She's back pt. 3
It's been about 4 months since Lucy started taking on missions on her own, there are occasional missions she takes with Levy, Jet and Droy but mostly solo missions. Overall, she has grown and has learned how to control her celestial magic in new ways. Lissana refused to take the spot in team Natsu and has been trying to talk to Lucy about Natsu but she refuses to talk about the topic. Lucy has reassured Lissana that it is ok that her and Natsu are together, even though they are not, and still speaks with Lissana like a sister.
It was a quiet night at the guild since most groups were on missions. It was valentines day the following week after all and they all wanted something special for their gals or people they want to be with. Even Lucy was gone but she was on missions a lot recently so it really wasn't a surprise. The only one whom remained at the bar though was Natsu. He didn't see any use in going to get stuff for anyone. The one person he truly wanted thinks that he is with his childhood friend but they are nothing more than that, childhood friends. Yeah they have been getting close but not in that way. They have mostly been getting close because of one similar thing, well person. Lucy.
The only noises heard were the squeaks of Mira rubbing a cup with a rag. Everything else was quiet. One could even say that nobody was there if it weren't for the very few dispersed across the tables with a beer in hand.
"Wendy!" Someone came bursting through the doors with a bundle in their arms. "I need Wendy!" After getting closer, Mira was able to recognize their face.
"What's wrong Loke? Why do you need Wendy and where's Lucy?" Natsu's ears perked up in the mentioning of Lucy.
"It's just that she collapsed after battling some monster thing. It was easy to her but she had been out of it for a while now. I don't know what's going on and I need Wendy to help her! I can't stay here much longer, since I'm here with my own magic, but please take care of her," he told Mira and handed the bundle that is Lucy to her before he disappeared.
Lucy was not moving and she looked very pale compared to her usual skin tone. Natsu was already taking Lucy from Mira and running towards the infirmary. There he found Porlyusica teaching Wendy something from a Herbology scroll. They both looked up when the door opened but stood up quickly when they say the pale blue color Lucy was.
"Lay her on the bed boy and get out," she told Natsu. He was about to protest but knew that he rather let her do her thing and not be a bother so Lucy can get better. Wendy was flipping through pages when Porlyusica lifted Lucy's shirt to reveal a dark red-purple splotch on her abdomen.
She clicked her tongue and cursed under her breath. "Wendy, get a flame started and go get my bag, I need to get started right away if we don't want to lose her. She doesn't have much time."
Natsu was pacing back and forth for several hours which felt eternal for him and still no news form Wendy or Porlyusica. If anything were to happen to her, he wouldn't forgive himself. After another few hours, Levy, Lissana, and Cana show up at the door asking questions that Natsu can't answer and it frustrates him not knowing what's going on with Lucy.
Another eternity later when the sun is rising, Porlyusica opens the door and motions them to enter even though she hates people. Lucy was laying down on the bed quietly breathing evenly. He natural skin color wasn't back but it also didn't have that blue hue it used to when Loke arrived with her. Everyone just starred at her as she slept peacefully.
"I honestly don't know how she is still alive, she entered into this phase of the poison a lot later than most do. Because of that, she is able to be here," the old woman began even though nobody asked. "She has been enduring this pain for months now. I can't really say how many, but probably four to five. Lucy Heartfilia is a remarkable girl." Porlyusica went over to the couch and covered an exhausted Wendy with a blanket and then left to talk with Mira.
Natsu fell to his knees and cried, "I could have avoided this, if only I had told her." Cana and Levy felt sorry for him but didn't dare approach him and instead just left quietly. Lissana got on her knees too and hugged him. "You know you couldn't have done anything Natsu so don't beat yourself up for this." Natsu accepted her gesture and cried just looking at Lucy lie there motionless. If it weren't for her very light breathing, she would look dead. Thank Mavis she wasn't though or else they would go through a loss that wouldn't come back later.
Natsu stayed there while Lissana went down to reassure who ever found out about her that she was ok, well, in the mean time. Natsu walked up to Lucy and pushed strands of hair out of the way. Her skin felt soft but cold under the tips of his fingers. He knew she was still cold because she was recovering but it pained him to feel her like this. He got into the bed as well and hugged her.
She instantly reacted when she scooted closer to him. There was even almost a small smile there. Natsu's eyes began to feel drowsy after all that crying. He leaned his head on hers and sailed on to dream land.
"Natsu," Lissana was shaking him slightly. The sun had already rose and the birds were singing their beautiful tunes to the morning sun. Lissana sighed after attempting to wake him up several times. She went back to the tray of food she brought for him and plucked a grape. She tossed it into her mouth and started cleaning the infirmary. It was pretty unorganized from the night before. After finishing she left with empty trays from the food she ate.
The two slept there but Natsu would wake up several times a day and still find her sleeping. This went on for five days.
"Why isn't she waking up?" Natsu paced back and forth as Levy was washing Lucy. "Natsu, just shut up. You've been like this for a long time. Go get some actual rest. Lucy wouldn't want to see you like this."
"I can't leave her here..."
"With her best friend? Yes, you can. At least go home and take a shower. Seriously, you are beginning to stink and I am not going to be washing you." Natsu frowned at her comments but agreed and left.
"See Lu-chan. He loves you." Levy turned to look at Lucy. Lucy was staring right back with tears in her eyes.
"I know, my brain just didn't want to believe it, but my heart knew and was just neglecting the idea," she whispered and tears of joy trickled down her smooth skin. "I love him too."
Hello my lovely warriors! Sorry this was late. I meant to post it earlier today but I had school and then work, but I got it to y'all!! Exciting right? Well stay tuned for part four and the finale of "She's back"! I'll most likely update on Thursday that I don't work or Friday. Alright my loves, enjoy your day!
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