Sorry if this chapter isn't that good I'm a little upset, but that doesn't matter I'll try my best to please you guys.
{Asuka's point of view:}
"Here, take this and this." I told the Queen handing her a lacrima and a defensive and sharp long,sword.
"If we ever get separated contact me with the lacrima and protect yourself with this sword." She nodded her head at me, reluctantly taking the sword.
"I figured, Arcadious would've come with me, he always wants to protect me." Princess Hisui exclaimed sadly.
"It would've been to obvious you were the real Hisui, if Arcadious came with you. I don't think they'd think the real Hisui would be with a kid." I replied softly. It's a shame it's quite clear he loves her and she loves him.
"It's quite disgusting." Hisui said solemnly. I looked at her confusingly.
"What is?"
"That a young,little girl like you has to fight in this horrible war. I'm the Queen and I can't protect you. Tell me, are you scared?" Hisui asked gently and kindly. She had a tint of sadness in her voice like she pitied me.
"I'm not scared because I have Romeo and Wendy, and there's Dragon Shield as well. I know that as long as they fight with me, there's nothing to be scared off." I replied happily.
"Your guild Dragon Shield, it's unlike no other I've seen before. You formed together because you want to get your guilds back and protect them. But you've grown to care about each other as well, I think that when you save your guilds and disband Dragon Shield, you'll still be together always." I would like to think what Hisui said, would come true, maybe,just maybe all the members of Dragon Shield will still be friends in the future I sure hope so.
"Alright then your majesty, we need to head to the underground, emergency passage way." I said in enthusiasm.
"Of course child, whatever you say, it's kind of weird,being given orders from a child." Hisui said smiling at me. I smiled back and giggled at her.
{Romeo's point of view:}
My whole body was on fire, burning from the top to the bottom of my body. My own magic was used against me with added power. How was I took down so easily!? I was meant to be a Fairy Tail and Dragon Shield wizard! I can't lose to her.
"Wait...I'm not finished yet! Blue fire!"
"It's pointless! You know you can't defeat me so why bother! Stop!Return! My magic made of blue fire once again flew towards me, throwing me to the ground. I fell flat onto my arm, my whole body crushing it. The bones cracked and snapped and I screamed in pain. I bit my lip trying to hold it back. Using my other arm I forced myself up, staggering to my bruised and battered feet. I can't let her defeat me. Wait I know! It comes in handy when fighting.
"Yellow fire!" A flame lit in my hand giving up a terrible stench, igniting the town with it's smell, it was a stench that only I couldn't smell and it wasn't physically possible for her to counter attack this spell! She covered her nose with her hand, coughing in disgust. While she was distracted I used my Purple Net and it attached her arms and legs. She looked at the purple flame trapping her, in shock, not expecting me to make a strategic move. I smirked at her mockingly.r
"Purple Flare!" Flames made out of awpurple rushed towards her, the mysterious girl, blasting into her stomach sending her flying into the air. She backwards somersaulted, landing gracefully on her two feet, staggering only slightly.
"I'll admit you caught me off guard, but your not the only one who knows fire magic! Raging flare!" Burst of red fire, similar to Natsu came racing towards my broken down body.Using one arm I cast my Blue fire, forming an x shape. The red flames crashed into the blue ones. Sparks flew as they collided into each other. They created an intense pressure, forcing the flames to employs pushing me and my opponent backwards. I jumped out the way, being careful not to move my already, painful broken arm. Using my free arm, I wiped the beads of sweat that trickled down my forehead. I panted heavily, catching my breath. The smoke disappeared leaving me facing off against her once again.
"There's no way you can beat me, I can counter attack or return your magic, just give up! Why won't you just give up?!" She questioned desperately.
"I thought you wanted me to put up a decent fight!
"That's not the point, your body is severely injured, your arm is broken, my magic is way more advanced then yours. Any opponent I've ever faced would've given by now, but why not you!? Answer my question!" She demanded forcefully, forming her fists.
"Because...I have a guild, people I care about, that I need to protect. You're getting in the way off that!" I replied bitterly. I knelled down onto the ground raising my fist. My rainbow fire surrounded my fist, and I punched the ground, creating a crack, the fire seeping through it.
"Wh-What are you doing?!"
"You said beforehand as long as I can control my magic, so can you. But I'm not controlling this spell, I'm just letting the fire loose underground." I replied smirking at her in victory. Flames of a variety of colours exploded from beneath the ground around us. A tornado made out of my rainbow fire, formed underneath her, blasting her into the sky, before plummeting her to the ground. She groaned in pain, trying to get herself up but failed.
"Now time to see who you are?" I said inching towards her hood my fingers grazing the material.
"My name is... Juliet."
AN:Calm down, they're not going to fall in love or anything like that. So relax I ship Rowen😂
After saying that she teleported, vanishing away from me.
"Juliet....I had this I knew you before, just who are you?"
{Wendy's point of view:}
I was running quietly through the streets, with an illusion of Queen Hisui next to me, running with me, we were heading towards the train station, to make it look like we were escaping. Out of the blue, a red and black portal appeared in front of us and Reverentia came steeping out of it.
"Wendy, Queen Hisui, what a pleasant surprise."
I'm going to end it there thx for reading and expect a lot of fight scenes coming up soon! I hope you enjoyed that chapter don't forget to vote and comment and to not forget that you are all fabulous amazing pineapples. I had a lot of fun reading this chapter and it cheered me up so thank you for being so supportive and we're really close to 900 readers so thank you so much😊 Lets try and reach 900!😊👍
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