To protect those you love
I swear these chapter names keep getting more cheesy each time. Sorry I haven't updated much I'm just kinda dealing with stuff but I'm gonna try and update as quick as I can for you guys, and I'm also trying to write long,good quality chapters you can enjoy do once again sorry for the wait😊
{Wendy's point of view:}
"Sky Dragon Wing attack!" I bellowed attacking Reverentia once more, but she blocked my attack once again.
"Sky Dragon Roar!" I shouted, attacking Reverentia once again but she countered my attack with her own. My attacks, they were so much weaker.
"Nightmare Blast!" Reverentia exclaimed, as her attack charged towards me. I was sent flying back, and crashed hardly onto my back, the impact causing me to cry out in pain. But despite this I still forced myself to stand. After all I had to, it was for my guild. It was for everyone's sake!
"You'd so naive Wendy. Don't you see what's missing?" Reverentia uttered. I looked at her confused, but slightly scared as this evil,dark look gleamed in her eyes. What was she planning.
"Your necklace is gone, and although it drainer your magic it stopped the nightmares, that was the idea so you'd keep the necklace on at all times but now that the necklace is off. What's protecting you from my nightmare spell." Reverentia exclaimed, her eyes widened and she burst into a fit of giggles.
The nightmare spell? No! Not again! I can't go through that again. It's to scary! Reverentia smiles maliciously, as her magic power surrounded her.
"Nightmare imprisonment." Reverentia exclaimed as a dark magic surrounded Wendy, pulling her into her worst nightmare.
No not again! I don't wanna be here! Everyone is going to leave me again! I don't want everyone to leave me again!
"Wendy.." I heard a gentle voice say behind me. I didn't need to turn around to know it was Grandine. Even though I knew it was all a nightmare, I just felt this need to see her again, to see her once more. I turned around to look deep into my mothers eyes. Grandine..she looked so angry..so disgusted.
"Why did I have to raise a kid like you?!" Grandine shouted.
It's just a dream, it's just a dream.
"Yeah, and when you left I had to deal with her, it was horrible the kid was always whiny and annoying."
"Mystogan..?" I asked, turning round to see him behind me, his face dark and full of hatred. Not not this again, and next the master is gonna show up and then fairy tail are going to leave me. My body started to shake in fear. Why do I have to relive this? It's not fair why did this have to happen to me?! I don't want to be reminded that everyone left me. I can't take this anymore, make it stop! I collapsed onto my knees, I felt like crying what was I going to do? In fact how am I even meant to escape this nightmare. There's no one to save me, Romeo can't like last time, and fairy tail are fighting each other does that mean I'm stuck here? Does that mean I can't save them.
"Of course you couldn't save them, just look at you! You might be older now. But your still that pathetic kid that you were ages ago. Your still so weak and don't do anyone any good. There is a reason my guild were illusions! You don't deserve real friends!" The Master of Cait Shelter shouted, staring me down disapprovingly. It's just a nightmare, none of this is real! But what if it is? No! I can't afford to think like that! I have to get away, I kept running, further and further away from Grandine,Mystogan and Master.
"You were upset about us leaving you, but look at what your doing now!" Grandine bellowed, her words were like knifes to my heart. And each step I took, the further I ran, a guilty conscious washed over me. I ran further and further until I bumped into someone.
"Natsu.." I questioned as I looked up and saw Natsu standing there he looked the same as usual except that his goofy grin was replaced, with a horrible menacing smile. Behind him were Lucy, Gray and Erza. All of them sharing the same look as Natsu.
"Just look at how pathetic you are!" Lucy exclaimed pushing me to the floor.
"I can't believe I invited you to fairy tail, that was a mistake on my behalf but your just a mistake all together." Erza said, glaring down at Wendy.
"No one ever fell for your nice act Wendy, we all just found you a nuisance to fairy tail!" Gray exclaimed.
"But don't worry Wendy, we won't leave you,because your gonna be trapped in this nightmare forever!" Natsu exclaimed. I felt sweat dripping down my forehead. It's not real, it's not real! I pushed them all out the way, and kept on running as far as I can when I heard Reverentias voice echoing around the dark space.
"You have always feared people leaving you, I know this because my magic knows what everyone is afraid off. Even their most deepest, darkest fear that the person doesn't even realise they're scared off. But I can show you Wendy. I can make you realise what your true fear is." Reverentia whispered her voice ringing in my ears.
"My true fear..no I don't want to know! Please this is painful as it is! Please don't do this!" I begged, desperate to not find out what this fear is, I was afraid at just the thought of my deepest darkest fear.
"What's this?! Sweetie are you actually begging me, well since you asked so nicely...YOUR REQUEST IS DENIED!" Reverentia screamed and I disappeared from the dark empty space and appeared in the room I was just fighting Reverentia in. Was I back in the real world? No it can't be the the room is in complete ruins. Everything is burning, it's set on fire. Those flames...they looked like Natsu's. As I turned around my eyes widened in shock, and my entire body went cold and numb, all of my guild mates were lying dead in front of me.
Emotionless..unmoving. No! No! No! If this is my worst fear, I don't want to be a part of it! I don't wanna see this! Anything but this! I asked in shock as I felt a strong hand grasp my leg. As I turned to my side, I saw Natsu, blood dripping down his head, he was barely breathing and his face had gone completely pale.
"You could've...ugh..saved us." Natsu uttered coughing as he grasped for breath.
"It's all your fault Wendy. You couldn't defeat her!" Natsu exclaimed, muttering his final word before he took his final breath.
"NATSU!" I exclaimed, putting my hands to my mouth as I just saw one of my greatest friends die before my own eyes. Anywhere I looked all I could see were the dead bodies of my comrades. It was so horrible, I had never seen anything like this before. My family all dead. Before my very eyes. I could hear silent crying and as I turned around, I saw the crying was coming from Romeo and Asuka. They we're still alive! But my eyes widened as I saw Romeo holding his bleeding father in his arms. And Asuka kneeling down beside Bisca and Alzack who had died holding each other in their arms.
"It's not fair..Wendy you promised me! You promised me you'd save them! But you didn't! There dead because you couldn't save them!" Asuka cried, tears cascading down her face.
"I hadn't had a chance to see my father, or my uncle, or Natsu or anyone else in the guild for 5 years! And neither did Asuka! But you told us that you would save them! But you didn't, now everyone is dead. Reverentia killed everyone! And you just let her, you did nothing to even try and stop her!" Romeo bellowed tears running down his face, as he held his father closer. My breathing became more rapid and my started to shake more in fear. Did I really to this was this all real! What have I done?! I don't want this! Make it stop!
{Romeo's point of view:}
"No it can't be. You managed to release that inner magic inside you, but there was a seal blocking that magic! How did you break it!" Juliet asked bewildered as she now stared, frightened at me. My entire body was covered in fire. Red marking were spread across my arms and face. My power..I've never felt this strong before? Was this what it felt like to push your magic to its full potential? I can see why Natsu likes to fight so much now. What magic was this, that I was using? I still had my rainbow fire magic but this felt different from that.
"RAINBOW FIRE!" I shouted, blasted my attack towards Juliet. My attack was so much stronger, the flames were bigger and more dangerous, as this powerful red flame surrounded my attack. Juliet stood no chance of blocking or dodging as she was soon thrown back harshly into the wall.
"No..this power it can't be..he was right, you actually are one of them." Juliet whispered as I stood above her, my fire charging viciously around my body. I had a much more serious and darker look in my eye then before. I will defeat her, for my guild, fairy tail that was my true family! I punched her with my fire covered fist sending her skidding across the floor with immense force.
"RAGING FLARE!" Juliet screamed desperately sending an attack towards me. Her attack seemed so strong before,but now it felt so weak. I quickly blocked her attack with my own, and once again struck her with my magic sending her crashing into the floor once again.
This power that I possessed just what was it? Not that I was complaining about having it. This power was quite useful. Juliet bit her lip in pain as she tried to get on to her feet.
"I can't lose..not now not never! Midnight burn!" Juliet managed to utter out sending another attack towards me, the attack hit me, but I felt no pain.
"I'm sorry but I'm fighting for my family, I can't afford to lose either." I said, firing up another attack.
"No..I have to carry on fighting, I have to follow her orders." Juliet murmured, shakily getting up into her feet,before I sent her harshly back on to the floor with another powerful blast of fire.
"So this...is the power of a fire demon slayer?"
Juliet whispered defeated, looking up towards me with intense fear. She couldn't move, she was so beaten up, sweat was dripping down her forehead. What did she demon slayer? Was I really..a fire demon slayer.
"Seems like Mylo was right, you are a demon slayer, which is why your the key to defeating the magic that possesses Reverentia. Because Reverentia, her magic was taught by a demon. It's one of the demons from the book of END." Juliet exclaimed. My she's widened at this. Her magic was taught by a demon?! From the book of END? And I was a demon slayer.
"Wait where did I get this power from?And why are you telling me all this?" I asked Juilet.
"I was fighting for my own life, to survive, because by surviving that might be my only chance of happiness. But you defeated me, I'm as good as dead now, so I may as well tell you everything I've been hiding from you. You got your demon slaying magic from Reverentia. She was once a demon slayer as well. She was so powerful that she became obsessed with power. The demon that taught her the magic she had now, was the nightmare demon. It used her obsession with power to its advantage and made her one of it's pawns, it gifted her with it's magic but it came with a price. Reverentia was possessed." Juilet confessed sadly.
"Wait..how did I get my power from Reverentia?" I asked bewildered and confused as to everything Juliet just told me.
"She isn't actually Reverentia, she's possessed remember. The truth is her real identity is Enno Conbolt. Well at least that used to be her last name."
Enno Conbolt...that's the name of my mother...she..Reverentia is Enno..my mother.
{Meanwhile with Wendy:}
My consciousness slowly started to come back. As I slowly started to open my eyes. I suddenly shot up remembering the nightmare, everyone's dead body's. I noticed someone in front of me. I quickly backed away, but as soon as I looked up my eyes widened, standing there right in front of me was Natsu. And all the other dragon slayers were standing near him. As I looked behind Natsu I saw that everyone was now teaming up to fight Reverentia, but she seemed to have the upper hand despite the numbers. Wait! Weren't they under Somniums control! And weren't Natsu,Gajeel,Laxus,Sting,Rouge and Cobra in a different place? As I looked to my side I saw a beaten up Somnium next to me. I looked back up to see Natsu smiling his goofy smile, despite the serious situation. Everyone was okay. They were alive and they weren't under control and they've come to join the fight. I couldn't hold it in anymore, my guild mates,my family, they were all here! They were all alive. I suddenly burst out into tears. But I was crying of happiness and relief that they were all okay.
"Your alive. Y-your safe. And your actually here. I..I'm so sorry, I didn't get here sooner!" I exclaimed bewildered, but crying even more. Natsu placed his hand on my head, ruffling my hair.
"You did well Wendy. We're all here and safe now. Thanks to you." Natsu exclaimed, smiling goofily.
"Yeah, you did well kid." Gajeel uttered smiling a little himself.
"You can't exactly call her a kid anymore." Sting pointed out.
"Yeah your right, your grown up now." Natsu exclaimed. As I looked at all six of them I realised that they looked different as well. They were now all proper adults. Their hair had grown longer, given the chance they couldn't cut it. And as I stared at my other guild mates, I realised how older they looked as well. That's when it hit me. They were fighting Reverentia,I needed to help them. Cobra could hear this and stopped me from waking over to join the fight.
"We can't deal with Reverentia here, we have to face something else entirely." Cobra said. As I stared at all six dragon slayers and saw how serious they all looked, I immediately knew something big was up.
"When Reverentia captured us, she kept absorbing are power." Laxus said solemnly.
"She was planning, to create something." Rouge carried on.
"Create what?" I asked, but my question was answered, as there was big crash, and I hear a loud roar...
A dragons roar..
Sorry again for the late update. Like I said I'm kinda dealing with personal stuff and now that I'm going back to school tomorrow updates might be later so I'm really sorry you guys don't deserve to wait, but I hope this chapter made up for it. Thx for reading you fabulous amazing pineapples. Don't forget to vote, comment and rate this chapter😊
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