Chapter 24
"No fuckin' way!" Natsu yelled at the rocker, who shrilled giggles like a madman.
"How dare you -!" Gray was about to step in and pull a fist back when Juvia's gentle hand touched his shoulder. Stopping from punching Vidaldus, Gray stared wide-eyed at the blue haired woman.
"You are not touching Sue-chan," Juvia stated strongly. Lucy saw thick tears in Sue's eyes as Boze reached down and grasped both of the young girl's shoulders tightly. "If you dare to touch an underage girl, I will not hesitate to rip your stomach open and choke you with your insides."
"Ahh, but what about you, babe?" Vidaldus awed. He reached a hand towards her, about to cup her chin and tilt it upward. "If you race against me, will you be part of the bargain -!"
In a second, Juvia grabbed the man's wrist and twisted his arm. Pulling him forward, Juvia slammed Vidaldus to the hood of her car and raised her foot to step on the side of his skull, not caring about her dress skirt riding up her legs; twisting the man's arm to his back, Juvia grasped his other one backwards and into the air at an uncomfortable angle.
"Juju-chan!" Levy shrieked in surprise, letting Lucy grasp her hands in shock. "Please, please! Juju-chan, don't! He's not worth it!"
Natsu kept his hold on Gray from squirming to attack, letting himself get elbowed and kicked hard. He knew that Juvia could hold her own just as easily Gray could, or even for Gajeel, and so Natsu puts his trust in the blue haired woman. Ikaruga watched silently as Juvia pulled her partner's extended arm further back, causing him to croak.
"Juvia is not racing today, and this is the final warning," she said cooly, pressing her foot harder on the man's skull.
"Then, we will have to stop by and return the favor you did to my -!" Ikaruga was interrupted by Gray's firm, strong voice.
"I'll race."
Juvia's head snapped up to see Gray stop his fidgeting in Natsu's lock, his expression serious when Natsu slowly let go of his friend. Juvia's eyes widened and brought her foot down from Vidaldus's head, slowly letting him slip out and crack his neck and stretch his arms. The rocker man stepped back to his partner, who was watching Gray with slit eyes.
"What did you say, boytoy?" Ikaruga sharply asked, ignoring how her partner heaved right next to her.
"I'll race in her place with Vidaldus," Gray repeated slowly, making sure that everyone heard.
"Gray-sama," Juvia whispered to him, reaching out to grip his leather coat when Natsu finally released him. "Gray-sama, no. This is Juvia's problem, you don't need -!"
"I'll add in my ride to the deal, too, if I lose," Gray didn't give a glance to the woman trying to stop him, constantly tugging on his sleeve. "If you win, you get what you want and my car. If I win, you stay off of Phantom Lord's property and don't go anywhere Juvia outside of races."
"Risky, risky," Vidaldus purred. "I like this idea, man. Hey, Ikaruga, babe, what do you think 'bout this deal? Could be a nice tune-up from your broken baby, no?"
The woman in question's red lips parted to reveal pearly-white teeth, smiling brightly. "Juvia-chan's knight in shining armor has a pear, that's for sure. His ride is pretty cute, too. Juvia-chan still needs to stay, though."
Juvia swallowed before looking to Sue and Boze. "Sue-chan, Boze."
"Hai, Juvia-sama?" Sue's head perked, tears still evident in her eyes and Boze followed to pay attention to the S-Class woman.
"Drive Juvia's car back to the bar, and tell Toto-sensei what's happening. If Sol is there, tell Toto-sensei in private - he'll know what to do when Nii-chan wakes up, okay?"
Sue jumped off her relative's car and ran to Juvia, wrapping her thin arms around her and hiding her face into Juvia's breasts. "Juvia-sama, no! Come back with us, please! Gajeel-sama is going to get mad, and you know it!"
"Do what I say, Sue-chan," Juvia said firmly, gently petting Sue's brown hair and pushing her off carefully. Holding her face, Juvia offered a tiny smile. "Sue-chan is eighteen now, so you can drive Juvia's car home, okay? Just listen to Juvia, and let Toto-sensei know what's going on."
Sue's eyes darted from Juvia to Gray, a little pleading look written in her eyes. Gray crossed his arms and gave Sue a curt nod. "I'll bring her home, kid. If Gajeel gets his panties in a bunch, just tell him that I got it covered."
Sue blinked and forced herself to nod, detaching herself from Juvia and taking the keys handed to her by the woman. Pouting, Sue bolted back to Boze when he climbed off of his car, whispering something to him before running to the Nissan's driver door.
"Natsu, take Levy into your ride with Lucy, 'kay?" Gray looked over his shoulder to his friend, who inhaled and nodded slowly.
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