Me and Erza on top of a Strawberry cake...Life could not get any better
I hold her and she places her head on my shoulder.
We stare into the misty, beautiful sunset.
"It's beautiful.." i say
"Yes you are..." Erza says making me blush and turn around.
"Now where were we..." She says.
I giggle as our lips intertwined.
As we break the kiss we hold each other, body against one another.
"I love you, Erza Scarlet.."
"I love you too, (y/n) (l/n)..My brave little strawberry soilder."
we laugh as we lay on the white frosting.
Taking in the beautiful moment couldn't be broken.
But all things must come to an end...
Cliff hanger xD The ending is your's to choose. Maybe something bad happen? Maybe you 'ended' the day and went home still wanting to be with the one you love. Maybe the night had ended on the cake but actually it just got started when you and Erza arrive home together? It's your ending to choose! write it in the comments! By The Way The Video On The Right Will Make You Cry <3
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