Love Dealing
Third person POV
The cold rain bathed the little boy that was being pursued. He ran as fast as his two little legs could take him, even if it wasn't fast. He made his way through the dark streets he once knew as home. Looking behind the young child, you could still see smoke emerging from the crack house he came out from. Why is this little boy being chased you may ask? Well, living in a house like he was, how would this not happen?
All the devastation from this one night is something that would scar anyone. That is if you were a normal being living under normal circumstances. The blond boy kept on running. His uncle's words echoing in his head. The words that kept him moving forward. That was until the typical rock in the way caused him to hit the cold pavement. His torn skin began to absorb the mud that surrounded him. He looked to the right and saw a small hole in the ground that only he would fit through. The hole looked more like a tunnel that not everyone would notice. Quickly and quietly he dragged himself to the small opening.
The footsteps came closer and closer to him and stopped right in front of the hiding place he was in. "Where the hell did that brat go? He came this way." A red head woman came into the most minimum view that the young child had. Right behind her was a man with short black hair that was sniffing around. "It seems like he came this way. Master will not be happy if we don't bring that filthy scum with us." He seemed urged to retrieve the runaway they lost track of. "Keep looking Kurohebi, instead of just standing there like an idiot." Pissed off the man responded, "Well Mrs. Second in command isn't doing so hot either so start doing your job as well Flare." She swiftly took a gun out and pointed it at Kuro.
"Okay dammit. I'll keep looking. You don't have to be so bitchy about it." They both walked away in two different directions. Relieved, the little boy let out a heavy breath and just rested for the time being. He was so relaxed and calm that he didn't notice the surrounding children that were there. Finally, he decided to look for a place to stay. Instead of exiting, he freaked out.
Boy's POV
I looked around and noticed all the children that were deeper in the tunnel. They all looked scared and timid to get close. I then saw a really pretty girl with white hair approach me. She put her finger other mouth as into hush me and then signaled me to follow her. All the kids were like under her command or something, because they would follow her and did whatever she signaled them to do. It took a while, until we finally got to a flight of stairs. All the kids went up and left me and the girl alone. "Halo, Ich heisse MiraJane und wie heisst du?" She took her hand out for me to shake. I did not understand what she said so I just cautiously shook her hand. It was small and soft. Despite it being a little dirty, it felt feminine. She smiled while we shook hands, but then became rather confused. "Umm. Wie heisst du?" she told me again.
"I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you are trying to tell me." After I spoke, she smiled. "Oh... So your an English folk. Anyways, hello. I am MiraJane, and how may you be called?" her voice sounded so sweet angelic that I couldn't help but respond with confidence. "I'm Laxus. Nice to meet you." I smiled.
"Well Laxus, we don't get children anymore since the CGR, but you are very welcome. I mean, unless you have somewhere that you are trying to get to."
"No, I'm not. I lost my home, and what's the CGR?"
"Child Gang Recruit." She answered with a disgusted attitude. I mean of course, I probably would to. "Well follow me up." She climbed up the stairs and opened a door at the top. I followed her up and noticed that everything was so well maintained. I went into what was a big room with other doors. All the kids were occupied with something productive. Some were cleaning, others building, and probably other things in the rooms. There were tables everywhere that made this room look like a workshop. Even if it was kind of dark, it was very comforting and calm. I had a feeling that I was going to like this place, and not to mention MiraJane.
• Five Years Later •
Ever since I got here on that faithful day, I have fallen more and more in love with MiraJane. She helped me fit in with the other children here. Time passed quickly here and the group has gotten thinner since I got here. The kids have always left. It's not because they die or anything. We haven't heard from them, but we suppose that they are doing fine. The kids here learn to fight and defend themselves.
Talking about fighting, its my hour to practice. I enjoy this time, because the instructor is the girl I'm in love with. I walked into the room I always go to. The seventh door to the left from the entrance tunnel. Inside was four other girls and two other guys. Mira wasn't one of those girls though. She was the teacher. She was tieing her hair when she noticed me. She had a small blush visible on her cheeks. I wonder if that's, because of me. After she tied up her gorgeous white hair, she greeted us all.
"Good afternoon guys, today we will be doing hand-to-hand combat. So, partner up!!" She ordered. Everyone wasn't exactly scared of her, but they respected her so they always do what she says. I was still starting at her when I noticed that everyone was already partnered up, except me. The kids here in the room were all smirking and acting childish.
"Well Laxus, I guess you're going against me." She smiled, but I knew that devilish smile. She is not planning on going easy on me. Even so, I don't mind. She is a tough person to beat, but I will one day do it.
The other pairs were already started with their fights, and we were about to start when there was a lot of commotion outside. MiraJane, being the leader she is, ran outside to see what was going on. I ran after her since I am second in command.
There were grown men with dogs and chains. They were chaining all the kids they could get and pulling them out of our hideout. The peaceful atmosphere was now a broken one. Kids were running around everywhere as the dogs chased them down and brought them to the men. The ten appointed heads were trying to calm everyone down, but didn't really manage to do much.
Mira ran to the center and jumped on a table. A dog launched itself at her, but didn't manage to harm her. She kneed it in the stomach and kicked it away from her with ease. The men seemed surprised.
"What are ugly men like you doing here?" My angel spat. They looked at her and smirked. No one realized why, until I saw one of the ten appointed fling an arrow at her from behind. She didn't notice and I wouldn't stop it in time. Looking around determined, I saw a single rock at my feet. . Mira taught everyone that we can use anything as a weapon.
The rock was quite small, but it was enough. I launched it at the arrow, breaking it in half. All the men soon turned and looked at me. They looked at me surprised. While we were having an intense staring contest, a big explosion startled everyone. A purple smoke began to make its way and take over the whole room. The invaders had masks on so they were just standing there. I didn't understand what the smoke was supposed to do, until kids started falling to the floor unconscious.
After a few seconds, everyone was basically down. Except for me and MiraJane. She was struggling to not show that she was also getting weak. My eyes began to droop, but I knew that I couldn't leave Mira alone.
The last thing I saw was MiraJane falling and a redhead catching her.
The floor I'm on is cold and there is an awful stench. My eyes are still too heavy to open. I hear moaning and crying all around me. I want to get up, but I just can't. Before long, I once again fell into deep slumber.
The grassy plains spread as far as you could see. The sky was tainted a violet color. There were minimum clouds and there was a fresh breeze. I spun and saw no one. I walked for a while when I came to a hill. I saw a young girl with white hair and a light purple dress. I got closer and realized it was MiraJane.
The closer I got, the more it made me more and more anxious to finally reach her. She began turning around when I saw years in her eyes. I got a hold of her shoulders when the sky began turning red and the grass began dying. I started to panic as the ground began to open under her. She escaped from my grasp, while yelling, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"
I bolted up and noticed that my surroundings were exactly what I thought they were. I was in a dirty and smelly cell. The cobblestone floor and walls made it really cold. In my cell were three other boys. I didn't recognize them. All I know is that they had blond hair.
How could this have happened? We were all very careful when we went outside or came in...
Wait a minute!! That bastard!! The fourth appointed was going to shoot an arrow at Mira. So he was the traitor. Speak of the devil... "Hey Laxus. Never thought that I would be the one to betray you guys right?" He had a disgusting grin on his face that I really wanted to wipe of his face with my fists.
"Say whatever you want... Wait, where's MiraJane!?" His smile got even bigger when I asked. "What did you do to her you bi-"
"Watch your language now, or I'll have you auctioned to neighborhood seventeen." What the hell. I'm not an item to be given away. Hold on.. That smile from earlier. "Where's Mira?!"
"She's gone. She was the first one auctioned to neighborhood one. She wasn't that cooperative so we couldn't have her for long, so we decided to get rid of her. We got some good money for that beauty. Personally, I wanted her to be my maid, but with all her fighting power, she could only be tamed by someone from neighborhood one. She was taken earlier while you were asleep." Our eyes didn't leave each other's glares. The door on the left opened and revealed a blond with her hair tied up. She looked quite childish in figure, but mature attitude flared in her eyes.
"Raptor wants the blondes for neighborhood seven now, Midnight!" The voice of that girl boomed throughout the whole cell department. The traitor was scared and quickly started putting us all together to leave. He detached our chains from the walls and then all together. We were lined up like slaves. I could barely walk from not moving my legs for who knows how long. I was at the very end of the chain with the blond girl watching us. I turned to look at her and she responded with a genuine smile. For some reason it was nice and warm. Almost like Mira's. I felt a prickly feeling in my chest. Just thinking about somewhere out there makes me feel uneasy.
We were hustled into a small room where we were bathed and dressed in formal attire. I was directed to a small waiting area I suppose. I sat on a cold metal chair. It was screwed to the floor of course so we wouldn't be able to revolt. Unfortunately it was my turn, a tall man with orange hair and glasses threw me into a small room. It was a well lit space with mirror walls. I could only see myself, but I heard people from all around me. Wait.... One way glass. In reality there are people looking at me right now. Buzzers kept on going off until a small bell rung and the blond woman came in and took me put of the room. She smiled gently at me when we left.
She kneeled down and looked me in the eyes. "Hi I'm Mavis... And for now on, I am going to be your si-" she stopped talking and looked to the right. Soon enough I heard footsteps running towards us and gun shots. Mavis picked me and threw me over her shoulder. She was running really quick. But I think the other guys were too. I heard gunshots and Mavis' cry in agony. We fell to the floor, but oddly, I didn't feel it. Everything seemed to spin and get cloudy...
I half opened my eyes and saw Mavis reaching for me. She dragged herself towards me and outstretched her hand. I took it.
I closed my eyes for a few seconds and then opened them again. The men began to pull me apart from my new sister. Noooo!! I have to do something, but all I can do is yell inside my head. Everything going on outside just seems so dead. They separated us and that was that.
I don't know but, I guess I'm beginning to get a habit of making my one-shots two-shots. Anyways, yes there will be a part II. Please enjoy my lovely warriors. Until next time my Lovely Warriors,
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