Under attack part 2
{Wendy point of view:}
"First master, what are you doing here!?" I exclaimed in shock.
"Well I guess you could call me a ghost right? I can still talk to you, because you still have the fairy tail guild mark, I'm sorry I haven't been in contact with you, I'll explain everything later, but for now we need to get to the castle to come up with a plan." Mavis exclaimed.
"Oh um...yeah let's get going!" I replied confused. I don't even know what's going on at all anymore! My head hurts. But I'll do as Mavis says and head to the castle. We're nearly there anyway. Romeo you better be okay, I can't keep Asuka safe on my own.
{Romeo's point of view:}
"Who are you?"
"I'll ask again who are you?!"
".....Who I am is someone you seek for deep in your heart, yet you do not know the connection." The mysterious girl replied blandly.
"AGHH!!Enough with the riddles, I can't handle it, your making no sense!" I shouted at her annoyed and confused.
"You need to learn your true purpose, if I told you who I am, you would not believe me...but enough talking, you need to prove your true strength." I'll show her my true strength, she'll regret picking a fight with a member of Fairy Tail and Dragon Shield! I won't let her hurt Wendy or Asuka.
"Purple Flame!" A purple,lighted flame lit both of my hands on fire. I pressed my hands together to make the flame enlarged. I unleashed a streak of purple powerful flames. The girl placed her hand in the air, as if she was ready to block the flame. It was getting really close to plummeting in her face!
"Stop..." The flames stood still, 1 inch away from her body. The stopped moving completely, like they were dead and silent. She giggles almost sweetly.
"Is this all you've got, I expected more, I'm disappointed. Now time for me to make my move, RETURN!" A magic circle formed underneath her, my purple flame which I had realised emitted a pink glow, then it came plummeted toward me with incredible and added speed and strength. I tried to forward roll at the way, but the flame was to big and enveloped me, pushing me against the wall, letting it break into tiny pieces, then dispersing into dust. The bones in my body jolted, as I stood up in agony.
"What kind of magic is that?" I asked, grunting in pain.
"Control magic. If you can control your magic I can control it to and increase its speed and power to its maximum ability. No matter how weak,or strong somebody's magic is I can make it stronger!" She replied solemnly. This girl was tough and hard to beat, my normal magic won't have an effect on her, I'll have to use my strongest attack. I took a deep breath and felt the magic energy around me. I placed my two fists together, like Natsu does and unleashed my powerful attack!
"Rainbow Fire!" Blasts of colour flames exploded from my hands. They all shot towards the hooded girl like arrows firing at their targets.
"Stop." Once again the fire froze. Unmoving. Lifeless. Just who was this girl, this isn't even her true power, I can tell she's going easy on me.
"Return." The fire strikes back at me at the speed of sound. It burned through my skin, I screamed as I fell to the ground. The pain echoed throughout my body.
"I thought you'd put up a better fight then this, then again anyone who fights me, always ends up in the same circumstances. Pathetic, that the fight ended that quickly, just like how quickly we'll take over this kingdom."
{Wendy's point of view:}
"Wendy, finally! What took you so long!" My friend Lux from Dragon shield exclaimed, jumping up and hugging me tightly.
"Calm down Lux!" I laughed, softly pushing her off me.
"Sorry I was just worried! Oh my Etharnano Asuka your not hurt are you?!" Lux asked worringly, now facing Asuka.
"Wendy, are you alright?" Fortem question, he also hugged me like Lux did.
"I'm fine, honestly how's the queen?"
"She's safe for now, but I suspect Reverentia and Poison Vile are on the way here, we have to come up with a plan quick." He said quietly and worried. I gave him a reassuring smile, before making my way to Master Mavis seriously. I had to protect the queen.
"Now the others can't see you, so tell me what plan you had in mind." I ordered quietly, but not forcefully, that would be to disrespectful.
"We know Reverentia is after the queen, I'm going to use my magic to make several illusions of Queen Hisui. All of your members will act like they're running away from the town with Queen Hisui. One of you will have the real Queen and lead her out of here, the rest of you will stay and fight Poison Vile. The real Queen Hisui will evacuate to the forest where the guards have a carriage waiting for her, they will travel far away and take her to a secluded part of the forest. Did you get that?" Mavis questioned seriously.
"Yes, I understand. I'll tell everyone the plan."
{Time skip, cause I can}
After telling everyone the plan and who Mavis was, we all got prepared to fight for Fiore. Truth is I was very nervous but I have to pretend I'm alright for everyone else's sake.
"It's alright to be scared Master Wendy, your doing a great job of keeping this guild intact. You could even be a master of fairy tail one day." Master Mavis told me sweetly.
"I doubt it but thank you anyway Master Wendy, you don't have to refer me as Master, your not even in the Dragon Shield guild."
"But your worthy of the title." Mavis replied smiling sweetly at me. I gave her a small smile back, until I felt a small tug at my arm.
{Asuka's point of view:}
"What's wrong Asuka?" Wendy asked.
"You gave me the job to protect the real queen right?"
"Yeah of course I did."
"You only have me that job, because you were scared that I'd have to fight and stay here, you won't me to escape as well, so you gave me the least important job. That isn't fair Wendy I can fight to, you've said so yourself, I'm not a little kid anymore." I shouted. That last part was a lie, I was still very young, but I couldn't let her know I felt like that. I have to prove to her I'm strong an brave just like her.
"Asuka, I gave you the most important job you have to protect the Queen, in fact I was even hesitant to give you this job, because your not with me and I can't protect you in this case. I f you get attacked, your on your own. But I trust you Asuka. So please be careful." Wendy pulled me into a tight,motherly hug, ruffling my hair and squeezing me tight. I wrapped my around around also squeezing her tightly.
"I'll be safe Wendy, I promise."
My exams are over, so more updates coming up. I failed on my maths exam😭😭😭😭😭😭 anyway give this chapter a rating out of 10. Question of the day what anime do you reccomend I watch that isn't fairy tail(duh), attack on Titan, Naruto,RWBY or Ajin😊
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