Chapter 13: Raiden Dreyar
"Raiden!! Over here!!" Yaje called the white-haired mage as he walked toward the table, a circular tray that holds two pints of beer in one hand.
"Here you go!!" Raiden smiled and placed the beer on their table.
"Thanks." Shutora smiled.
"Don't work too hard okay!!" Yaje advised him.
"Gotcha!!" Raiden gave them a thumbs-up as he walked away.
"Raiden seems used to this kind of job," Alice commented as she sat with Yaje and the others.
"He is, but he shouldn't be working, he just got back from a mission. Granted that was yesterday but still." Sylvia commented.
Alice is growing quite confused. The others seem so worried for him.
Nasha noticed Alice's confused face and decided to clear up the subject for her.
"I'm sorry Ali, I should've explained it to ya earlier," Nasha said.
"Explain what?"
"Raiden." Nasha adjusted her seat.
"You see, Raiden isn't as strong as you think he might be." Nasha started. "He has an incredibly weak immune system. He gets sick quite often. He can't tire himself out too much."
"I never would've known." Alice gasped. To think that someone like him would have such a condition.
"He never tells it to the new members but he's not hiding it either," Sylvia added. "He sorta expects you to figure it out yourself, or the others would tell you."
Raiden approached the bar of the guild where his mom is, as usual.
"Are you sure you're okay with working?" Mira asked.
"Sure." Raiden shrugged and gave the tray to his mother.
"There is still the battle, are you sure you can handle it?" Bickslow who is sitting at the bar asked.
Bickslow no longer wears his mask, after his son, niece and nephews insisted that he looks better without it. His blue hair is styled in a faded Mohawk. He wears a dark turtleneck long sleeve shirt with white stripes that are covered by a black cape with black fur surrounding the neck and shoulders. The cape is held together by a metallic Emblem bearing the Fairy Tail symbol, his pants and boots looked similar to what he used to wear.
"Are you sure? Are you sure?" Bickslow's dolls sang in unison.
"I told you guys, I'm fine." Raiden deeply sighed. "Stop being such worrywarts."
"We can't help it." Bickslow chuckled. "You're fragile."
"I know." Raiden nodded and sat down next to him.
"Where's dad anyway?" Raiden asked.
"He's preparing the town for the battle with Freed and Nova," Bickslow answered.
"Hey, Ray." Sylvia approached the bar.
"Gimme two blue lemonades," Sylvia said.
"Are you sure?" Raiden raised a brow.
"It's Nasha's idea." Sylvia nodded.
"Alright, give me a few minutes." Raiden nodded.
"Thanks." Sylvia smiled and went back to her table with the others.
"Here you go." Raiden placed two glasses filled with blue-colored drinks.
"Try it, Ali, it's delicious," Nasha said.
Alice nodded and took a sip and immediately spit it out.
"What the hell was that??!!"
Nasha and the others burst out laughing.
"Ha. Ha. Ha, very funny guys." Alice acknowledged the prank. "But seriously, what is this??"
"My cough medicine," Raiden responded. "Here, that's the actual blue lemonade, it should fix things." He slid the other glass over to her.
Alice took the glass and smelled its contents first before taking a sip.
"Wow, it's really good." Alice smiled. "Took the medicine taste right off."
"Told ya!" Nasha giggled.
Raiden took the glass with the medicine in it and removed the straw before chugging it down like it was nothing.
"I'll just go down for a bit." Raiden ruffled his already messy white hair and walked towards the Gameroom.
"Bout time you went down here!!" A soft feminine voice spoke as Raiden entered the room.
"Auntie Ever."
Evergreen's hair has gotten longer and is styled the same. She's wearing a green dress with white patterns across the bottom, stockings, and heels.
Raiden looked over at his Aunt together with Elwin. There were also a few members present as well.
"You need to chill for a bit ya know, there's gonna be a fight later so you better rest up." Elwin chuckled.
"I know, the others have told me that plenty of times." Raiden sighed and started booting up the lacrima. Once he's finished he gave one of the controllers to Elwin.
"Wanna get your ass beat?" He chuckled, taunting his cousin. The screen of the lacrima showing the title screen of Grand Theft Auto
"I should be the one asking that to ya." Elwin chuckled and took the controller.
Evergreen smiled as the boys started playing, and it was obvious that Raiden's gonna win. Raiden has been playing video games ever since he was a child. Pushing buttons on a controller is basically second nature to him. Because of his condition, he really can't be as active as the others back when they were kids, so playing video games are his only way to play with them.
"How are so good at this?!" Elwin shouted in frustration.
"Practice." Raiden briefly replied with a smug look on his face. "Tons and tons of practice."
Elwin gave up and just looked up GTA custom boards that Raiden would play. He purposely picked extremely difficult boards for his cousin.
"Holy mother of Mavis." Raiden gasped as the board Elwin picked surfaced on the screen before him. "What the hell is this?!"
Just at the starting point of the board, Raiden can already tell how difficult this board is gonna be. There are a bunch of wall rides and transfers, questionable loops, really thin tracks, and something unidentifiable in the distance.
"Do you hate me or something?" Raiden looked over at Elwin with a betrayed look on his face before looking back at the screen.
"Okay, let's see here." Raiden drove the yellow car in the game through the track that ascended high up in the air with a speed boost in specific portions of the track, and the car fell just barely reaching the platform above. "I see. So that's how it's gonna be."
Raiden tried again and flawlessly made it through. The car ascended through the same track as the last one, but this time there's a tube that ascended up and the next portion is all the way down at the bottom. Raiden barely made it. He drove the car towards a wall ride. "Great, I love wall rides." Raiden cheered in a very sarcastic manner.
The car drove towards the wall and entered another tube. "This should be easy," Raiden said right before the car hit an unsuspected moving obstacle resulting in it falling down. "I stand corrected."
Luke sat down next to Sylvia, who is now on the second floor with Elizabeth and Damon.
"Let me guess, your parents are downstairs?" Damon asked the blonde.
Luke stayed silent, which earned a sigh from Sylvia.
"Luke, we've been through this, I know what you feel about them but you could at least tolerate them when they're around the guild. You can't keep doing this." Sylvia said.
Luke knows this, but he can't help it. His relationship with his parents was never the greatest. Everyone in the guild knows this. Well, not everyone knows the true reason why.
Luke stayed with them for a while, until Happy flew upstairs and called them.
"The battle is about to start!!! Come down quick!!"
"Okie Dokie." Damon nodded and the group went downstairs.
"Alright ya brats, simmer down!!" Laxus shouted, catching the attention of everyone in the guild. "You idiots should already know the rules by now, but I've prepared something much more exciting this year since Gramps is here." The blonde snickered.
"As per usual, all the participants will be transported somewhere within Magnolia. Freed has already set up runes to protect the buildings and citizens. As I said, this year would be different as per member holds a significant amount of points, the older generation holds 5 points, the newer generation holds 3 points while our S-Class wizards hold 10 points. The points you will accumulate will be added up to your initial score, once defeated all your points would be transferred to your opponent and you'll be sent back here. The ten members who will get the highest amount of points within one hour get to move on to the next round." Laxus explained. "Lacrima-vision is placed all around town for you to see the battles that are currently happening and who's been defeated and of course, we have that in the guild as well, but only those in the guild get to see the map of all of the participant's locations. The winning ten members will then have a tournament-style battle. The match-up is to be determined by Gramps."
"Damn." Caleb gasped.
"Dad really went all out on this," Raiden added.
"You sure you're okay with participating, there's gonna be a lot of battles by the looks of it." Luke consulted his friend.
"I'm fine," Raiden smirked. "There's no way, I'm missing out on this."
"I wish all of you the best of luck. I will remain here with the rest of the members to watch over the battle. No illegal use of forbidden magic or any moves is allowed. You may be enemies out there, but you are still family, remember that." Laxus said. "Now, those who will be participating come forth."
"So, not everyone is required to participate?" Alice asked,
"It's not mandatory," Greige replied.
"Unlike 24-hour road race." Nasha sighed.
"The 24-hour what now?!" Alice exclaimed, but before she could get an answer, she was transported in front of Kardia Cathedral.
*inserts random emoji*
The Battle of Fairy Tail has began!!!
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Till Next Time
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