Chapter 32 - Escaping the Castle
"We have a son?!?!" Natsu and Lucy whisper screamed from their hiding spot. I tensed a little bit, hoping that Lukas hadn't heard them. He showed no sign that he had, which offered a little bit of relief.
His partner lowered her hood as well, revealing herself to be none other than Nova Dreyar. She had long light blonde wavy hair tied up in a black bow and bright blue eyes. "Poor guy was just worried sick about you four,"
"Tch, I was not!" Lukas barked.
"He was the first to volunteer to come rescue you guys, which he of course dragged me along with him."
"Wait what?" I asked.
"What's going on back at the guild?" Storm questioned. The pair in white tensed a bit.
"It's pretty intense," Nova began. "After your little disappearing act, Levy was able to figure out that that spell you used was a time travel spell. Of course these three idiots had already cast it again to come get you before she could tell them. So after you all were gone, the spell was put under lock and key to prevent anyone else from using it,"
"That was when we got back," Lukas interrupted. He put his hands up in a mocking gesture. "Everything was just a normal day, coming home from a job when I hear that my little sister and her team have gone and traveled back in time,"
"Hey!" I shouted. "It wasn't my fault!"
"It kinda was dumbass," he retorted. He continued to argue with me while Nova continued.
"It had been a few days since that so Dad asked for volunteers to come get you guys."
"Are you two the only ones?" Reiki asked.
"We're the only ones that came," Nova continued. "Asuka was another one of the volunteers, but with her already being present in this timeline they couldn't risk it,"
"What about our parents,"
"With them also being alive in this timeline, they couldn't come either. That left me, Lukas, Rosemary, Rin, and Sylvia as potential volunteers,"
"Rin and Syl wanted to come?" Storm pondered.
"Rosemary too?" Reiki added.
Nova nodded. "They were just so worried about their big brothers. Rosemary was practically begging Erza to let her go. Luckily your dad stepped in before she got too far. I think Rin and Sylvia actually tried cracking the safe that the spell was locked in. After that incident, Juvia was not letting either of them out of her sights. Since the three of them are all so much younger anyway, everyone just agreed to send the two of us,"
"So how did you get here in the first place?" Gale asked.
"We used the spell," Lukas explained. "It was able to bring us right to the time that you were in,"
"Yeah, but how do we get back home?" Kali pointed out.
"With this," Nova held out in her hand a small sphere the size of a golf ball. It was made from bronze and had a lot of small etchings on it. "It was made by some of the science geeks in Magnolia. It'll give us a one way trip to back to the year X816, but we can only use it once so we all have to go now,"
"N-Now?" I stuttered. Everyone glanced at me with quizzical looks. "What about the other half of the rescue team? They're somewhere in here, shouldn't we wait for them to catch up so we can show them the way out?"
"They'll be fine," Lukas stated. "We can't afford to come in contact with anymore people from this time period,"
"Nashi," Lukas scolded. "I know you've grown attached to this time, but the fact that we are even here threatens our very existence. We have to leave this time before we ruin everything," He explained. I looked down at my feet. Lukas sighed. "Before Nova and I left, Dad gave us specific instructions. He said to get you and get out before July 7th,"
"Why? What happens on July 7th?"
"He didn't say," Nova interrupted. "All that anyone would tell us was that if we don't get the four of you out of here before the 7th, bad things would happen,"
"Do you mean the dragons?" Reiki spoke up, we all looked at the destruction wizard. "On July 7th in the year X791, 7 dragons attacked the city of Crocus,"
"It's a possibility, I get the feeling that that's not what they were talking about though. Regardless, we need to get you four out of here before that happens,"
"No way, we need to stay and help Fairy Tail! They'll need our help," I argued. Lukas and Nova frowned at my outburst. "If Fairy Tail has to fight, then I'll fight with them!"
"If that's how you're gonna be," Suddenly I felt a massive force collide with the back of my head. Everything went blurry and I lost my balance before I could say anything, my vision went black and I fell unconscious.
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"We're almost there," Nova announced. My eyes fluttered open and I was looking at the ground.
"What the hell? Why are my hands tied?" I yelled. I noticed that the reason I was looking down was because I was flung over Lukas' shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"You tend to cooperate better when you're unconscious," Lukas answered. I growled at him and proceeded to swear that as soon as I was untied and on the ground, I would beat his ass. My words held little to no meaning though since he did not plan on untying me, nor have I ever won a fight against him before. After several minutes of being ignored, I surveyed my surroundings. We were still in the catacombs, but they were less cave-like and more hallway-like. Nova was leading the way while Lukas and I rounded out the back of the pack.
"What happened to heading straight home?" I teased. "Cus as far as I can tell, we're still stuck in X791,"
"The sphere didn't work in the caves, we need to get above ground in order for it to work properly," Nova explained.
"I've got an idea, while we're up there we might as well watch the end of the Grand Magic Games."
"Not gonna happen," Nova and Lukas countered. I frowned and closed my eyes to listen. At first all I could hear was the footsteps of my group, but as I focused more I could hear footsteps several thousand feet behind us. It had to be the other half of the rescue team. I grinned knowing that we weren't abandoning them and they were still able to keep up.
It was then that I noticed we had come to a stop. I craned my neck and back to look forward, we were stopped at another huge door. Only this time, the door led to the interior of a castle. I'll admit that it was a welcome change of scenery, but the lights were so bright compared to the dimly lit catacombs. Lukas finally decided to put me down on the ground, unfortunately I hadn't realized that my legs had fallen asleep so I stumbled a bit.
We walked down the halls of the palace as quietly as we could, trying not to draw any unwanted attention for twenty minutes. Lukas and Nova had pulled their hoods back over their heads in order to conceal their identity yet again. "Alright, we need to get out of the castle without being seen. Then we can use the time sphere and get the hell outta here,"
"Sounds like a plan," Gale added, there was a sadness in her voice. As I looked at all of my teammates, they all seemed a little down. Even Kali seemed a bit upset that we were leaving this time without saying goodbye to the others. In all honesty it just didn't seem fair that we had to leave without saying goodbye.
We all turned on our heels and came face to face with a hundred palace guards. "In the name of the Fiore kingdom, we order you to surrender!" The soldier declared.
"Um guys, now might be the time to untie me," I pleaded.
"We don't have time for this damn it," Lukas growled. Reaching for his key ring, he pulled out a bronze key shaped like a hammer. "Open gate of the Ox, Ushi!" In a bright light and the ring of a gong, a spirit appeared. The spirit was a girl the same size as Wendy with hot pink hair and dark brown skin. She had huge horns that ran perpendicular to her head and golden eyes that matched her horns. She carried a large war hammer 2 times larger than her that looked impossible to carry and wore a white dress.
"What's up Luka?" She asked sweetly.
"I need you to take these guys out," Lukas ordered.
"You got it boss!" Ushi cheered. She lunged at the soldiers, swinging her hammer at them and sending the first 20 or so flying.
"Awesome!" I yelled. "Someone untie me so I can let loose on these jackasses,"
"Ice make cannons!" Storm crafted four cannons on either side of him, his skin and hair turning a ghostly shade of white. The cannons commenced firing on the guards taking out another 15.
"Granite quake!" Gale casted. The ground around some of the guards began to shift and soon the palace floors were wrapping themselves around the guard's ankles, tying them to the ground.
Reiki then raced towards the frontline of the guards, his fists aglow with energy. He slammed his fist into the floor around the guards causing it to break apart in a tidal wave of rubble. The debris flew directly into the other guards, knocking them to the floor.
Gale then pushed her arms out and the floor the guards were standing on began to part. The guards tried to hold onto something, but they soon fell into the gaping hole in the middle of what used to be the floor. Pushing her hands back together, Gale closed the hole in the floor and more of the guards were trapped on the floor below us.
It didn't make much of a difference. 100 more guards came running down the hall behind us. "Someone untie me damnit!" I barked.
"Open: Gate of the Tiger! Tirana!" Lukas declared. With the ring of a gong and a bright light, the tiger spirit appeared. She had tan skin with black tiger stripes and short black hair. Her eyes were golden like the other spirits' and she wore a black tribal dress. She had black cat ears and a tail that matched. Her claws came out and sliced through the ropes that bound my wrists.
"Woohoo!" I cheered.
"Heads up!" Ushi called out as her hammer slammed into more guards. Tirana and I were barely able to dodge as the guards rammed into the wall.
"Ushi!" Tirana called. Their eyes met and the pair shared a nod.
"Batter up!" Ushi cheered, Tirana pounced onto the flat side of Ushi's hammer. With a swing of her hammer, Ushi sent the Tirana flying into the crowd of soldiers, the tiger spirit clawing at everyone who crossed her path.
"You wanna fight me? Bring it on shitheads!" Kali taunted. She then transformed into a saber tooth tiger. With a mighty roar, she leapt onto the soldier, her massive paws slashing at everything.
"Alright! Ushi, gimme a lift," I called out.
"You got it Nasi!" Ushi swung her hammer down allowing me to leap on top. With another swing, she launched me into the air.
"Haha!" I laughed. It felt so good to be in the fight. "Sun dragon wing attack!" Spinning in the air, pure radiant yellow sunlight poured out in a devastating spiral of power. The attack sent several men flying. I managed to land right in the center of the small army. I caught many by surprise when I pulled out my light claws.
"Stop criminal," The guard declared, holding a spear to my neck. I didn't dare move. Just then the guard next to him punched the one holding the spear square in the jaw. The guard then turned to me and winked. In a puff of smoke, the guard then transformed back into the lovely Nova Dreyar.
"Watch yourself Nashi," She warned. We moved to stand back to back and cover each other's blind spots.
"Come on, I'm just getting started. By the way, how'd you manage to get all the way to the middle of this crowd," I said, throwing a sun dragon iron fist at several guards around me.
"They dont call me the Chameleon for nothing. Mind if I borrow some of that magic?" She smirked, smacking her hand on the back of my head. Her eyes went wide with the rush of new magic. "Woah," she lit her fist aflame with sunlight. "Dragon slayer magic feels pretty damn good,"
"SUN DRAGON ROAR!" We shouted in unison. Several soldiers around us went flying in the chaos.
"Ice make lance,"
"Ruby, rain,"
"Fists of Destruction,"
I could hear my teammates fighting in the distance. The sound made me smile. However, farther away I could hear others fighting. Could that be the other half of the rescue team? It was certainly a possibility. It doesn't matter right now, I've gotta focus.
Three more guards tried to get the drop on me, but I managed to avoid their attacks. Not far from me, Kali was being tackled by soldiers and losing. Left and right, I saw my friends losing their fights. Ushi and Tirana had gone back to their dimension, leaving Lukas to rely on his hand to hand combat.
To my left, several soldiers with magic spears fired at me. I felt the pain of several stun shots rack across my body. Before I knew it, I was on the ground. I tried to get up, but I felt a few more guards hold my arms and legs to the floor. I struggled to regain access to my limbs, but the soldiers were too strong. "Argh, get off me," I growled.
"Nashi!" Lukas called out. I tried to look up and find my big brother, but he was no where to be seen in the sea of soldiers.
"Lukas!" I shouted, hoping he would find me soon. I could feel a pair of magic dampening cuff slap onto one of my wrists. Before he could slap on the other cuff, there was a huge explosion from behind us. The soldiers holding me down let their guard down for just a few seconds. Those few seconds were all I needed to kick out of their hold. With my uncuffed hand, I slammed a sun dragon iron fist into each of their faces.
Not far away, I heard Lukas shouting. "Open, Gate of the rabbit: Tuzi!" I saw the light and heard the gong as the rabbit spirit Tuzi leapt into view. The rabbit spirit had dark blue skin with long ears and large rabbit feet. He had large narrow golden eyes, the rest of his face was concealed by a green scarf tied around his face. He wore billowy pants and a white shirt and hood.
Tuzi lifted me into his arms without warning and jumped over the entire front of the army where my friends had gathered. Gale had made a smaller wall with her stone manipulation magic to form a barricade of sorts, which everyone took cover behind. Somehow, Kali had managed to escape her attackers and also sought cover from the stun guns now being used. Tuzi put me down behind the barricade.
"Thank you Tuzi," Lukas said. Tuzi nodded, not saying a word. Lukas then turned to me, a look of frustration in his eyes. "Don't ever go into the center of the enemy's forces, you were surrounded on all sides,"
I rolled my eyes, which made Lukas even more ticked off. "This isn't a game Nashi," He yelled. "This is real combat. You have to be careful or else you'll end up hurt."
"Lukas," Reiki interrupted. Lukas turned on his heels to face Reiki who pointed to his own ears. "Listen," We all listened. The firing had stopped. I peered around the barricade, my eyes went wide. Standing on the other side of where the guards once stood was the other half of the rescue team.
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