Chapter 31
Erza cracked her eyes open at the sound of Lucy surprised shriek when Natsu lifted her up by the hips and started carrying her around. The blonde woman whined and lightly smacked Natsu on the back repeatedly while Cana perked with delight and jumped on Gray's back, who was sitting at Mirajane's bar, making him choke on his drink. The redhead woman smiled at the sight of the younger adults fooling around in the garage and bicker with each other like family. Lisanna came from the kitchen to see the activity before gasped with a grin and clapped her hands.
"Chicken fight!" she suggested loudly.
"What? No!" Lucy cried. "I don't want to fall and land on my head!"
"No, no," Lisanna giggled as she pulled out two towels from her apron pockets, making Cana laugh with encouragement as Gray eventually got up from his seat and let the half-sober woman climb on his shoulders like a cat. From Erza's point, Gray didn't seem to happy about having the brunette on his shoulders, but he didn't miss Natsu's eyes spark with fire at the challenge. "Try to steal the other's towel, and then there's the winner! No pushing the other off is the only rule. I'll be the referee!"
"Come on, icicle," Natsu snickered darkly as he lifted Lucy to his shoulders and holding her bare thighs, making her squeal and go red in the face. "I bet Cana will fall asleep before you can get anywhere near winning! Luce, put the towel in your boobs, so Cana can't reach!"
"No way!" Lucy gawked when Lisanna snuck behind them and slipped the towel in the back of Lucy's tank, putting it securely by the bra strap. The blonde smacked Natsu on top of his head while Lisanna scurried over to Cana and Gray to do the same. "Natsu, I swear to God, if you drop me -!"
"I'll use myself to break your fall, Luce, I pinky promise!" the pink haired man brightened at Lucy's will to give in to the game, even though it probably wasn't. "Just make sure we win!"
"Ya make it sound like you know you're going to lose, flamebrain," Gray taunted playfully, making Natsu straighten and spit fire at him, making Erza chuckle.
Sudden weight to her chest made Erza look down to see Jellal resting his head on the swell of her breasts. Having half of his body on Erza's hood, he didn't move any farther than to just plop his head with his eyes closed. Smiling softly at her husband's mute behavior, Erza tangled one of her hands into his blue hair, lightly massaging his scalp to hear him sigh against her shirt, feeling the heat of his breath through the material.
"Having fun watching the kids?" Jellal muttered quietly, fixing his head to take a small peek upward to Erza's grinning face.
Erza brushed some of Jellal's bangs from his eyes, pressing a light kiss to his hairline. "Just fine," she answered just as quietly. "Tired?"
Jellal simply shrugged and hid his face between Erza's breasts, making her stiffen and go red in the face. When it usually came to affectionate gestures between husband and wife, Erza was cool and collected around everyone - however, it wasn't the same with more intimate moves her husband makes in public, like spanking her butt or being openly loving to her chest. Erza is the kind to get flustered and embarrassed at moments like this, even though no one is paying any attention to them, but rather to the game going on by the bar.
"J-Jellal," Erza stuttered under her breath, trying lightly to push him off. But Jellal kept leaning on her and making her shake shyly and go even redder on her cheeks. "Jellal, god damn it!"
"You're stressed," he said softly his hands reaching up to wrap loosely around his wife's laying form on her car. Pulling her a little bit his way, Jellal buried his face into her hot neck. "I can tell. You've been serious and stiff ever since Master Makarov told us about Acnologia. Is that what's been bothering you?"
Still blushing, Erza pouted and gripped the back of his head with one hand, while her other wrapped around his shoulders. From the distance, they looked to be simply cuddling with each other, which was the norm among the couple here in the gang's garage. "Surprised you have been keeping tabs on my behavior, rather than my ass..."
"I have learned to multitask," Jellal chuckled before pressing a kiss under her ear. "We've been married for so long and you think I can only pay attention to one thing?"
"You still don't know the time of day when I get you out of your imagination."
Jellal looked her in the eye with a smirk that made her heart beat a little bit faster than usual, making her regret her little retort but soon relaxed again when he tucked a lock of her long, red hair behind her ear. Having known each other since they were just young children, Erza sometimes forgot how well her husband knows her inside and out, body and mind; she really shouldn't be surprised that Jellal picked up the smallest hint of her own struggles with life.
"Don't worry about it too much," Jellal said softly, giving Erza a kiss on her cheek. "Makarov said that it's a possibility of Acnologia, or one of his members," he gave her another on her opposite cheek, making that small smooch noise that made Erza bite back a laugh. "We're not part of his gang anymore. We're in a better place than we were years ago." One light, too quick of a peck on Erza's lips made her pout, wrapping her arms around his neck and tilt her head when he brought them both to sit up on the hood.
"We're happy, right?" Jellal pressed letting his wife touch her forehead with his.
"Yes, we are," Erza confirmed before pulling him close to subtract the distance of their mouths. Erza kissed him happily, ignoring the shouts of Natsu and Gray arguing and Lucy crying about how Cana didn't need to grab her chest like that. The noises of Levy working with the mechanics and Mirajane laughing in the distance at something Macaro said added more points to how alive the garage can be. It made Erza's heart swell with joy and happiness that her new and forever family were good people at heart, enjoying life so much better than the people she and Jellal grew up with.
Pulling back, Erza smiled mischieviously as she glanced to see no one paying attention to them. "Jellal, how about we go to bed a little bit early tonight?" she suggested sweetly.
Her husband blinked. "Do I look that tired to you, Erza?"
"You idiot," she sighed before whispering something into his ear, making the blue haired man's eyes widen and cheeks pink. Once she pulled back and gave him a pointed look, he gave her that sexy smile she always loved to see. "Well? What do you say, Jellal?"
He didn't say much but practically yanked Erza off of her car and lift her into his arms. The way he moved through the garage to the elevators went unnoticed by most occupants in the garage, but Mirajane could see the familiar haste Jellal took to carry his wife away. Smiling, Mirajane kept her observation to herself when Laxus saw his fiancee smiling with a look in her eye.
"What's up, Mira?" he asked, catching Macao and Wakaba from drinking their beer.
The platinum-blonde simply shook her head and pushed Laxus's hair away from his eyes. "Just thinking how amazing it is to be with everyone here, saving the day one bad guy at a time like superheros..."
Laxus made a face of confusion, but didn't question her further. Shrugging, the bulky man went back to doing his usual paperwork that his grandfather asked help for. "Whatever you say, Mira. You always think of the most obvious things."
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