Perfect Souls Pt. 2
-What happened during the summer?-
Evergreen and Elfman did what they promised. They lost the pounds they didn't like on their bodies with hardcore exercises directed by MiraJane and Veronica. They began to eat healthy and treat their skin right. Evergreen got laser eye surgery and tossed her glasses to the back of her bag. They drifted close to each other throughout the change they yearned for. There was only one thing that they needed and that was...
-The End of Summer-
Walking back from their last carnival night together, they hummed. People would occasionally walk up to them and ask about how they managed such a big change really quick. The two would always answer the same thing: "With determination and encouragement from the people we love." This answer always received smiles from everyone around. They reached the small playground, a symbolism for their finding of each other, and were about to go their own way to their homes, but before so Elfman spoke up.
"Hey Vereen?" Elfman was trying to cover his flustered face from Evergreen while they sat on the pair of swings. "Yes Elan?" She responded with the nickname she came up with for him in response to the name he called her. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
Evergreen turned to look at Elfman with a smile. "I'm sorry. Could you repeat that? It kind of sounded like you asked me to be your girlfriend."
"Well that's exactly what I said Ver. I really like you and please tell me that you like me back. I mean we changed together. We felt terrible about how we were, but look at us now. I obviously want to be with the woman that changed my life." Evergreen couldn't help but smile at the words exiting his mouth. Joy took control inside of her. She stood up and went over to Elfman and hugged him. She was still hugging him when he stood up, making it a little less awkward position. "Yes Elfman. Yes." She had a few tears trickling down her face and unlike the beginning of the summer, these were tears of happiness.
They stayed in that position for a while. Just embracing each other and not wanting to let go. Their beautiful and long lasting moment came to an end. They parted ways to their own home with ear to ear smiles.
-Elfman's POV-
I ended up walking around for a while, feeling kind of uneasy because I didn't tell her that I'm going to be living with my dad while I'm in school. Everything seemed perfect when we are together. Even the grass looks radiant and happy.
Finally I decided to go home to my sisters and mother. The house was small but warm and comfortable. I slipped my keys into the slot, but didn't get to actually open the door. My older sister, MiraJane, opened if with excitement. "Elfy!! Welcome home!! Mom made dinner and we were just waiting for you!!" She pulled me into the house and sat me down. Lissana sat across from me, my mom to my left, and MiraJane to my right. In the center of the table was a big pan of lasagna, my favorite dish may I add.
I guess that since is my last day here, they want to make me feel happy. I think that this was the best summer yet. I met the love of my life, I'm with my two sisters and mother, and now I feel confident about how I am. This change had been one of the best things that ever happened to me.
"So Elfman... You excited for school?" My mom asked me while she served me a big serving of the deliciousness in front of me. As soon as it landed on my plate, I shoved it in my mouth. I savored the perfection. The tomatoes, the pasta, the mushrooms, the meat, and everything else. Just prefect. I stopped with the food dreaming when I realized there was no more lasagna on my plate.
I looked to ask my mom for more, when I saw them all looking at me with smiles. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" Confused, I served myself, without breaking eye contact with my mom.
"Well, I'm so happy that you haven't changed who you are, despite this great change you accomplished along with your friend."
"Friend?" I was so confused, but then realized who they were talking about. "Ohh. Your talking about my girlfriend, now she is anyways." The three girls gasped and then started fan girling. Honestly I couldn't understand their mentality. They all had a couple of loose screws, but either way, these are the girls I love the most in the world.
The questions came dropping in like bombs. All of a sudden and pretty hard.
After the bombarding of irrelevant questions, I was finally released to slumber. Thank goodness. Yeah I love them and all, but one can only take so much.
I layed in bed and stared at my plain ceiling. My whole summer came rushing back all of a sudden. Being bullied at my own front, running away to the park with Lissana chasing after me, hiding in a tree, meeting Evergreen, becoming friends, changing myself, and the most cherishable memory; becoming the boyfriend of the most beautiful girl alive. Suddenly, I pulled out my phone and dialed up my beauty. After a few seconds, she picked up.
^Hey hubby.^ I heard her angelic voice chirping in my ear.
"Hello beautiful, what you up to?"
^Well I'm packing for my return to my dad's house, and you my Elan?^
"Returning, what do you mean by that? You never mentioned this!" I bolted up, not realizing that I started to raise my voice.
^Oh man!! Really!? I am so sorry. I-I-I thought I did. I am super sorry.^ I heard her honest voice telling the truth. I could never get mad at her for something like this. I mean, I as well was about to break some similar news as such to her.
"It's fine Vereen, but like I guess we have the same issue. Huh. I'm also moving with my father for school."
^It's ok. We will make our relationship work. Love, my prince, overcomes all.^
"Anyways. What school are you going to?" The curiosity has been beating at me to know of the lucky school my princess would be at.
^I will be attending-^
The line was cut off and I looked at my phone with anger visible on my face.
* No Signal *
What the hell!? How do I not get signal. I always have signal. Like five bars!! But why not today!! This is making me mad, and I'm not the one to get mad for just anything. I left the frustrating feeling out by screaming into my pillow and kicking my legs. This went on for a while until finally I stopped, and got comfortable to sleep. Tomorrow.. Most definitely, I will be seeing her to find out.
~Next Morning
~6:58 am~
The alarm I've been pressing snooze on went off once again. Why was this snooze button even created? Like who wants to wake up when they were supposed to, only to set it off and wake off when desired. That is utterly useless. I was looking at my ceiling, thinking about Evergreen when my phone rang out of no where. Well that is what phones do. I picked up thinking it was going to be my beautiful girlfriend. Instead it was my demanding father.
^Son, I'll be there to pick you up in ten minutes.^
"Wait what? Ten minutes is way to little to get ready." I shot up. Not really worrying about getting ready, but about talking to Ever.
^Well sorry Elfma, but I'm almost there and we need to head home so you can set up your room.^
"But dad..."
^No buts young man. I'll be there in eight minutes now. See you soon.^
I didn't even get to answer after that, because he hung up. Reluctantly, I stood up and got dressed. The chosen outfit was black skinnies, a red polo shirt and red converse. I put gel on my hair and while I stood it up, I heard a car honk. I left my room and sent outside with a book bag. My dad had a Nissan skyline at the moment. I opened the door a and plopped myself down in the seat. My sisters were outside waving goodbye along with my mother. We had said goodbye last night and this morning quickly.
My dad didn't even get off to greet my sisters, but of course they wouldn't return the gesture. It's all his dumb fault for doing what he did.
We drove off in complete silence. My dad didn't even say anything about the change I went through. He just stared at the road. We were at an intersection, and I was looking at the window. For a second I thought I saw Vereen, but then realized I did. She was driving a white convertible with a man that looked like her in the passenger's seat. I assumed that was her dad. I pulled down the window to say hey, but the lights turned green, and she drove off with a smile. I pulled the window up and felt my dad accelerate the car. We caught up to Vereen, but shortly my dad passed them. The speed was quiet exciting actually. I thought that we lost them so I was kind of sad and bummed out. That's when I heard a great acceleration. All I saw was a white beam and a radiant smile pass us.
I stook my head out the window and yelled ,"Follow that car!!", at my dad. I dramatically let my hair be blown by the wind.
It was all ruined when my dad pulled me in the car and looked at me in the eyes. He was like dead serious. "No son. I won't..."
I was quite bummed when my dad put a big smile on his face. "What am I kidding. Let's do this!!" He stepped on the peddle and raced towards Vereen. Suddenly my frown became an enormous grin. We kept on going when we finally caught up to her. She turned to look at us and smiled. She stepped on it and when further ahead. My dad and me did a quick, and quite dangerous may I add, seat switch. He let me take command. A raced faster towards my happiness.
We took the same exits and streets. She stopped when we reached my house. Wait. How did she know where I live? We all stepped out of our vehicles and Evergreen ran into my arms. She hugged me tightly and smiled when we broke the hug.
"What are you doing here Vereen? You should be going home with your dad."
"Um Elfy, this is where I live." She pointed to the three floored white house with a tall gate surrounding it. "Oh my Mavis!! My father just moved into the house next to yours!!"
"Wait does that mean that..."
"We are going to be going to the same school!!" I couldn't believe my ears. We hugged each other. Not realizing that our dads were hitting off pretty well.
"Hey younglings. Let's had inside." My dad suggested. Smiling, we held hands and entered her house. Everything looked really classy. I was being showed around by Vereen, while our fathers conversated.
We were at the end of the tour so we went downstairs.
"Hey kids... The McGarden's are having a neighborhood get together tonight. They are expecting at least one house hold member from each house to be there and trust me. It is best to attend. They have pretty good money and it's best to have them as friends. So, we want you kids to go in our place." Evergreen's father informed us.
"Um sure... Mr. Stone. Vereen?" She nodded happily in response.
"So it's settled then. We will come by later. So you two till then. Come on son." We left Evergreen and her father's house with smiles.
After we arrived to our new house, my father sent me to get ready in a suit and tie. It took me two hours to get dressed. I heard a doorbell ring when I was putting on my watch. I ran down and opened the door. My smile soon faded when I saw a blond and pink haired man standing there.
"Hello?" I was confused on who these people were. "Greetings, we are fellow neighbors and we see that you are new here. We wish to escort you to tonight's get together." The blond answered. They seemed very polite so I couldn't turn them down. "Um yes thank you. I just need to pick up my date."
They agreed and followed me to Vereen's house. They gasped when we took a turn on her driveway. I turned to look at them confused. They saw the confusion because they asked me how I knew her. It took me only a few minutes to explain to them our summer.
We walked up to the door and knocked. Evergreen opened the door and her eyes began to dance when she saw the blond that was with me. My love had on a beautiful royal blue cocktail dress and her hair was in a side fishtail braid. I expected a hug but she passed right by me and jumped on the girl. "Lucy I missed you! And Natsu, are you and Lucy thing now!?" I was happy to see her happy. "Yes!! You should have been here when he proposed... It was quite a long exciting summer."
They closed there conversion when she closed the door and we made our way to the one of the grand houses here in the neighborhood. I honestly thought it couldn't have been that grand, but I was taken back when I saw the McGarden's house. It could almost qualify as a mansion. Like seriously. It was huge! There were two large gates that were wide open.
We walked in and were greeted by a couple of maids and butlers. They were all very friendly. There was one maid that was taking our names and house number. After that, we were directed to the backyard. Apparently the teens and adults had separate parties.
In the backyard, was a pool and couches. Balloons of various colors decorated every possible place. The girl known as Lucy and boy known as Natsu made their way to a group of teens. Evergreen pulled me right in that direction. We arrived and I was introduced to all of them. Even the great Levy McGarden. She was not at all what I expected. She is short and very kind. I was expecting a snobby rich kid that wouldn't take no for an answer, but I was wrong. I was introduced to the whole gang. They were ironically all paired. There was: Juvia Loxar and Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet and Jellal Fernandez, Levy McGarden with Gageel Redfox, Natsu and Lucy, Wendy Marvel and Romeo Conbolt, and apparently there was more people from other schools here. Hopefully none from Blue Pegasus High. I will not be able to stand....
"Hey Evergreen... There someone that has been waiting all summer to see you again." I saw the only person I did NOT want to see. Jenny walked towards me all dressed up like she usually was when she turned me down all the time. My heart sank as I saw her walk up to me and Vereen. She flashed me a smile while she dragged my jewel away from me. I was left alone to be my lonesome self as always. That was until a group of girls made there selves to me and surrounded me. This was all so new to me. Either way, I played along.
°•Evergreen's POV •°
Jenny from Blue Pegasus High pulled me away from my man and dragged me pretty far from everyone else. She left me alone at a small fountain at the side of the house. I waited a few minutes and no one came so I began walking back to my love.
"Hey Ever.. Gonna leave without saying hi." I turned to see the one and only, Hibiki Lates. The once love of my heart. Not anymore, of course. He came very close to me and hugged me. I, like by instinct, hugged back. A small smile crept on to my face and I got a weird feeling in my stomach. Almost as if I was being watched.
We let go of each other and talked for a little while. After a short chat, he got to the point of why he called for me. "Ever, I want you back. It was stupid of me to let you go. The moment I realized my stupid mistake, I went to look for you, but your father said that you went to your mom's house for the summer. I decided to wait since I thought you should cool off. Now I see your change and realize that we are perfect for each other after all. So be mine once more?" For some reason, I felt conflicted. I didn't know what to say.
Actually, I did.
"Listen Hibiki, you can't just see a girl for the outside and see if she's perfect for you. That's why I really loved you. You saw me for me." I held his hands and smiled. He seemed rather satisfied with my answer, until I finished it. "But, honestly, I think that you are kind of shallow. You broke up with me because you cared about other opinions outside of our relationship. That's what makes you as shallow as the next guy. If you and to be in my life, it's going to have to be as a friend. Sorry... But bye."
I walked away feeling convinced. The party kept on going just like when I left. I looked around for Elfman, but I did not see him. I looked around for a long time and still couldn't find him. I asked around and I was pointed towards the exit.
I ran when I saw him leaving with his hands in his pockets. He looked kind of sad so I jumped on his back. My weight was nothing so he just kept walking. "Elfy? What's wrong?"
"Of nothing Evergreen. Why don't you go back to the rich kid. You seemed really happy in his arms."
What was he taking about? Wait a minute, was he there when I was with Hibiki? So it wasn't just a feeling.
I jumped off his back and ran in front of him. I placed my hands on his chest and tried to use an opposing force to stop him from moving. We were in the middle of the street when he finally stopped.
"Look Evergreen. I know that you are happy to be with your friends and I know that I barely met you this summer. I'm never going to be as special as your other friends. I get that, so as of now, I'm setting you free. Be with who you want to be Vereen. I love you, and that's why I need to let you go... Bye."
With every word, my heart was crushed more and more. I never thought that this would happen. I began thinking that we would last for a long time. I guess I was wrong.
He took my hands off of him and went towards his house.
No... I'm not wrong.
"Hey... You call yourself a man, but you don't let me talk." That caught his attention and made him stop.
"That's right... Next time respect a woman and let her talk before walking away." I flipped my brown hair and placed my hands on my hips. "In case you're wandering, I shut him down as fast as I could. You can't just see one thing and assume its everything. You are everything to me. If you don't want to be with me, you could have just said so." That was what made him then around. He looked at me with sad eyes. I forced a smile and turned around. I walked away. Back to my old friends... I didn't make it far, because I was encaged in my man's arms. He hugged me tight and whispered in my ear, "I set you free, but you came back. It's meant to be."
I turned to hug him and whispered back, "You idiot, I never let you go."
That was the moment I knew that, we were two perfect souls.
❤❤❤ ElfGreen ❤❤❤
Should I make a one-shot about Lucy's and Natsu's summer? Tell me what you think. Anyways... Have a lovely day my lovely warriors.
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