Who loves who
Nashi P.O.V.
"Okay kids you guys don't exactly know but mating season is coming up for you guys. Us parents expect Jellal and Erza also went through this. But anyways may all of the Dragon/Devil slayers step forward please?" Aunt Levy asked. Luke, Storm, Rin, Jessica, James, Jake, Gale, Jack,
and Chris stepped forward. I saw Sylvia sadly look at Luke. almost everyone knew they liked each other expect those two. I smiled at the thought that these two would finally be happy. But I was sad that I would have to watch Storm and his girlfriend, Ava become lovers while I love him
and I Get no love back. Aunt Levy broke my train of thought by going up to Storm. "Storm who do you love?" She asked. "A-Ava" He stuttered. out of NOWHERE he gets shocked by lightning. "Who do you love? If you don't answer truthfully you will get shocked even worse." I was scared.
There Was someone else he liked. I was sad. It could be one of my best friends. "Fine! I love Nashi!" He shouted. I looked in his eyes. He looked at the floor. I ran to him and hugged him. "I love you too Storm" I whispered. I felt his warms wrap around my waist. At the corner of my eye
I was My Mom and aunt Juvia holding my dad and Uncle Gray back. I also saw Sylvia holding Ava back. "STORM DEAR!! HOW COULD YOU LOVE THE SLUT OVER ME!?!?" She asked. Storm glared at her and then she went Running. It was just me and Storm hugging each other.
Rosemary P.O.V.
I smiled at those two hugging. Aunt Levy went to Rin next. I could feel the hope rise in me. Hoping that he loved me just as much as I loved him. Aunt Levy asked the same question as she did to Storm. "Who do you love?" "I love Rosemary" He said with a red face. I smiled and hugged
Him. "Rin. Take good care of my daughter. Don't use Force. If you break her I break you. Understand?" My mother told him. He smiled and nodded his head. He smiled at me and I smile back at him. I was so happy. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I wish this happiness could last
Forever. I can't wait till this season is over. Me and Rin will be together forever. I smiled even bigger at the thought. Aunt Levy went to Jessica Next.
Sylvia P.O.V.
Auntie Levy went to Jessica and asked the same question. "Who do you love?" "I love Jake Conbolt" She answered Softly. I smiled. She had a crush on him ever since he stopped kids from picking on her. "So i'm guessing Jake you love her too?" she asked. He nodded his head. "Well I
Guess you guys gotta buy them a hotel room" Gale joked. Some of us laughed. 'Inside joke' I thought. It was a funny one. Next was James. I could tell Nova was tensed...
Nova P.O.V.
I could feel myself tense up as Levy asked the question to James. I've always liked him. He wasn't like anyone else I've met. He knew I could go on an S-class job by myself and complete it in less in a week. He believed in me when no one else did. 'ugh Nova you're being sappy' I
thought to myself. Everyone was quiet. He seemed Scared. "I love Nova." He whispered but I heard it. I could see my dad's face. 'that's why he's scared' I thought. "Break my daughter and I break you!" My dad shouted. James quickly nodded. I smiled towards me. He smiled back.
Reiki P.O.V.
Aunt Levy went to her daughter. "I already know who you love." I heard her whisper. Everyone knew. I also knew. "I love you too Gale" I commented. She laughed. "Oh now you guys are gonna get married!" Nashi Joked. we all laughed. It was another inside Joke. When we were 6 years old
Gale told me she liked me. I liked her too. But we said once we were old enough to 'date' we would get married. The laughing died down a little bit. "Okay guys calm down your laughing. We need to get through this before mating season starts which is TOMORROW." Levy told us.
Mia P.O.V.
"Jack I know who you love but do you want to tell her?" Aunt Levy asked. I saw him look at Sylvia. I frowned. My crush loves my best friend. She nodded her head and looked at me. She smiled softly at me. "I like Mira Strauss" He confessed. I smiled. I felt my whole world be
Lighten up with fireworks. I ran towards Sylvia and hugged her. "You knew?" I asked. She nodded her head. "He was scared to tell you" she said. I looked at Jack. I smiled at him. He looked away with a red face. Me and Sylvia giggled. Chris was Next.
Scarlet P.O.V.
I already knew he loved. He loved my sister. I don't see why he wouldn't. She's beautiful and Strong. While I can barely control how strong my power can get. I looked down with tears running down my eyes. I didn't want him to see me cry about it. I was next to Sylvia and I
Held her hand. We were both dealing with Love problems. I smiled at her. She smiled back with tears running down her face. We both hugged each other. Before Aunt Levy could ask him the question he answered it and his answered completely shocked me. "Aunt Levy, I love Scarlet"
He answered. I looked at Sylvia. She let go of my hand. She smiled sadly at me. I hugged her one last time before running into Chris's arms. He hugged back. Next was Luke. 'good luck Sylvia' I said in my mind.
Sylvia P.O.V.
"Luke who do love?" Aunt Levy asked. I didn't want to hear it. I couldn't bear it. I was sad enough. I didn't want him to drop my heart. He was my best friend. Our friendship wouldn't be the same and the thought sadded me. I ran out of the guild hall without looking back. I ran to
The back of the guild hall. I heard someone follow me but I didn't care. I didn't want to hear him. I could face him with a straight face while he loved someone else. "Sylvia why did you leave?" I heard a voice say I look back and saw look. "Don't worry about it. Go tell the girl who you love
To Aunt Levy." I told him. "I already did." He smiled at me. I wish I could've smiled back but I couldn't find the energy to smile. "Sylvia who do you think I love?" He asked as he sat next to me. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." I whispered. He made me look at him. "The girl
I love has beautiful blue eyes, She strong, She beautiful, She fights for her family and Friends, and She's a model." He told me. Then it came to me. "YOU LOVE MIA!?!?" I asked. He looked at me shocked. "No Sylvia I love you! You're the girl I love!" He shouted. I smile an jump onto him.
"I love you too Luke-sama"I told him. I felt him hug me back. He grabbed my chin and we started into each others eyes before slamming our lips onto each other.
Reyna: All done with chapter 2! Thanks for reading anyways... bai!!
words: 1256
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