Chapter 24 - A Talk of Fathers
Crocus, Bar Sun
Almost Midnight
"Kahahahahaha! That wasn't half bad you guys," Bacchus cackled. "But let's try it one more time. Your Soul Will Always Be?"
"WILD!!!" The group cheered loudly. Lucy, Gray, Natsu, Wendy, Happy, and even Plue were currently hanging out with Bacchus and Rocker at the Bar Sun.
Bacchus was covered head to toe in bandages. He smelled a lot like the stuff that is supposed to help sun burns. Despite all his injuries, the man was still drinking and partying like there was no tomorrow.
Pretty much everyone from Fairy Tail was passed out on the floor from all the drinking.
"Now that's the spirit! You jus really know how to party don't ya?" Bacchus slurred.
"You're one to talk, you are the party!" Happy added.
"It's gettin pretty late, we should probably head back to our hotel soon," Rocker said.
"What in the hell is keeping Erza?"
"Yeah she's been gone a long time," Natsu wondered.
Streets of Crocus
"You haven't sensed anything?" Erza questioned.
"No, not yet," Jellal answered.
The two were covered by the shadows of an overpass next to a canal. The conversation was meant to be private and away from Erza's guild mates.
"We usually detect a power reminiscent of Zeref at the games, but for some reason we've yet to sense it this year."
"Why do you think that is?"
"I'm not sure, but I can think of a number of possibilities. Let's say a wizard is responsible for the power, well they may not be attending the games this year. Or they could be here in Crocus, but they're not using that particular type of magic."
"Or perhaps it could be someone in the tournament who hasn't had the chance to compete yet."
"If it's from a device or a specific location, then that makes things slightly more complicated. Either the device hasn't been activated or there's some kind of filter preventing the magic from seeping through."
"In any case, the fact that you aren't sensing anything means there's no need for us to worry right now."
"I certainly hope that's true, tomorrow I'll do some investigating of the event organizers." Jellal turned to leave.
"Try not to draw any attention to yourself," Erza smirked.
"I've learned my lesson, Ultear drove that point home loud and clear."
"Jellal," Erza started. Jellal looked up at the Titania. "There's something that you deserve to know..." Jellal turned back to face the red head.
"These rumors about the future team... are true," Erza confessed. Jellal said nothing, he showed no emotion whatsoever. "One of them is our son." Jellal straightened up at this statement that sent chills down his spine.
"Do you know that for sure?" Jellal anxiously questioned. Erza nodded.
"You deserve to meet him,"
"No," Jellal snapped. "I don't deserve that kind of luxury, and he deserves so much more than me." Jellal said solemnly.
"Jellal," Erza soothed. There was a long moment of silence between the two.
"Goodnight, Erza." Jellal pulled up the mask and hat and left.
As Erza watched her future husband leave, she realized just how guilty Jellal was feeling. He was so hard on himself that he wouldn't allow himself any kind of happiness. She wanted to help him more than anything, but decided that he needed to work this out on his own.
I managed to pull my eyelids open, but the room was lit only by a single candle on the table. I rolled over on the bed and faced the flame that licked at the air. Despite the small warmth that the candle did let off, the room was freezing. I shivered and pulled at the covers until they were up to my nose.
"You're cold?" Just then a small fire was lit in front of me. I opened my eyes to see my dad sitting in the chair beside my bed, a small flame dancing on his palm. I snuggled closer on the edge of the bed to get closer to the warm flame. I felt Kali who was once asleep at my feet move to the head of the bed. I felt her lay down on top of my head and curl up next to the fire. I giggled at the exceed, which made Natsu grin.
"What are you doing down here?" I asked quietly.
"Just came to check on ya. How are you feeling?"
"A lot better," I answered. I sat up on the bed, causing a massive headache to surge my brain. I pressed my hand against my head and looked down. I realized that I was now wearing a pair of white shorts and a green shirt. I don't really think I want to know the story of how I got into these, but at least they were comfortable.
"Hey now, take it easy," Natsu used his other hand to ease me back down onto the pillows. Once my vision started to clear up from the headache, I saw my dad lighting a larger fire in a nearby fireplace.
"Shouldn't you be out partying or something?"
"Already did that." Natsu grinned. "Your friends sure do miss you though, poor Storm almost stayed here the whole night."
"Storm was here?"
"Yeah, he left right after I got here. Probably the reason the room was so cold to begin with."
I blushed and smiled under the covers at this. What were these feelings that I was beginning to have for Storm? Every time we touched, my heart skipped a beat. When he held my hand after my match with Bacchus I could hardly breathe. When we were stuck on Tenrou Island and he made an umbrella to keep me from the rain, I couldn't stop blushing. I couldn't ignore these feelings any longer, I just didn't know how to act upon them.
I yawned as I realized just how warm and cozy the room had become. I pulled Kali into my arms as if I were a child holding a precious stuffed animal. I stared at the fire and watched the flames dance and lick at the air. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier until they were barely open at all.
"Goodnight Nashi,"
"Night Dad,"
With those final words my eyes shut and my mind went blank as the lull of sleep pulled me under.
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