" Mama mama Look! It's you...me...and papa!" A small child. No older then probably the age of 6. He had messy blue hair that matched his blues eyes. He was holding up a picture off three stick figures. He was showing the poorly drawn picture up to his mother who just looked at it. The boy moved his picture down to show his face to the woman. "Mama when is papa coming home?" The boy asked tilting his head as he did so.
The woman that the blue haired boy called mama picked up the piece of paper and ripped off one stick figure. And gave the paper back. She only left the ones that the boy would call mama and himself " Papa isn't coming back" she said simply and walked away. "And stop annoying me I have work to do Tristan" the woman waved off the little boy.
The little boy that the woman called Tristan walked up to the woman again " but mama he said that he would come back and teach me magic!" Tristan said holding his drawing tightly in his hands as tears were forming in his eyes
" My God Tristan How STUPID Can You Be!!" The woman yelled at the boy. As she was clearly fed up with him. The smell of beer come off her breath but the poor boy didn't know what that was.
Tristan then quickly found tears running down his cheeks and hitting the piece of paper. The boy just looked at the paper as he watched the tears hit the paper. The woman the grabbed the paper and ripped into many small pieces. "Leave me the fück alone you cry baby!!" The woman yelled and walked off into a different room of the house.
The blue haired boy picked up the ripped pieces of paper and just sat there silently sobbing. He just looked at the paper scraps in defeat. " why mama? I don't understand" he let the pieces of paper fall in between his small fingers
A soft gasp was heard. It was in a room, hotel room to be exact. It was a much older Tristan. His eyes shot wide open as his breathing was quick and shaky. He was sweaty and crying. The male then sat up in the bed. It was a queen sized bed. And he was on the left side of the bed.
Tristan looked over at the clock it was 1:35 am. He sighed and leaned his head against the head of the bed and gulped. He looked up at the ceiling. The blue haired boy slowly felt his eyes slowly closing once more as he drifted off to sleep.
It was a dark room. Tristan stood there in the middle as he heard " hey look is the dumbaśs cry baby!" A girl voice snickers as Tristan just stood there. Unable to move. The girl came to be his own teammate, Kourtney Timber. The female pushed up her glasses and pushed the male.
Tristan then got the feeling of falling. He was falling. farther and farther and farther. Until he hit the ground and another familiar face loomed above him. Kyler Rosethorn " Awee look. The idiot is crying." He points out and laughed and kicked Tristan
Tristan was picked up by a orange haired female. Amber Lovestroke. " I don't even know why you're on the team. All you do is cry". The female then dropped the blue haired boy and he then was all alone. Sitting in a black room. Shaking, trembling, and hugging his knees to his chest as tears rushed down his face.
Then, the one person he loved the most walk up to him. A pink haired boy glaring down at the blue haired boy. Roland. Tristan look up at the boy and just felt his heart shattering as the pink haired boy closed his eyes and walked away in disappointment.
He left Tristan all alone. To cry in his sorrows. All alone in the darkness and all the filled the place was Tristan's whimpering and crying.
The boy was woken up by someone shaking him. It was Roland. The two were sharing a room and there was only one bed, but nether seemed to mind. The blue haired boy has tears streaming down his face silently . Sweating and hyperventilating.
All Tristan did was look at the boy holding his arms with a worried expression. Tristan moved his body to hug the other boy's body tightly.
The two stayed like this for a while. The pink haired male petting the blue haired males hair to Sooth his shaking. Tristan was gripping onto Rolands shirt tightly as he calmed down. After a while it was about 3:55 am. But they didn't seem to mind too much. " thank you" Tristan muttered softly and Roland just nodded in response
After a while the two found themselves tangled up as they sleep. Tristan keeping a smile on his face the whole time. He always felt wanted with Roland. Even if he was a bit of Dummy or a cry baby. He still felt wanted and loved. And that's all he ever asked for. And he realized that nightmares can't change that.
The Blue haired boy would always be loved by the Pink haired boy. No nightmare would take that.
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