kidnapped pt. 1 Nova and Mia.
Nova P.O.V.
I was running. I just followed where the path led me. I didn't care where I was going. All I knew was that I had to run away. Away from the guys. Him. I couldn't let him catch me. No matter how
Much I wanted to give into him. "NOVA!!! NOVA PLEASE HELP ME!!" Mia yelled. Jack was an inch away from grabbing her. He could almost reach. "RUN!!" I screamed and started to run faster
Myself. "NOVA, HE'S CATCHING UP!!" Mia shouted. I then transformed and shot him with a magic ball. It didn't affect him one bit. "Shit!!" I said. "my turn. IRON DRAGON ROAR!!!!" And it hit me.
"Nova!! You okay?" Mia asked. " I put my hands where he hit me was on my ribs. I was bleeding. "Yeah, I'm okay. Hury RUN!!" I shouted. She was going to but Jake came in the way. "Not so
Fast." Mia and I smirked. "Guess it's time to fight" We said. "You girls may be cousins and work together very good but you two don't stand a chance!" Jack said. "We'll see about that!" Mia
Stated. "Sylvia's stripping training will finally come to use" I told her. She nodded. We started to strip off our clothes. the only thing we were in was our Shoes, Bra, and panties. They both
Looked and drooled. "HEY!!! Stop looking at my girl!!" Jack yelled!" "You were looking first!!" Jake replied. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" They yelled and started fight each other.
Mia P.O.V.
"That was awesome!" I told Nova. "Yeah, We should be able to get ahead of them by a lot!!" SHe stated. We giggled. "Yeah, Those boys are complete idiots! AHHHH!!! NOVA!!!" I screamed. She
Looked back and her eyes widen. Jack caught me. "HELP ME!!" I shouted as Jack took me to the car. He tied me up. "You won't get away with this!! Someone or everyone else will come save
Me!!" I told him. He smirked. "Are you sure about that?" He asked. Next thing I know, Nova is right next to me. My eyes widen and I stayed quiet. "Exactly" He said then walked away.
Nova P.O.V.
"MIA!!" I shouted but, it was too late. Jack already took him and there was nothing I could do about it. "Shit!" I cursed. I was all by myself. "Nova~" I heard him say. I started running. This
Was even more bad then being chased my a clown. While I was running I didn't see a stick there so, I tripped. I was waiting to fall but I didn't. I felt someone's arms around me. I turned to see
Jake. 'shit, I would've rathered tripped' I thought to myself. "miss me?" He asked. He took me to the car and tied me up. Mia's eyes widen as she saw me. "2 down" they said. Her and I sat there.
Feeling helpless. I normally don't like help from anyone but at this point, I wish someone could help us and save us. I heard Screams on the other side of the woods. Mia and I looked at each
Other. "Well Well, look who is here" We looked and our eyes widen at who it was. It was....
Reyna: That is it! Sorry it took me so long to update! I'll try my best to update next week but no promises, Anyways.... bai!! 💕😜❤♥😘
Also please go follow....
hindgrandine and...
ME!! Maddiecute247
Me and my cousin Maddie. (Can you guess where I got my username now?😉😜💕♥)
words: 608
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