{Romeo's point of view:}
We all charged forward, I don't think I've ever run so fast before. I can finally see my dad and fairy tail again, nothing is going to stand in my way! Just as we were all getting closer, out of nowhere hooded soldiers showed up. The soldiers that helped kidnap fairy tail...okay they might get in the way. But I have to see my father again!
"Blue fire! Stay out of my way!" I said my first kindled with fire as I punched several soldiers out of the way and into the dark, night sky. This is it! We're going to save fairy tail and nothing will stop me!Suddenly I felt the ground tremble underneath me as thorns arose from the ground trapping my legs and arms. I grunted in pain slightly as the thorns pierced into my body like needles.
"Do not under estimate us.We are more then mere soldiers." One of the hooded figures said, there voice emotionless.
"Guns magic: Tornado blast! Don't let your guard down Romeo, I mean it's not even over Wendy this time." Asuka said blasting the hooded figure with her magic, smirking at me.
"Thanks Asuka. I owe you one." I exclaimed, turning round to face the hooded figure once again. A smirk spread across my face.
"My fire is refilled now!" I exclaimed excitingly.
"Stop trying to copy Natsu." Asuka teased annoyingly.
"Keep your guard up Asuka." I teased back. I rushed over towards my opponent and performed a purple net attack. The fire trapped my openers arms and legs, pinning them like how they pinned me earlier. I quickly dodged out the way as a long, spiked thorn attacked from the ground. It just barely managed to cut my skin. That was a close one. I'm only fighting one of these opponents and I'm already having a tough time, at this rate I won't be able to beat Reverentia....no I can't afford to think like that! I have to end this fight now! Maybe there's a way I can take down many soldiers at once. Wait that's it!
"Wendy I need you to increase my magic power." I shouted towards her.
"Sure thing, I may as well enhance Asuka's magic as well. Ile arms, Ile vernier, Ile armour." Wendy shouted. I felt this massive sudden growth of power surge within me. Alright time for my special move. They'll regret ever picking a fight with us when I hit them with this move...
"Yellow Flame!" I said, raising my voice. A murky,yellow flame lit in my hand. Smoke arises from the fire, creating a horrific stench. Because of Wendy's added power, the smell is even worse! The soldiers won't be able to take it!
"What is this horrible smell?!" One of the hooded opponents whispered, flying his hand to his nose, trying to block out the stench. Many opponents fell to the floor, not being able to handle the horrible smell.
"Geez Romeo! Are you trying to take us out as well!" One of the members of dragon shield shouted angrily.
"I shouldn't have cast that support spell." Wendy whined,trying not to take in the smell.
"Hey I knocked them out didn't I?!" I replied back, almost offended by the lack of respect. To be fair though it did stink, but we had worse things to deal with. It was time that we save fairy tail!
"Everyone, it's time that we save our guilds, our families. It's been 5 years, I don't want to make any of you wait anymore. So...move forward!" Wendy shouted, followed by many battle cries from the members of Dragon Shield.
"Not so fast." A malicious voice said appearing out of nowhere.
"Reverentia! I got to admit I didn't expect you to show up so early." I snarled in detest.
"Relax sweetie, I'm only a mere illusion. But I've come to make a deal."
"A deal?!" Me, Wendy and Asuka said
AN: Look I don't know if it's meant To go Wendy, Asuka and I or me Asuka and Wendy but I don't know ok.
"Not with any of you three. With the rest of the members of dragon shield."
What did she want with dragon shield. And why is she only an illusion. Why isn't she actually here.
"You see, I have all of your lovely guild members right here." As she said that many of the members from different guilds appeared in front of her. But she summoned her magic in front of each and every wizard.
"Now either you can kill Wendy, Romeo and Asuka, or I'll kill you guild mates. After 5 years of waiting it would be a pity if they died, would it not?" Reverentia exclaimed acting so sweet and innocent. This was bad. They're clearly going to choose there guilds. Which means they'll get in the way and try to kill us.
"You heard the lady, let's kill them!" One of them shouted.
"We can't do that!"
"Yeah Wendy is our master!"
"She's not your real master. She's not your real guilds master!"
"Exactly dragon shield isn't even a proper guild. None of us care for each other!"
"We only joined to save our own guild!"
"But what if Reverentia is lying!"
"Her magic could kill them at any moment!"
"Do you want your own family to die!"
"Everyone lets kill them!"
They all started drawing near towards the three of us. There magic energy increased and there a her and determination was more fuelled then ever. I was back to back with Wendy and Asuka as Dragon shield surrounded us. They were about to kill us. What do we do?! I don't want to hurt any of them, I'm sure Asuka and Wendy don't want to either...but they could get in the way of us saving fairy tail. If they take are lives fairy tail will never be saved!
Sorry it's short but I'm so busy and I had to give you all something to read. I'll try and update as soon as possible. Thanks for reading don't forget to vote comment and rate.😊
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