Episode 14
(Yn POV)
Went ahead to look for Carla, Happy, Nasta and Wendy from this dark and desolated cloudy world. Didn't take to long to find them. Would like to find Lucy. I'll keep it much canon as possible. Wait.... How I am gonna tell them my stone still works? It's basically cosmic power base. Could just give a small explanation. Longest they don't ask to much questions.
Nasta: What happen here? Where's everyone? Bubbles floating off the ground.
Wendy (frown): Even I don't know. Really worried about everyone in Fairy Tail. I wonder if the reason we're left behind because we're Dragon Slayers?
Carla: That's right. Your lucky you're a Dragon Slayer or you would've suffer the same fast as everyone else. Not that I care. All that matters to me your alive.
Damn that's harsh. I felt a little hurt. That we made as small progress. Nasta is pissed by Carla's rude words.
Nasta: All right! I can't take your attitude anymore! Your saying the others disappearing aren't important?! Wait! You mean that crazy story is true?!
Happy: Say what?!
Wendy nodded. Carla explains it is called Anima. A gateway to Edolas which is another world. Parallel world. They are about to experience a bit of Multiversal Travel, baby! Wendy asks why Carla wasn't taken by the storm as well. Carla said her and Happy are actually from Edolas. Happy, Nasta and Wendy were shocked by this sudden revelation. As for me I just fake it.
Yn: Wait really?! Whoa. So the multiverse is real.
Nasta: Multi-what?
Yn: Worlds parallel to ours. There's a scientific theory called Multiverse Theory that supposedly there's another world similar to ours. It looks somewhat the same except with small or huge differences. For an example: Let's say in another world where Nasta-
Nasta (-_-): Why am I an example?
Yn: Bush! Just let me finish. Anyway back what I am saying...she isn't a Dragon Slayer and doesn't have motion sickness or a world where Happy is human or...well you get the picture. Again it is a theory...until now. The talk went on as canon.
Carla: 'Huh. Yn is a very smart man. No wonder he managed to invent so many things. There's still one thing that has been bothering me'. Yn, tell me....how are you not affected by Anima. Are you secretly a Dragon Slayer?
Shook my head no. Brought out my Infinity Stones.
Yn: Pretty sure it is because of these Infinity Stones.
Happy: Infinity Stones?
Yn: It's what I called. What I've been told is that the stones aren't a magic base more like the power of cosmic. Kinda hard to explain though. Goes deeper than you think.
Wendy: Whoa.
Nasta: So cool.
Carla narrows her eyes at me.
Carla: I see. Very then. I'll leave it be.
Yn: Haven't tested my stones full capabilities. For now we need to decide what to do next.
Carla suggested we go to Edolas if we wanted to save our friends and learn more about Anima. Carla and Happy materialize their wings as I suit up.
Iron Man: Time to fly into the danger zone.
Carla and Happy carry their respective Dragon Slayers as the four of us flew toward the portal. Once we passed through we saw a whole new scenery with floating platforms. We were in awe of how incredible this is!
Iron Man: Incredible!
Nasta, Happy: Wow!
Wendy: Amazing!
Carla: We're here. We actually made it.
Happy: My roots. My home.
(3rd POV)
They flew across the scenery while looking around to find where the source of Anima is at.
Nasta: Man, this is-aaaah!
C, H, W: Aaaaaah!
Carla and Happy wings vanish so suddenly as magic users fall from the sky. Iron Man quickly flies down to use his Infinity Stones to create a barrier around them before crashing onto those huge white balls with yellow patterns.
Iron Man: That was close.
Nasta: Thanks, babe!
Wendy: Thank you!
Carla: Thanks.
Happy: Thank goodness. Phew.
Time Skip-Few hours later brought to you by fusion of Kamen Agito and Kuuga
Our heroes have traveled for a good while, so far nothing has happened much yet except they Nasta tried to grab a monster fish for food due to her hunger. She tried to use her Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, Nasta flames didn't ignite rendering pink hair woman powerless. With no magic. Force Yn to step in completely annihilated with a powerful Uni Beam from his Arc Reactor. Thankfully he didn't have to recharge his suit since his Infinity Stones can replenish Iron Man armor energy. Met a few old travelers passing by as they kneel down scared of Happy. Called Happy a Exceed it made Carla annoyed for some reason. Yn wonders if Carla is different from an ordinary Exceed due to having a human form with cat features. Eventually found a pumpkin shape house or storage. Use what our heroes can find so they could blend in.
In human form
Carla: This would do.
Happy: I look cool!
Wendy: What do you think?
Yn: You look great.
Nasta wears a brown cloak to cover her pink hair. Yn covers his appearance with a white cloak.
Yn saw Nasta looking through the window.
Yn: What's up?
Nasta: G-g-guys. Look!
They took a look to see a sign with a Fairy Tail emblem onto an odd huge looking green root building across from them.
Yn: Whoa!
Ran inside of the Edolas Fairy Tail to take a quick glance at it. Hid under one of the tables as Carla pointed some differences of familiar friends within the guild hall.
Juvia: Well I'm off. I just took on a pretty major job.
Max: Take care.
A long black haired woman wearing a bunch of coats and gloves can be seen to wish her friend good luck.
Grayia: Take care, Juvia. Have a safe trip.
Nasta (surprised): Grayia?!
Next it was Wart, Jet, Droid, Elfman, graceful looking Cana and so on.
Yn (whisper): Yep. We're definitely in a parallel world.
Girl??? (Stern): Hey! What the heck do you think you're doing?
They saw a woman in black attire kneeling down as our heroes were shocked at who it was.
Switch Gray for Grayia.
Lucy: What's the big idea of you sneaking around in our guild like this?
Nasta: Lucy?!?
Happy: Seriously?!?
Yn: Holy shit!
Wendy: I'm scared, Carla!
Carla: Don't worry, Wendy. It'll be alright. But what the devil is going on here?
To be continued
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