Chapter 17 - Lucy Vs. Flare
I looked over at Lucy, she stood strong and determined. She was about to step into the ring when I grabbed her hand. She seemed startled by the gesture, like she wasn't expecting it. She looked at me curiously. For a minute, I said nothing and just stared into her eyes.
"Kick her butt Mom," I grinned. Lucy seemed caught off guard by my words, I'd never called her Mom before. She smiled sweetly and nodded. I felt a hand on my head and looked up to see my dad. He grinned at Lucy.
"We'll be cheering for you," He said proudly. I let go of my mom's hand and Dad and I left to go to the stands.
"Good Luck!" I cheered on our way back. Lucy nodded and smiled at us, she stepped into the arena and the fight began.
For a while, the fight was going really well for Lucy. She was summoning spirit after spirit to help her take down Flare. Flare's magic consisted of controlling her hair to do whatever and then setting it on fire. She lost it however when Cancer cut it, she was furious at the crab spirit and Lucy.
"How Dare you!" Flare screamed. She sent her hair spiraling into the ground and then it erupted from it and grabbed Lucy by the ankles. Flare swung her around like a lasso all around the arena. Lucy screamed in pain as she hit the ground almost a dozen times.
Once the spinning stopped, Lucy pulled out her whip from the Celestial Spirit World. She wrapped it around Flare's wrist and the two were sent spiraling in the air. Flare's hair caught on fire, burning through Lucy's boots before she finally let go and the two went crashing to the ground. Lucy threw aside her charred boots and stood her ground. This act of defiance infuriated Flare, with a loud shout she sent her hair tunneling through the ground.
We all waited in anticipation to see where the hair would pop up from. It didn't. I stared at Flare and my mom, trying to hear what they were saying. Flare pointed subtly to the Fairy Tail guild section. Lucy turned and seemed to be scanning the small crowd. I also looked over to where she was pointing. Fairy Tail members were cheering as loud as they could, Reiki was still waving the flag proudly while Gale and Storm screamed for Lucy. Unfortunately my sight isn't all that great and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Lucy cried out to someone or something. It was barely loud enough for me to hear from all the way up in the stands, but I heard it.
"Dad," I whispered.
"I heard it too," Natsu growled. "come on,"
We turned and raced through the large halls of the colleseum. The entire place was packed with people getting food and talking to one another. The Fairy Tail section was on the complete other side of the stadium, so we had to run fast. We raced down hallway after hallway, listening to the sounds of the crowd as they cheered and shouted for their favorite.
As we rounded another corner, the crowd went quiet. That can't be good, I thought to myself. One more hallway and we were in the public stands. I stared at the arena in pure shock, Flare held Lucy by her hands and feet in mid air.
"NO! I'm begging you!" Lucy cried. Flare's hair was shaped into the Raven Tail crest and it was on fire. She was going to brand her right over her Fairy Tail mark! Dad and I continued to run faster and faster to the Fairy Tail section.
"We hear you loud and clear!" Dad shouted. We crashed into the Fairy Tail press box like a couple of mad men. Dad went straight for the red hair poking through the floor. I grabbed Asuka and carried her away from the danger while Dad burned the hair to a crisp.
"She was trying to protect Asuka!" I declared. Alzak and Bisca came rushing to Asuka to make sure she was alright.
"You're in the clear Lucy!!" Dad yelled across the arena. I stood and made my way to the edge of the press box. Mom seemed to have a newfound determination as she reached for her keys.
"Gemini," She summoned. Two small blue people/bug things came rocketing through the sky. One slammed into Flare while the other cut the hair holding Lucy. Lucy jumped to the ground and seemed to be talking to Gemini. The crowd was so loud that I could hardly hear anything from the arena.
In a split second, Gemini transformed into Lucy... wearing nothing but a bath towel! My mouth fell open in shock and embarrassment as did my mom's. Every single guy in the audience was screaming in excitement. Lucy hid her face with her palm as Dad began to yell at every single guy within earshot.
"Oh stars far and wide that embody the heavens," Lucy and Gemini began to chant. "by thy radiance, reveal thy form. I implore tettribiblous, eternal ruler of the stars above."
"What is she doing?" I asked.
"Her strongest spell," Natsu grinned. Flare was on the ground, shaking in fear.
"Open the raging temultuous gate, with all 88 heavenly bodies shining!" The sky turned purple and all the planets came into view. I was frozen in awe at the beauty of it all. The magic power I was sensing was unimaginable.
"Urano Metreon!!" The sky lit up in a flash of all colors as shooting stars passed over the colleseum. Dad was smiling like an idiot as his future wife casted her most powerful spell. With this spell, Flare Corona didn't stand a chance. Just at the spell's peak, it stopped.
The light dissipated and the spell stopped. Lucy stood in the middle of the arena in shock, Gemini was gone. Flare cowered in fear and confusion on the ground.
"Someone... Countered... the spell" Lucy whimpered. Without another word, Lucy fell to the ground.
"And she's down! Looks like that's it for Lucy Heartfilia! You know what that means folks, the winner is Raven Tail's Flare Corona!"
The Fairy Tail guild was fuming with anger. Raven Tail cheated. There was no proof, but everyone knew it. I looked down at my feet, Kali trotted into view. I had almost forgotten that my future team was here in the press box. I bent over and hugged the small exceed tightly.
"Cheer up Nashi," Kali whimpered. "It's only the first battle, on the first day no less,"
"You're right," I stood up and held the orange striped cat. I looked around and saw my friends smiling at me. I returned it with a small smile. "We're not done yet, in fact we're just getting started,"
"Hey Nashi," Gale said, peering down at the arena. "Your dad's down there,"
"What?" I rushed to the ledge and peered over. Sure enough, my dad had entered the arena. He walked slowly to Lucy who was laying on the ground crying. I strained my ears to hear them over the crowd.
"Hey now, no crying,"
"I can't help it," Lucy sobbed. "It's just not fair,"
"No it's not, and that's why we'll pay em back a hundred times over... You were amazing, you proved that seven year gap means nothing. We've still got a fighting chance. Zero points? Sounds great to me, this is our chance to make an epic comeback,"
"Yeah," Lucy cried. "I'm fired up now,"
I smiled to myself, watching my parents fall in love and support one another made me feel so good inside. I ignored all the booing and ridicule coming from the crowd nearby. It didn't matter what they said, years from now Fairy Tail would be remembered for the comeback they made.
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