splitting up
Nashi P.O.V.
I was running as fast as I could. Storm could catch up to me any min, But
Soon enough I made it out of the woods and I saw a car. I waved my
Hands and the car stopped. Someone opened the car door and I saw the
Others. "Nashi!!" They shouted. Shoved myself in the car, closed the
Door and Rainwoman started driving. "What happened?!?!" Scarlet
Questioned. "Ava's back and out to kill me" I replied. They all gasped. "AHH!"
Finssol and Rainwoman yelled and quickly turned, and crashed into some part of the woods.
Then it all went black...
Mia P.O.V.
I was the first to wake up. Everyone else was laying down either on the
Seat or floor. Nashi and Sylvia ended up in the trunk. I feel pain next to my
Eye. I touch it to only find blood leaking out, and some pieces of glass
From the window. Or Rose's reading glasses. Everyone had blood leaking
Out from some part of their face. 'What happened?' I wondered. I saw
Jack's face looking around the car and peeking in, too see if someone was
Awake. "Guys! Guys! Wake up! The boys are here! C'mon!" I whispered.
Once they did wake up, we all reviewed our groups and then got out.
Jack looked at us and Reiki screamed out "RUN!!!!" At the moment we didn't
Care about our groups we all ran as fast as our feet could go. We all
Splitted up...
Reyna: hi, hope you liked this chapter. I FINALLY had time away from hospitals, Therpy, and family stuff and got to update. Sorry for the wait. Anyways... Bai!!
Words: 278
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