Chapter 3
Lucy's pov
I was walking home, about to get ready for the sleepover when I walked through the door I saw my dad. "I've been waiting for you to get home Lucy." He said.
I turned around and ran out the door. I don't want my dad hurting me. 'This all just a dream right?' Tears were sliding down my cheeks.
I ran to Levy's house and knocked on the door. She answered "what's wrong Lu-Chan? Are you okay? Where's all your stuff? What happened?"
I walked in and decided to tell her the truth. It was pretty obvious that I could trust her. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote 'you have to promise not to tell anyone.'
"Okay, I promise." I then wrote down everything, starting with my mothers death. But I didn't write that I could talk, I just wasn't ready yet.
"That's horrible Lu-Chan! Why didn't you tell me before?" I quickly wrote 'I thought I was safe, but apparently not.'
After about a half-hour of talking everybody showed up. It was a girls only sleepover. "Oh, hey Lucy why are you here so early? And where's your stuff?" Erza asked.
"It's a long story" Levy said. "Do you mind if I tell them?"
I nodded my head. I didn't really care. They are my friends after all.
After Levy explained what happened they all gasped "is Lucy-Chan okay?" Juvia asked.
I nodded. "When will he leave?" Erza asked. I shrugged.
"You can stay at Juvia's place until he leaves." Juvia said. I smiled and nodded.
"What will you wear until then? You can't always wear your school uniform" Levy asked.
"Juvia had some clothes she can wear. Juvia always has extra clothes." I smiled at Juvia. This is so nice of them. They really are the best.
"Alright, let's play truth or dare!"
I grabbed a piece of paper. 'What's truth or dare?'
"Well I guess since this is your first sleepover you wouldn't know." Levy said.
After she explained it, then we played.
"Juvia, t or d?" Levy asked.
"Dare" Juvia said.
"Ok." She took a minute to think. "I dare you to kiss Gray the next time we see him."
"K-kiss Gray-Sama? O-okay..." She said the last part silently.
"Erza, t or d?" Juvia asked.
"Truth" Erza said.
"Okay. Juvia wants to know who Erza-San likes."
Erza blushed. "Likes?"
We all nodded. She said something but no one heard.
"What was that" Levy asked.
"Jellal" she said a bit louder.
Levy and Juvia squealed. I smiled like a mad man.
"Wait until we tell Mira!!!" Levy said. I looked at her confused. "That's another one of our friends. She should come back on Monday from vacation."
I nodded. "Ok. Lucy t or d" Erza asked.
I wrote 't' and handed it to her.
"Alright. Do you like Natsu?"
My face heated up. I was blushing madly. Did I like Natsu? I'm not sure. 'I don't know' I wrote. I looked down. I don't know my own feelings. I was still blushing though.
"I think you do like him. I mean look at how much your blushing."
The three were squealing. "OMG! You do like him!!!"
I was blushing so much. I can't believe it, I think I do like him. 'What if he doesn't like me' I wrote.
"There's only one way to find out! Text him!" Erza said. I shook my head, there was no way I would do that.
"Then I'll text him" Levy said.
"Levy please don't!" I accidentally said. Everyone looked at me.
"YOU CAN TALK!!!!" They all yelled. I nodded.
"Yes I can. But it's been awhile. I stopped talking after my mom died, so my dad wouldn't here me plead and scream. He doesn't need that satisfaction." They all just stared. I started hiding under my blanket.
"Omg" "I can't believe it" "wow Juvia thinks you sound amazing." I kept hearing things like that.
"This is the best news I heard all day!!!" They all yelled at the same time.
"Alright, alright let's just keep playing."
"Levy t or d?"
"Um... Dare."
I smiled "I dare you to tell Gajeel you love him."
"Well it's pretty obvious that you like him" Erza said. Me and Juvia nodded.
"Fine! I'll do it!"
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