I run out the door behind Natsu. I see him stop around the corner so I decide to stop too. I also decide to peek around the corner.
"Hey!" Natsu yells
"Natsu?" Yukino turns around in shock.
"Phew..." Natsu finishes walking to Yukino "Ok I followed you out here because I wanted to apologize to you."
"Apologize?" Yukino wonders
"Yeah. Natsu thought that because you were from Sabertooth you were a bad guy." Happy explains
"And that's why I'm out here." Natsu adds
"You came out here just for that?" Yukino asks
"You looked down. So I decided to apologize...and I was starting to think that you caught onto my suspicions and that I put you in a bad mood. " Natsu says
"You didn't. I'm sorry." Yukino apologizes
"Wait a sec I'm supposed to be apologizing to you. Not the other way around." Natsu says
Yukino starts crying out of nowhere.
"Aw cryin' makes me feel even worse about it!" Natsu yells
"What's wrong?" Happy asks
Yukino falls to the ground and cries even more.
"I'm sorry. Its just that you guys, a bunch of people I hardly know, acted nicer to me than my own guild did. When I lost my match with Kagura the Sabertooth guildmaster kicked me out of the guild. One of my dreams was to be in Sabertooth...and then I finally got in last year. But now...I'm not even allowed to be in their presence. As punishment...the guildmaster had me humiliated in front of everyone and erase my own guild mark. It was so embarrassing... It destroyed my pride and almost everything else I had. Now I have nowhere to go." Yukino explains
Natsu stands there as if he's about to go kick someone's butt. He has his hands clutched into fists and has an angry expression on his face.
"Sorry but I don't know how it works in other guilds..." Natsu says
"Natsu!" Happy yells
"It just came out. I'm sorry." Yukino says as she wipes her eyes
"I may be from another guild but I understand how you're feeling... A guild that makes one of their family members cry ain't a guild at all!" Natsu yells
"Family members...?" Yukino says
A little bit later Natsu is running toward the place that the Sabertooth guild is staying. I'm running too but way behind Natsu. I'm trying to come too but for my own reasons.
When we finally get there he starts unleashing a whole bunch of flames onto their inn. When Natsu finally gets into the guild he starts using some attack with spiraling flames. A lot of the guild members are thrown to the side.
"Where's the guild master of Sabertooth?!?!" Natsu exclaims so everyone could hear.
Sting and Rogue get there and are obviously shocked to see Natsu here.
"Do you have some business with me kid?" The tall man says
Wait a second...I recognize that can't be him...could it?
"You the master here?" Natsu asks "I heard that you kicked out someone for losing?"
"So what if I did. The guild matters of Sabertooth have nothing to do with you."
"Oh? Well if that's the case then if you lose to me your outta this guild!" Natsu says
"We'll die before we let you lay a finger on the guild master!" Sting says
Rogue comes in too.
Natsu avoids both Sting and Rogue. He actually lands a punch on the guildmaster and starts a full on brawl with him.
Sting and Rogue were so intrigued by the fight they stop just watch along with all the other guild members. Its funny because once they realize for a moment that they stopped fighting they get back at it again. They stand between Natsu and the Sabertooth guildmaster.
"Move aside. You two did just lose to him right? Maybe I should kick you out?" The guild master says "And what are those runts doing in this guild?!?!" He talks about the two cats
"Look I know your mad because Sting lost but this let him discover a lot about himself and his opponent. To be honest I think that you have to lose in order to grow in strength. So maybe we could just let this slide?" Lector tries to settle things between them.
"Who do you think you are? Who let you into this guild?!?!" The Sabertooth guild master says
Before Sting can even act the Sabertooth guild master points at Lector and a large explosion happens in the area where Lector once was.
"L-Lector!" Sting yells
Rogue is in the corner with a crying Frosch trying to protect him. Sting cries and then finally can't take it anymore. He yells in sadness over the loss of Lector.
"What have done... What the heck have you done?!?! Lector did nothing to you!" Sting yells
"Get over it. Its was just cat. Go find yourself another one." The guild master says
Sting lets loose a large beam of light that rips through the Sabertooth guild master.
The thing is... I was in denial this whole time. I would have recognized his voice anywhere. It was my father. He was killed right in front of me. I know I should be sad but...for some reason I don't feel sad. I feel nothing for him. My terrible abusive father...gone...
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