Laxus | Getaway
(Y/n) looked at her reflection in the mirror for a long time before deciding to go downstairs.
She had a thousand and one reasons not to make the extreme gesture that would take her back to when she had recently found her way to Fairy Tail.
Her time with the guild had been brief, but intense.
She had joined just a year before the strongest wizards returned, with the purpose of being able to hide in a guild that was now only a shadow of its former self.
She knew he would never seek her out in such a seemingly sleazy place.
They had more refined tastes than that, the man always told her.
She shuddered.
She glanced at Laxus, who was asleep in bed, unaware of what she was about to do to him.
The girl's face streaked with tears as she went over their moments together.
Ever since the strongest mages had returned, something had struck her about Laxus' appearance, and slowly she had realised that she wasn't the only one who had noticed something. Even so, she had been shifty at first, the last thing she needed was to fall victim to a man's lust for possession again. Yet Laxus seemed determined to go the extra mile.
"You're new aren't you?" He got only an affirmative nod in response. "I always see you keep to yourself, even now that we're back... you haven't officially introduced yourself. Are you hiding something?" (Y/n) was so taken aback upon hearing the last question that she forgot her plan to stay in the shadows without exposing herself. "No! I'm not hiding anything!" She almost shouted. Laxus laughed at her reaction. "To prove it you will have to complete a mission with me before the great games of magic begin." Once again the girl didn't notice the wizard's ulterior motive, she just wished she didn't have any trouble.
On that occasion she had pleasantly surprised Laxus by showing herself to be much stronger than he had ever suspected. "You should join the games too, you're a good fighter." For a moment the girl had felt intoxicated by those words of praise. Even Laxus thought he had taken a step forward, before he saw her gaze darken. "I don't think that's the case." Noticing the boy's prolonged silence she tried to justify herself. "You know, I'm new..." Once again Laxus remained silent as the suspicion that the girl was hiding something grew stronger in him. He was desperate to find out what.
"We should do it again sometime." "Sure!" Replied (Y/n), but perhaps she had gotten carried away by her emotions. "Actually, maybe that's not the case. It's better if you practice for the games..." "I'll be able to do that with you, you know, I think you can be very helpful!" The girl found herself accepting the proposal, albeit with some hesitation.
The days went by one after the other and their bond grew stronger and stronger. Laxus had not forgotten his initial suspicions, but had decided to let himself be intoxicated by his growing feelings for the young sorceress. She also felt willing to let her guard down and try to live lightly. Nevertheless, Laxus had the impression that (Y/n) did not want to take their relationship to the next step, as if there was something blocking her.
(Y/n) had always taken part as an audience in the coveted magic games, always ready to cheer for Laxus. The boy couldn't help but be happy about the girl's dedication to him, but he was also determined to retrace his steps and find out what those mysterious eyes were hiding.
"(Y/n), your presence these days has been crucial to me." "I'm glad." She whispered, though she knew in part where Laxus was going with this, but she was also aware that her brief time of happiness was now over. She would be leaving the guild the very next day. She had prepared everything while the others were celebrating. That was why she had arrived late. She also knew of the bond that had formed between her and the mage and had therefore already thought about how to deflect the subject of her obvious hesitation to open up to him. Maybe Laxus would be bad, but at least she would have a good memory of her last night at the guild.
"Now will you explain to me what you're hiding?" Laxus saw her eyes glaze over with tears, but then the girl's lips were on his. The mage was taken aback, but he didn't back down. How long had he wanted this? "Laxus..." she whispered into his lips. "Tonight I want to be yours. Yours alone." The wizard's eyes shone into the night, then he was succumbed to the girl's body.
(Y/n) looked at the boy for a moment longer before deciding to leave, the memories of the night of love still fresh in her. But she had no choice. That morning she had received a letter from her husband. He had found her. And he would punish her for leaving. Terror gripped her. For two years she had been running away from the man who had led her into a vortex of lies and violence. She could not afford to fall into his hands. She tearfully recalled when he had tried to remove her tattoo from his guild after a failed mission. It was after that tragic event that she had decided to run away to the now fallen Fairy Tail. She had to expect that with the games of magic she would be taking a big risk. She knew she should have escaped sooner, but she had deluded herself that she could live out her sad illusion a little longer.
But now the clock had struck midnight for her, too.
I've finally decided to start publishing this story again, you'll have a new chapter every Wednesday!
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