kidnapped pt. 3 Nashi and Rose
Rose P.O.V.
"Nashi C'mon run faster!! Everyone else has been kidnapped I'm pretty sure!" I yelled. "I'm hungry, I need FOOD!" We stopped for a little bit. Once Nashi looked at me, she has sparkles
In her eyes and she started drooling. "Yummy Chicken" She walked towards me like a zombie. "Nashi!! You aren't think straight AHHH!! STOP BITING ME!!" I shouted. I tried to run but she
Kept trying to eat me. "Nashi~" "Rose~" the boys yelled. "NASHI WE GOTTA GO!! NO MORE GAMES!" I pushed her off and started running. She didn't run with me. she was trying to
Find food. I then Saw Storm behind her. He grabbed her and smirked at me. "Your Next, and Nashi, don't worry. I'll give you something to swallow later~😉😉" I turned red at what he
Meant. He then disappeared into thin air. My eyes widen. "Rose!! Nashi!! Are you there!?!?" I heard someone yell. "Sylvia? SYLVIA!!" I shouted. "ROSE!!" We screamed. we tried to go to each
Other, but once we reached each other it was like there was a glass wall. Both of us widen our eyes, banged on the 'wall' and called out each other's names. "ROSE!! ROSE!! RIN IS RIGHT
BEHIND YOU!!" she shouted. I looked behind me to find him smirking and he wrapped his arms around me tightly so I couldn't be free. "SYLVIA!!! SYLVIA!! PLEASE HELP ME!! HELP!!" I
Screamed. "Oh no Baby girl, you aren't going anywhere. I didn't see Sylvia anymore but instend we were in a car and I saw the rest of the girls. "Rose!!" They all called out. Expect Nashi who
Was eating some chicken cuz she was very hungry. The only one left was Sylvia. She was the one who could be captured or the only who could save us.
Sylvia P.O.V.
"ROSE!!" I screamed but Rin took her away. "Don't worry Sylvia-Sama, You're next." I heard Luke whisper. "AHHH!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I shouted as I ran. Tears flowed down my eyes. I was alone in the woods.
Reyna: All done! Hope you enjoyed!! anyways... bai!! ♥💕😘😜
follow Holly_Bunny14, finissol, gruviaverxoxo, Leviathan72025, CandiesPhobia, Hildegradine, and me!! Please and thank you!
Words: 366
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