Chapter 16 - Hidden
"Who are they?" I asked innocently.
"A dark guild," Natsu explained. "Their master is Gramps' son,"
There was a lot of debate and complaining as to why Raven Tail was allowed to compete. As far as the public was aware, they were a dark guild. The announcers clarified that they had all the right paper work and were in fact not a dark guild. We were all still really pissed off.
"Fairy Tail," the guy in all armor hissed. "I trust your friend is recovering well,"
Sitting on the guy in the blue mask's shoulder was a small animal. It snickered and it's head transformed into Wendy's face. It mimicked a cry and pretended to fall unconscious. The sight made our blood boil. They were the ones who attacked Wendy. They would pay. I clenched my fist and growled.
"You're gonna regret that," Natsu fumed.
"The festival's just getting started," Lexi snickered.
"Hold on," the announcer called. "We've still got two teams who made it through the final qualifying round,"
We all turned our attention to the last two tunnels. One of those guilds was Saber Tooth, but who was the other?
"Our first place runner up is, Oh! Wow! What a surprise! This year's competition just got a whole lot more interesting folks,"
Our mouths dropped at the next sight.
"It's Fairy Tail team B!" With a crash of lightning the team was there. Laxus, Mirajane, Juvia, Gajeel and a dude in a hat and scarf made up team B.
"Say what," I screeched.
"How is Mystogan even here?" Natsu pointed and shouted. He pointed at the guy in desguise.
"It can't be," Erza whispered. "Jellal is that you in there," Jellal held a finger to where his mouth would be. He quietly shushed us.
"Are you kidding me?!" Natsu and Gray yelled.
I looked at the stands and spotted Reiki. He was cheering as hard as ever. I don't think he realizes that his dad is in the arena, if Reiki did know then he wouldn't be so excited.
It's not that Reiki and Jellal don't have a good relationship, it's just that Reiki is more serious around his parents. Jellal and Erza are always more serious in any situation. Reiki just feels like he needs to follow their example despite our insistence to be himself.
I noticed Erza glancing his direction. Was that worry on her face? Was the great Titania nervous about her son from the future and future husband meeting? I had to admit, the conversation would be awkward.
I had completely ignored all the commotion going on around me. There was a lot of arguing and a lot of complaining as to why Fairy Tail got two teams. I wasn't paying attention to why we got the two teams, but I didn't really care either.
"This is a big load of crap!" Natsu shouted furiously. "Being in the same guild don't mean jack, if I run into any of you I'm not pulling any punches. As long as we're in this tournament, you're my enemies and I ain't gonna lose to any of you,"
"I wouldn't have it any other way," Gajeel threatened. "I'm looking forward to making you eat dirt Salamander,"
"So what are you doing here," Erza asked in a hushed voice. I turned and saw her taking to Jellal.
"Your master is a very understanding person," He started. "Once I explained the situation he gave my plan his blessing,"
"You said it was impossible to get near the colleseum,"
"It was until this opportunity presented itself,"
"It's against the rules, you're not an official member of Fairy Tail,"
"As I understand it, Mystogan and I are essentially one in the same,"
"He's got a point," I claimed. Erza and Jellal turned to face me, they didn't realize that I was eavesdropping.
"I don't think we've met," Jellal pointed out.
"No, well not yet at least. You see I'm Nashi," I greeted. I could tell that Jellal had a confused face under his disguise. "I'm from the future,"
Jellal's eyes were like huge white orbs as sweat leaked through his disguise. Erza was surprised that I just dropped that bomb here and now. Jellal was silently stunned, he could hardly move or even breathe.
"Well then," he cleared his throat. "Is there anything else I should know,"
"Actually your-" before I could finish my sentence, I felt a strong metal hand clamp over my mouth. I glared at Erza who was trying to get me to shut up.
"Nope, that's all," Erza lied sweetly. I was going to lick her hand like I did with Uncle Gray, but realized that would prove useless with her armored glove. For a minute I just stand there with her hand over my mouth. After what seems like an eternity, Erza lets me go and I scurry away.
"And last, but certainly not least the team that came in first place in the preliminaries," The announcer boomed. The crowd roared in excitement. "That's right! You know them, you love them, now get on your feet and scream for the most powerful guild in Fiore! The one and only Saber Tooth!"
Entering the last tunnel was the mighty Saber Tooth team. The crowd was wild, cheering and screaming for the guild that had earned the title of most powerful. Every team in the arena glared at the team as they all walked out.
I sniffed the air and noticed that the two up front smelled a lot like dragons. More importantly they smelled like people I knew, Sting and Rogue. Following them was Yukino in her white feathery cloak. A man wearing a masquerade mask and a guy with green hair and no shirt.
"Can't wait to bring them down," Natsu muttered. Sting and Rogue were still several meters away from us, but still managed to hear his comment.
"Why so serious? It's just a game," Sting taunted.
"There a reason you keep gawking pretty boy," Gajeel said sternly. Rogue showed no emotion what so ever.
"Nothing important," He answered. I noticed everyone was glaring at the Saber Tooth team. They clearly hated each other, but Saber Tooth showed that cocky kind of hate. The one that made you wanna punch the pompous bastard.
However, I've never really hated Saber Tooth. When I'm from, Saber Tooth and Fairy Tail get along great. There's been more than one occasion when one has to save the other's butt. I've actually met Master Sting and Rogue on several occasions. They're both pretty cool guys who I'm glad to call allies.
"All and all, I'd say that we have an impressive group of wizards here," Lola declared. "Any comments on our lineup Mr. Yajima?"
"Yeah... Mermaid Heel makes me pine for my youth,"
"That's not quite what I meant. Anyway, let's go over our schedule for this year's tournament," The ground in the arena began to shake and rumble. A massive stone slab appeared in the center of the colleseum with the schedule and scores engraved.
"Each one of the rounds will begin with a contest, participants will then be ranked from first to eighth place. The teams will be awarded points based on how they rank in the contest, additionally teams are allowed to pick which member they would like to compete. After that we have battles. These fights should come as quite the treats to you loyal fans, since it was your suggestions that created these match ups. The battle rules are simple, each team will square off as shown here. The winning team will be awarded ten points while the loser gets zero. In the case of a draw, both teams will be awarded a total of five points. Ready for action? Let's get things started with the first contest, of the Grand Magic Games, one that we call Hidden. Each team must choose one member to compete before the rules will be fully explained,"
We all looked around to see who other teams were choosing. Quattro Cerberus chose a bigger guy with a green ponytail named Yeager. Mermaid Heel chose an adorable girl with a southern accent and overalls named Beth Vanderwood. Nalpudding from Raven Tail was a short, troll like man with purple skin. Blue Pegasus sent a boy named Eve Tilm who was Beth's age with a polo and tie. From Saber Tooth came a man with long hair and a fancy hat and mask, Rufus Lore. Lamia Scale sent out none other than Lyon Bastia.
While we all agreed that Wendy would have been perfect for a game called Hidden, Gray decided that he would go. Of course seeing that Gray would be competing, Juvia jumped at the chance and volunteered for Fairy Tail Team B.
We all wished Gray the best of luck and exited the arena to the designated area for Fairy Tail team A. As we arrived at our "dug out" the rules of the game were explained. Before I knew it, the game was starting.
- - - - - - - - - -
Despite our loud cheering for Gray and Juvia, they both lost the game.
It honestly didn't seem fair to anyone in Fairy Tail. The guy from Raven Tail only attacked Gray and Juvia, barely giving them any time to recover. The guy from Saber Tooth joined the game last minute and actually won the whole shindig with just one attack.
The entire crowd was against us, shouting ridicule and mocking the Fairy Tail name. This made my blood boil with anger.
"YOU ALL BETTER STOP MAKING FUN OF US OR ELSE!!" I shouted at the crowd. They continued to make fun of me and my guild, saying that I was a wuss and should just give up and go home. I growled at them all, I hated them.
"Let them laugh, they will soon come to regret it," Erza comforted. We all turned and saw Gray coming our way, his bangs covered his eyes.
"Sorry," He snapped rudely.
"Hey don't worry about it," Lucy offered. "It's only the first game," Gray said nothing, just kept walking into the tunnel to the locker room.
"Let's move on with our very first battle match of this year's Grand Magic Games," The announcer declared. "It's going to test the abilities of Fairy Tail A's zodiac weilder, Lucy Heartfilia against the crimson intensity of Raven Tail's Flare Corona,"
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