The main journey
{Wendy's point of view:}
"Well Chelia, we're finally setting out to find fairy tail. I promise I'll save Lamia Scale as well. I'm going to save all the guilds. I just could be here to save them with me. But I know that deep down you're right beside me aren't you. I'm sorry I c-couldn't save you Chelia, I'm a failure as a wi-wizard.....and as a friend to. I can only hope that you'll forgive me. But I'll try my best to not let anyone else I care about die." I whispered silently, towards the grave of Chelia Blendy, that stood in front of me. I placed a set of pink roses by the grave, and watched as the petals fluttered in the cold and gloomy air.
"It's been a while since I last saw you, 5 years, a lot has changed, myself Romeo and Asuka are all grown up, I wonder what you'd have looked like. I've changed a lot, I mean my chest finally got bigger, never thought that would've happened. My hairs grown even longer two. I never saw you with your hair down, I'm sure you'd look really pretty.
"Wendy, I thought I'd find you down here, come on we have to get going." Romeo said quietly.
"Yeah I know....bye Chelia."
"Are you positive Reverentia is under the best of security?"
"To be honest Romeo at some point she'll escape, but if we can hold her back even if it's for just a short time, then we'll do just that." Me and Romeo walked out of the grave yard to see Asuka and Mylo waiting patiently, although they both looked fairly bored. No words were exchanged,as it suddenly hit us that we were about to set off to save our friends. Truth is this is the hardest thing any of us could've faced. We could die out there....
"Asuka,Mylo I know that the both of you are very young, you shouldn't have to fight in this war, so if you want to back out, I won't judge you, in fact I'd be more happy if you backed out."
"Wendy, I get that your worried, but we're both wizards of fairy tail, it means we stick together." Asuka exclaimed kindly, laughing sweetly. Her eyes showed no fear, she looked so brave, when I look at her, I wish I was like that at her age, but I'm not strong.
"I have to fight as well, after all I'm partly the reason why fairy tail was kidnapped, it's the only way I can make it up to you." Mylo said solemnly.
"They'll be fine Wendy, they're stronger then they look." Romeo told me happily. I nodded my head towards all three of them.
"Anyway, I've got our transport out of Fiore." Romeo said.
"Transport?" I said slowly turning towards a carriage.
"You know what, you guys go on ahead without me, I'll walk my way out of Fiore, I'll see you in a few days, okay bye, see you soon." I shouted running away from the carriage. I do not want to deal with motion sickness right now. I suddenly felt a tug at my arm, pulling me towards the carriage.
"Get over it Wendy, it's quicker if we use the carriage." Romeo said dragging me into the carriage.
"No no no no no, let me go! Please Romeo I'll do anything, don't drag me in there, it's to scary." Of course he ignored my protests, and the next thing I knew, I was vomiting outside the carriage window. I want to go back in the past when I didn't have motion sickness, if only I could cast troia on myself. Sometimes I wish one of my other friends could be the healer instead. But I'm glad that I can at least heal my friends when they're in trouble, it's the least that I can do considering I'm not much of a fighter. And I especially can't fight off motion sickness. I wish there was some way for this to stop.I could try and fall asleep, but my motion sickness presents that from happening.
"Gu-guys, I d-don't suppose, you can put*blurgh* me to sleep by any chance?" I asked shakily.
"Oh! Actually I learnt a magic spell, it comes in handy for when you have motion sickness."
"Great..can you just cast it already....sorry that sounded rude."
"Wow Wendy, even when your sick your still modest, sleep flame." A grey magic flame covered me from head to toe, and I soon felt myself falling into a deep slumber.
Where am I? Wait a dark,shadowy place. Don't tell me I'm having another nightmare! N-No no not again. I know I gave Romeo's necklace back to him, but ever since fairy tail was kidnapped, I've never had the nightmares again, so why is this happening now? I looked up to see a bright light in front of me. No I'm not going to that bright light. I'll just end up seeing Grandine, Mystogan and fairy tail. I kept on running further away from the bright light, my head facing towards the floor. No! No!No! I'm not going to face that!
"Ooof!" I bumped into something, rubbing my head, I looked up and saw Grandine. No not again!
"Your such a pathetic girl, running away from your problems. To think that I raised a wimp like you!" Grandine spat at me harshly. My eyes shook with sadness and fear. I don't want to deal with this! Not now! Not again, this can't happen to me. I pushed Grandine and kept on running. Please just let me wake up. I ran harshly into someone yet again.
"Why do you have to look at me with such fear in your eyes Wendy,I thought we were friends, I thought you looked up to me like your big brother."
"Wait what? I don't understand what's going on anymore." I pushed Mystogan out of the way and kept running, until I finally came across the fairy tail guild. No! This was the worst part of these nightmares. But the only way to end the nightmare, is if I walk through this guild hall. I opened the huge doors, and a glistening, white light covered everything around me. Once it dispersed, I didn't see the fairy tail guild, but instead I saw a cell block. And inside each prison cell, lay all the guild mates. Some were crying. Some were hurt. And others looked emotionless. I saw Lucy, chained up to a wall, crying as she looked down towards the floor. I noticed a broken key beside her. It was her Taurus key. Seeing her cry her sweet little heart out, made tears form at the bridge off my eyes. Not to mention Erza was in the same cell as her, looking weak and helpless. I always looked up to Erza, she was like my big sister, and now I see her, looking like she's on the edge of giving up. Why does she look like that. I don't understand. I walked further up along the cell block past all my guild mates.
"I just want to be back at the fairy tail guild, I want to work hard there, and make people smile again, I don't want to be stuck here." Kinana whimpered, crying frantically.
"Five years we haven't been able to raise Asuka. But at least we have each other right Al?"
"Your right Bisca. Let's try not to talk about it, Macao could hear us, and he hasn't got a loved one to share his pain about missing five years with Romeo."
"Why can't I do anything. Why can't I get anyone out of here!" Gray shouted angrily.
"Please Gray my love, calm down, this wasn't your fault."
"Gray...Juvia..." I whispered in pain. I kept on walking forward, staring at all my guild mates. Why? Why did it have to come to this?
"I miss Wendy so much, she's the only person who's been there for me, from the beginning!" Carla exclaimed bursting into tears.
"But Carla, I'm right here!" It was no use, she couldn't hear me. I came across the final cell, where Gajeel and Natsu were.
"It's weird isn't it Salamander?"
"What is?"
"The fact that we haven't been fighting for 5 years now."
"There's no reason to anymore, we've been stuck here for so long."
"Yeah we'll probably be stuck here forever, it's not like anyone is going to save us."
"Don't say that! Wendy will! I know she will!"
"Tch. Are you sure you want her to. That Reverentia chick is more powerful then we know. Are you sure you want Wendy to fight her?"
"Your right, I think all of us would rather be stuck here, then see Wendy get hurt." Natsu replied. Why are they both saying that! I want to save them. Why aren't they trying to fight.
"Why are you both giving up. Your not like the Natsu and Gajeel I knew! Who did this to you!" I shouted towards them, slamming on their cell, of course it was no use, they couldn't hear me.
"Who do you think did this to them sweetie?" Reverentia laughed, walking towards me.
"What's going on?"
"I'm just controlling your nightmares and contacting you through them of course, what did you expect I'd be nice and never make sure you have a nightmare again."
"But your trapped in a magic proof cell, with magic proof chains, you shouldn't be able to use your magic!"
"Oh sweetie, my magic is far to powerful for that cell.Anyway I've noticed you've been missing your friends lately so I thought I'd show you what they're going through lately."
"Tell me, did you do this to them!?"
"Well of course I did, and it was so much fun as well seeing them suffer and cry. I like making the other guilds suffer as well but I enjoyed making fairy tail suffer the most. But the part that I enjoyed the most, was being able to break down the great Natsu Dragneel, to the point where he's given up completely!"
"You monster! I'm sorry, but your going to pay!"
"I'm sure I will, but for now, as fun as it has been talking to you, I need to go, deal with other things, bye bye sweetie, oh but before you wake up you can hear the screams and cries of your companions one last time."
They kept on crying. All of them were crying in pain and suffering.
{Romeo's point of view:}
"Wendy! Wake up Wendy!" I shouted shaking her screaming form, until she woke up. Her body and voice were shaking. And her eyes were brimmed with tears.
"Wendy are you okay? What happened?" Asuka asked.
"I-It's nothing Asuka, d-don't worry about it."
"It was the nightmares wasn't it?" I asked Wendy.
"Yeah it was..."
"Reverentia contacted you didn't she?" Mylo asked Wendy." Wait contacted her? How could Reverentia contact Wendy? Is it because she was having a nightmare.
"How did you know?" Wendy asked.
"Whilst you were having your nightmare, I felt Reverentia's magic energy." So Reverentia had something to do with Wendy's nightmares. We'll just have to repel against her magic. I took off my necklace which was wrapped securely across my neck and placed it around Wendy's.
"That should stop the nightmares for now!"
"Thank you....oh no."
"What is it?" I asked worriedly.
"Put that sleep flame on me, I can feel the motion sickness coming back."
"Oh right, sleep flame." I watched her in relief as she soon fell into a peaceful sleep. At least she wasn't screaming now, I didn't like to see her like that and my ear drums were killing me.
"Umm Romeo can I ask you something?"
"What is it?"
"Everyone else in fairy tail had nightmares, but I never did. Why do you think that is?"
"Well we know we got nightmares because of Reverentia, well I'm pretty confident that's the case anyway, maybe she doesn't like scaring little kids?"
"Reverentia isn't like that. I can answer that question for you. Reverentia was the one that made sure you all had those nightmares, she wanted to discover your weaknesses and make you suffer. But while I was working for her she told me that she could never make you have nightmares Asuka. She said she couldn't find what you were scared of. She said that because you were so young you had no fear." Mylo answered.
"I've never really been scared of anything to be honest."
"Well I wouldn't worry about it Asuka, in fact I'm grateful you didn't go through with that and you should be to, so I wouldn't worry about it."
"Yeah your right, thanks Romeo."
{Reverentia point of view:}
I blasted the prison cell to mini pebbles. And I strutted outside my heels clicking the grass. I breathed in the smell of fresh air. No one could keep me in a cell, the pathetic fools. It seems like they're off to save fairy tail. Well this will be fun, it seems like the war has just begun, and I plan to win it. I'm gong to make everyone of those fairy brats and all the the other guilds suffer, before I gain complete power over everyone. The dragon shield guild behind me let out a loud screeching sound, as all the lights turned a bright, vibrant red.
"Looks like they're realised, I've escaped. Hehehe better make a run for it." There is one thing I'm looking forward to then anything else. You see I have two plans. Plan A, which is to capture all the guilds, and the kingdom, and all the rulers and become the most powerful in Fiore. And plan B...oh I'm looking forward to plan B.
Thank you for reading this chapter. Hope you enjoyed don't forget to comment,vote and rate😊
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