Chapter 23 - Cabin Fever in the Infirmary
Natsu raced down the hallway as fast as he could. It was a long way to the infirmary, but he was determined to make it. Wendy, Carla, and Porlyusica were right behind him. He was so proud of Nashi and he couldn't wait to see her.
"Natsu slow down!" Wendy called after him. Natsu did slow down a little bit, but not by much. He rounded one more corner and was almost to the infirmary. He could smell Nashi and the others from there. He had a plastered smile on his face as he opened the door.
The second the door was open, Natsu came face to face with a loud roar and large teeth. Kali snapped her jaw at Natsu, making him double back.
"Kali no!" Gale scolded, she smacked the saber tooth tiger on the head with a newspaper. Kali growled at Gale. "No bad girl, go to the corner." Gale ordered. Kali growled again and slowly walked to the corner of the room where she laid down and sulked.
"Sorry Natsu," Gale apologized. "This transformation spell tends to leave Kali more animal than exceed. Nashi's in here."
Gale stepped aside to let Natsu and the others in. When Natsu stepped in he took in everything.
Reiki and Storm were in the corner talking about something. Gray was casually leaning against the wall, he looked up when Natsu came in. Erza was looking out of one of the small windows.
In the center of the room was Nashi sleeping soundly on the bed. Lucy was sitting in a chair at the end of the bed. Natsu approached the bed where his future daughter was sleeping. Now that he was closer, he finally got a good look at her injuries. She was covered in bruises and minor cuts. Her purple uniform was torn in several places and was definitely ruined.
Wendy and Porlyusica immediately went to work wrapping up Nashi's wounds.
"How is she?" Natsu asked to no one in particular.
"She fell asleep as soon as we got down here." Lucy answered. "
"She seems to be alright aside from several minor injuries," Porlyusica determined. "Right now she just needs rest and time to heal."
"I can help her heal faster," Wendy added proudly. She rested her hands over Nashi and got to work healing the mage with her magic.
Natsu looked at Lucy. She wore a sullen expression as she stared at the unconscious girl in the bed. They were both still unsure of how to react to this. Normally he would want to beat the crap out of whoever hurt his girls like this. However, Nashi had won the match and basically avenged herself already.
Just then, the sheets of the bed began to shift. Natsu looked over to Nashi who had begun to stir. Her eyelids fluttered open revealing her big brown irises. Her eyes glanced around the room and eventually landed on Natsu and Lucy. Her lips formed a slight smile.
"Hey," she whispered.
"Hey," Natsu answered.
"How did I do?" Nashi's voice was quiet and frail. Natsu plastered a smile on his face in an effort to make her feel better.
"You did awesome," he grinned. "You've gotta teach me that firewall spell sometime."
"That's funny," Nashi said, sitting up in the bed. "Because you're the one who taught it to me."
"Cool," Natsu claimed. "You teach me now and I'll teach you in the future."
"Deal," Nashi confirmed. The two Dragneels just continued to grin at each other.
Nashi's positivity confirmed Natsu's feelings. He wasn't angry, he was proud of his girl and she seemed proud too.
There was a loud thundering sound, which caused me to wake up from my nap. My eyes fluttered open to the sight of the infirmary. I slowly tried to sit up in the hospital bed and take in my surroundings. Kali was asleep on my feet, she was back in her exceed form.
Also in the room were Reiki, Storm, and Gale. Gale was in one of the chairs reading a sorcerer weekly magazine, undoubtedly trying to get a scoop on the fashion of this time. Reiki was meditating in the corner of the room. Storm was passed out in one of the other chairs next to my bed.
There was another loud rumble outside that seemed to shake the entire stadium.
"What's going on outside," I asked groggily.
"Just one of the fights," Gale answered. "I think it's Mermaid Heel against Saber Tooth,"
"How long have I been asleep?"
"A few hours, how are you feeling?" Gale put down her magazine and placed her hand on my forehead as if checking for a fever.
"I feel fine," I batted her hand away and threw off the covers. I swung my legs over the bed and my bare feet touched the cold stone floor. My body still felt really sore from all of my injuries, now that I thought about it, I was almost completely covered in bandages. I stood up despite my aching limbs and hobbled over to the doorway.
"Nashi get back in bed," Gale scolded. There was another rumble from the arena causing Storm to jump awake and fall out of his chair. Reiki opened one eye to assess the situation. Kali was still snoring on the bed despite the consistent rumbling and noise.
I swung the door open and stumbled into the hallway. I eventually found my footing and was able to run down the barren hall. Gale, Reiki, and Storm were all calling after me, but I continued to ignore them. It wasn't long before I reached the Fairy Tail team A dugout.
Erza, Gray, Wendy, Natsu, and Lucy were all staring intently at the arena that had now gone dark. There was a loud hiss that came from the arena. It sounded like a snake, but I couldn't see anything from where I was standing. My legs started to ache, making me lean against the wall for support. Just then, there was a loud BOOM! The sound wave echoed across the arena walls and returned the sky back to it's original shade of light blue.
"It looks like... That's the match folks," The announcer declared over the speakers. "And the winner is Mermaid Heel's Kagura Mikazuchi," The crowd erupted into cheers of applause.
"Are you kidding me?!" I shouted. Erza, Gray, Wendy, Natsu, and Lucy all turned around, surprised to see me out of bed. "I missed the whole thing,"
"What are you doing out of bed!" Natsu scolded.
"I'm fine," I snapped.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, that raps up day 2 of the Grand Magic Games. With a total of 36 points, the guild currently in first place is Raven Tail! Despite a total shut out on Day 2, Saber Tooth is still hanging on to second place. But now they share that place with Lamia Scale, their teams are tied with a score of 20 points.
After scoring ten points today, the ladies of Mermaid Heel jumped up two spots to fourth place with a total of 19 points. Blue Pegasus drops down to fifth place with 17 points. And following back to sixth place is Quattro Puppy. Although they both earned an impressive ten points today, the two teams tied for last place are Fairy Tail team A and Fairy Tail team B. Both with 12 points. Who knows what exciting battles await us on day three, we'll see you then folks."
I couldn't help but smirk at the anguished cries coming from Quattro Puppy. Just then, I felt a needle being stabbed into my arm.
"Ouch!" I whirled around just as Gale pulled the needle out of my arm. "What the hell?"
"You need your rest," Gale scolded. I tried to stand up to face her, but stumbled when it felt like the room was shifting.
"W- what did you do to me?"
"Just a little bit of anesthesia to get to to sleep,"
I struggled to keep my balance under the ever increasing blurriness in my vision. My hearing started to cut in and out until I could hardly hear anything at all. I must have lost my footing because the next thing I knew, I was falling. I felt strong arms catch me and then blackout.
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