kidnapped once again.
Nashi P.O.V.
I hear footsteps behind me. I look towards the noise hoping it was Sylvia but I was wrong. "Nashi! Please just come to me and I'll go easy on you for yours and mine first time." Those words got me. My heart started to beat faster and I smiled as I walked closer to him. "You
Didn't have sex with Mia?" I questioned, hoping that he didn't. He smiled and shook his head. "No, She wanted to but I was told her I wanted to do it once I got married. But that was a lie. I was saving myself up for you. I knew deep down that I love you. After a few months of dating
Her, I noticed that the love I had for her was family Love. Not the love that I have for you." He told me. Tears started to pour out as I ran to him. He hugged me and I hugged back. Out of nowhere We somehow got to a room. "I love Nashi." "I love you too Storm" We start to make-out.
Nova P.O.V.
I ran as fast as I could. I wanted to stop but my legs and mind wouldn't let me. I know what was coming to me if I stopped for a second. He was right behind me, And I couldn't get captured. I was panting more than I ever had before. '10 more days to go' I told myself to make me feel
Better. 10 days was all I needed to keep away from him. I started to think about what would happen if I did hold off. 'A girl from Sabertooth wanted to ask him out. If I don't stop things will go back to normal. We most likely won't even talk after this. If he says yes then him and I might
Not end up together.' I didn't want that to happen. I stopped running. He grabbed my waist. I turned around and hugged him. "Please don't leave me." I whispered. he wrapped my legs around his legs. "Never" he answered and we ended up in a room. Hugging each other.
Scarlet P.O.V.
I didn't make it that far. He caught me very quickly. "SCARLET!!" Reiki and Rose yelled as they were running towards me. "LET HER GO!!" Rose shouted. Reiki had a sword out. "AHHH REIKI!!" Rose shouted and Reiki grabbed my hand. He also grabbed mine. "You can't save both of them
Reiki. Pick. One or the other." Rin told us. He looked at both of us and we looked at him. Begging him with our eyes to not let go of our hands. He closed his eyes for a couple of seconds then let go of....
Reiki P.O.V.
This was the hardest choice of my life. It was like picking between Mom or Dad. IMPOSSIBLE. My mind was telling me Scarlet but my heart and gut said Rosemary. Rosemary could help Save Scarlet. I closed my eyes knowing who I was gonna pick... I let go of Rose's hand.
Rosemary P.O.V.
I felt his grip let go of my hand. I gasped and he let go and pulled Scarlet out. I felt Rin grabbed my waist very tightly. I scream out. "AHHH!!!" I saw Reiki and Scarlet run away. I try my best to get out of his arms, but he kicked my wound on my leg. I felt myself fall into the darkness.
Mia P.O.V.
"AHHHH!!!" I heard a scream from that side of the woods. Jack should be here any second. I run to the voice hoping I save it. "Oh no Baby~Girl you're not going anywhere." He told me. I smacked him and ran. He grabbed my foot and I tripped. He crawled on top of me, tangled his
Legs with mine, and pinned my wrist above my head. "You wanna have sex the easy way or the hard way?" He asked. "Is there a difference?" I asked. "Yes. Easy is in a room and I'll go easy for our first time. Hard way is where we fuck on this hard floor and I will make sure you feel pain
And pleasure. I felt the tears drip down my face. "Easy way." I whispered. He smirked and we somehow appeared in a bedroom. He placed me on the queen size bed, kissed my neck. More tears fell as he did what he wanted. "someone help me." I whispered and cried even more.
Sylvia P.O.V.
I wake up to a shining bright light. "ugh" I tried to roll over, just to find out that I'm changed to the bed. "Hello?" I asked. "Look whose awake." Luke said. "Luke let me go! Your not in the right mindset! You aren't thinking straight." I cried out to him. "My feelings are taking over Sylvia.
I am in the right mindset. I'm more powerful now. If you don't fight me off this season with end quickly." He told me as he started to unbuckle his belt. My eyes widen. "Please don't do this Luke!!! We can't have ...! We are too young for this!! Please stop PLEASE!!!" I cried and begged.
He wouldn't stop. I felt warm tears run down my face. "Please don't do this." I whispered. He took off his pants and I could see his .... From his boxers. "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!" I screamed out as He took off my Pants, shoes, and panties.
Reyna: All done!! Hope you enjoyed!! thank you so so much for reading!! Anyways... bai!!💕👍😃
Words: 922
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