waking up
Luke P.O.V.
I turn around to put my arm around Sylvia. There was no one beside me. I shot open my eyes to see she was gone. Her room looked kinda empty. She didn't have her clothes in her room
Anymore. I felt anger rise up in me. I looked EVERYWHERE for her. She was nowhere no be found. I went to Storm's and Rin's room then kicked down the door. They woke up with fangs just like
Me but I had horns, wings, and Scales in places that I didn't have my clothes covering in. The twins had their devil slayer mark covering half of their body, fangs, and their eyes glowing
Purple. "WHERE IS SHE?!" I shouted. They didn't answer me. I broke their frame of their family. "I SAID WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR SISTER!! IDIOTS ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING!?!?" I yelled.
They jumped at little bit but said their parent must of took them and the rest of the mates. "Well, let's go pay a visit" I smirked. "How we don't know where they are." Rin stated. "You idiots!!!
Where do we always go for over the top protection?" I asked them. "Reyna's mansion" Storm said. I stared at them for a few seconds and then they FINALLY understood. "OH! They're on
Their way to Reyna's house!" Rin stated. I nodded. "Okay let's go wake up the others" Storm said and that's what we did. We woke them up one by one. "TO REYNA'S HOUSE!" We all declared and that's where we went off to.
Reyna: Hey peeps sorry for not updating and for the short chapter. I gtg write another chapter!!
Holly: Please go check out her new book 'Dare Juvia anything' and give us some dares!
Gruviaverxoxo: Sorry but no Graylu dares!
Levi: Or else we will all die.
Pandora: Please Vote, Comment, and follow!
Candies: Follow us at...
Maddiecute247, Holly_Bunny14, gruviaverxoxo, Leviathan72025, CandiesPhobia, and Hildegradine
Hildegradine: We will see you readers soon!
Everyone: anyways... bai!!
words: 332
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