Kidnapped part 2. Scarlet and Reiki
Reiki P.O.V.
"MIA!!" "NOVA!!" we heard somewhere in these woods. "Shit! The boys are coming!!" Scarlet stated. "no really?" I asked. She glared at me. "C'mon, we gotta speed it up!" I told her. She
Nodded. "REQUIP!!" we shouted and transformed into our flying armor. "We should be safe as long as we keep flying" She said. I nodded in agreement. We then heard thunder. "That's not
Good. If it's raining, Chris could cause lighting and if he does then our armor won't fly!" She said. "Don't worry. I don't think Gale is here so, I could stall him while you run HOLY SHIT HE'S RIGHT
BEHIND YOU!! SWORD ATTACK!!" I attacked. The sword stabbed right in the Sword. Scarlet just stood there and looked at him on the ground. I grabbed her arm and I ran, dragging her with me.
"AHHH!!" Scarlet shouted. I looked back to see Chris holding onto her tight. His wound compleley healed. He stood there with Scarlet in his right arm and my sword I stabbed
Him with in his left arm. He tried to throw it back at me but someone came in front of me and grabbed it. "Gale!" I said shocked. "Need a hand?" She asked. "You're not hurting Reiki without
Getting through me first!" "Gale, C'mon let's go to the car" he said. Before I knew it, he and Scarlet were gone. Gale tried to grab me but I ducked and started to run. But after a few mins
Of running she caught me and took me to the car. All the girl's eyes widen as they saw me. she tied me up then made me sit down next to the others. Mia and Nova sighed.
"Well... I guess it's up to Rose, Nashi, and/or Sylvia to help save us" Mia declared. Everyone nodded in agreement and we just sat there.
Reyna: All done! Bai!!
finissol Holly_Bunny14 gruviaverxoxo Leviathan72025 CandiesPhobia Hildegradine
words: 322
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