Asuka's time to shine????
{Romeo's point of view:}
Oh Mavis, oh Mavis save us Asuka is in deep,deep,deep,deep trouble. We are officially screwed. Asuka is screwed. No they can't hurt her, I won't let them. My arm is healed now, I can fight. Although I used up a lot of magic power, so I feel really weak...
"Mylo, go find the little girl, I'm sure you can take her on easily, she's your age and she probably barely knows any magic."
"Of course miss,I'll get straight to it." Mylo vanished into a dark portal, still wearing his hoodie. I hope Asuka will be okay.
"Alright then sweeties, I'll have to deal with you,but please give it all you've got, it'll be all the more fun to hurt you!" Reverentia screamed. She's insane, just who is this women? She keeps smiling at me really creepily, it's so...weird and uncomfortable. I really don't like her.
"Romeo stay back, your magic energy is low and this was my fight to begin with." Wendy said still maintaining her dragon force.
"But I need to help you!"
"If I really need your help, I'll tell you to help me, I know I'm not that strong but I have to protect you...after all we're fr-friends right." She said sweetly, her smile gleaming on this dark day. I nodded my head towards her reluctantly. She was right my magic energy was very low, there isn't much I can do. But I should be able to do something! For now I'm just going to have to listen to Wendy.
{Asuka's point of view:}
Why is it that as soon as we get to the entrance it gets blocked of it's so unfair.
"Asuka,what are we meant to do now?" Queen Hisui asked uncertainly.
"I guess I'll have to bust us out of here using my magic." I replied cheerfully, but I was dying in the inside. How am I meant to destroy this broken down rubble that's blocking the entrance.
"Guns magic:Tornado Shot!" This was one of the spells dad taught me. I equipped two guns each one in my hand. I started to shoot several bullets towards the rubble. I managed to blast a few holes through it, but that was about it. I'm going to have to try harder, if I'm going to break it.
"I wouldn't worry about that, because the Queen isn't going to escape anytime soon so make it easy for yourself and hand her over." A hooded boy around my age told me, lurking out of the shadows. I could feel a great magic power coming from him.
"Just who are you!?"
"My name is Mylo, and yours?"
"I'm not telling you mine!"
"Well that's rude, but I know your name is Asuka, Wendy and Romeo told me." He exclaimed sincerely evilly.
"Did you hurt them."
"Well I broke Romeo's arm, but don't worry Wendy healed it, but I left them to Reverentia so they'll probably get hurt again."
"Hey your the meanie, you meanie!"
Oh he did not just call me a meanie, that..that meanie!
"Takes one to know one"
"Oh I know a meanie, I'm looking right at one."
"Your the biggest meanie of them all!"
"No you are!"
"No you are!"
"No you are!"
"No you are!"
"I've had enough of this, Guns Magic:Tornado Shot!" I shouted shooting Mylo several times.
"T-That hurt you meanie!"
"Hey don't call me a meanie. Your so weak, I bet you didn't even break Romeo's arm. I thought I felt great magic power coming from you but I bet it's nothing compared to mine!" I snapped cockily.
"Asuka..your magic is nothing compared to mine, so listen up you meanie...I'm going to make you regret saying that." Several magic circles appeared beneath him, exerting massive amounts of ethernano. 7 crystals came out of the 7 circles. He placed his hand onto the blood,red crystal shard. A bright red torch enveloped him. When it dispersed, his cloak was burned. His hair and eyes were red, and his body suit was made out of fire.
"What type of magic is this?"
"It's a special type of transformation magic. It's also incredibly powerful."
"Yeah well I can beat you!"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Rage of fire!" Bright, red flames came cascading towards me, burning my skin and sending my body flying, through the passageway. The spell sent me of course and I landed in a unbalanced disgrace, as I toppled onto the floor. My fingers traced my cheek as I felt a small cut grazed upon it.
"That was your warning, a warning to give up now, or I'll give you more then just a silly cut." Mylo exclaimed merciless. How could a young boy be so mean? Mommy and Daddy always said that kids are meant to be nice to one another, but this boy isn't normal. I'm going to have to try really hard if I want to beat him.
"Guns magic:Water bullets!" Several bullets made of water came striking out of my gun and onto Mylo. He grasped I'm body in pain, as his fire was turning to steam. He growled under his breath.
"That is not..enough to stop me...Phoenix flame!" A flame shaped like a bird came plummeting towards me. The fire burned my skin,
sending me into a external pain.
"Asuka!" Queen Hisui yelled. That's right, I have to protect and fight for Hisui it's what Wendy trusted me with. I slowly lifted myself onto my feet. My legs were shaking, my body was aching but I forced myself to stand, because it's what Wendy and what Romeo would want. I'm sure they've worked hard for to protect Hisui,and I have to fight to protect her as well.
"Elemental upgrade!" This changes my bullets to have elemental powers,such as fire,water,electricity,air,ice,earth and metal.
"Guns Magic:Eternal bullets!" Several magic circles surrounded Mylo, shooting thousands of magic,elemental bullets towards his body. They exploded sending him hurling into the exit, breaking the rubble, destroying the barricade which stopped us from escaping. My eyes widened in realisation, I broke the rubble I...
"I beat him, alright!" I exclaimed happily dancing in achievement.
"You get your hopes up way to fast!"
"I assume that was your most powerful attack, but well done for trying, you know if you were on my side, I could've trained you to be strong, we could've been best friends, but I'm afraid that's not the case, so I'll have to finish this off here and now!" Mylo shouted drastically. No this can't be the end. Romeo...Wendy....Queen Hisui.. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.
Sorry for the short chapter, don't forget to rate,comment and follow😊
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