Chapter 20
Juvia Lockser stood beside her brother, with Sue and Boze behind them with their cars parked on either side. The meeting spot Jason had led them too was a parking ramp in the midst of the large city, where it was like a maze to drive through without stopping. The twenty-year old woman glanced around the surrounding area, noticing the lack of light in the fourth level of the ramp, despite having a light placed above them and a door on the wall.
To Juvia, it reminded her of an entrance of the hospital she used to go to constantly as a child with her mother and stepfather.
Feeling a slight nudge to her exposed shoulder, Juvia peeked to her older brother who was noticing her fidget with two black backpacks in her hands. "You okay, kid?"
"Juvia is fine," she nodded with a small smile, using the shoulder he touched to nudge him back. "It's just odd...we've never had to meet employers at such a public place. Even if there is not many lights, Juvia just wonders why we are to meet our client here."
Gajeel crossed his arms and shrugged. "Probably one of those rich people who can hire security to protect their asses. You know, like those James Bond guys, I guess."
"More like the Godfather," Sue snorted behind them, making Juvia giggle and Gajeel to roll his eyes. "Get your movies straight, man."
"How long we gonna wait for Jason to get the man out, huh?" Boze complained. "I'm getting tired, you guys. Toto-sensei is gonna beat my ass, too, if I don't finish my literature homework... Say, Sue..?"
"Do your own goddamn homework, you lazyass," Sue sniffed and turned away from her relative, who pouted down to her.
"You two behave right now," Juvia glanced over her shoulder, seeing that the glass door was showing approaching figures their way. She could see Jason leading in front, blocking out the rest of the faces for her to see from the angle. Once she saw the two straighten their back and put on their business faces, she returned to her own statuesque next to her brother.
Jason had one of his men open the door for him, letting him and three other people out. The two who were following closely behind him were obviously guards dressed in black suits, sunglasses and earpieces as accessories. The man in the middle, though, had a tan face with a gray suit; a long, pale beard that was neatly groomed and an eyepatch over his right eye, he was pretty well-built for his apparent age. In his hand was a silver suitcase.
The blond man who recruits for races beamed to the winners with a weird grin on his face, making Juvia mentally frown at how oblivious he was behaving in front of the employer. "Hey, you cool riders of the night! How y'all doing? Cool? Cool!"
"Cut the shit, Jason," Gajeel snapped in a bark, making it echoe in the parking ramp and Juvia sent a warning glare to him. Once he received the feeling of being targeted by his little sibling, he let out a breath of annoyance. "Where's the money? We ain't got all night, you know."
Jason flinched at Gajeel's voice and turned back to the man with the eyepatch, who walked up and pulled the suitcase to rest flat on his palm. Opening the clasp of the case open, the man with the eyepatch presented the fill of bulks of cash in rubber bands. This seemed to have sparked Gajeel's interest, since he smirked at the sight in front of him.
"This man is not the employer," Juvia spoke out, causing all eyes on him. "Where is the employer?"
The man with the eyepatch smiled at Juvia, who kept her face emotionless and stern. "Very good eye, young lady," he chuckled and shut the case, locking it. Juvia ignored how her brother sniffed in disappointment. "How'd you guess something so little?"
"If you were the employer, you would have made us enter the building and to your office," Juvia said simply, eyeing the two men who were looking at each other with raised brows. "If you were the employer, you would not have met the criminal racers so close to their cars. Even with two guards, there is four of us who are more than armed to take you out."
The bearded man chuckled darkly, passing the suitcase to one of the men who took it and approached Juvia's way. Juvia held out the backpacks in one hand and held out her free hand for the suitcase. The security gave Juvia the suitcase first before taking the bags from her, peeking inside before returning to his spot. Jason watched with fumbling fingers before speaking.
"S-so this is Phantom Lord, sir," Jason announced, gesturing to the four people and two available cars. "Not only did they get the drugs, but they also took down a racer's car with a bomb when they tried to steal the goods."
The man smirked at this, liking the details of that. "You must all be Jose's kids, then? I see. I will be honest, hearing Phantom Lord's name, I figured it'd be a bunch of men and...well, not with fragile-looking women." Juvia heard Sue huffed with frustration, but was glad that she kept quiet. "You may call me Hades. I'm the assistant of the man who asked for the race, and I apologize that he couldn't make it to meet the worthy drivers tonight. He had some issues that needed tending to."
"He a big-buck man, or something?" Gajeel asked with a studded brow raising. He looked to see Juvia situate the suitcase to hold with both hands, probably to refrain from hitting the man who was hoping for an all-man gang. "Or is he too shy to meet people from the street?"
Hades shook his head slowly. "No, but he is completely interested in having you work for him. But, he is a private man, I must say," he said with a stroke of his beard, smirking. "He asked for the strongest of gangs - those who don't just sit there and look nice, you see?"
Reaching into his pocket, Hades pulled out a cellphone in the color of black. It looked to be an older model, but it wasn't any less of the expensive brand from a few years back. Tossing it to Gajeel's way, he waited until the black haired man caught it with one hand and inspected it with boredom. "That is for your boss to have. When my boss has a job, he will call your boss," Hades said.
Gajeel rolled his eyes and pocketed the phone. "Lemme guess, direct line?"
"Ones that will hold no trace when there is a call to be made, Nii-chan," Juvia explained thoroughly, making Hades laugh at Juvia's remark to her brother.
"Smart girl, I see," Hades complimented, but Juvia didn't appreciate it at all. "What are your names? I'm sure people like you would have...interesting ones."
"Gajeel," he replied and jerked his chin to Juvia's way, who remained still as stone. "That's my sister, Juvia. And back there is Sue and Boze," he added with a thumb to the younger ones in the back.
Hades nodded. "I suppose you and your sister are the head drivers Jose talks about once in a while. Him and I go way back, you see. We were once -!"
"Not interested, man," Gajeel interrupted with a roll of his eyes. "Look, we'd love to stay and chat with you and your...models here -" he made the two security men frown and want to speak up, but Gajeel kept his voice strong and louder than their own "- but we got shit to get done before bed. The usual 'your people will call my people' deal, right? Good. Thanks for the cash, goodbye."
With Gajeel's sassy talk ending, the members of Phantom Lord turned around and returned to their rides. Juvia carried the suitcase filled with cash into the passenger seat and waited for her brother to enter and start the engine. Gajeel was the one to lead them out of the ramp and exit the property back into the city, speeding over the limit to head to the path of their home.
Looking down to the silver suitcase, Juvia drummed the tips of her fingers on top. "Juvia doesn't really like Hades."
"Yeah, well, he looks like a fuckin' pirate. A bad one, too," Gajeel snickered, taking a peek to the blue haired woman. "More talk and less bite. I ain't too worried about him, kid."
"Still, giving us the phone to take to Jose," Juvia sighed softly, looking out the window to see passing lights. "How long do you think we will be working for them, Nii-chan?"
"However long it takes for them to run out of money, I guess," Gajeel shrugged. "We've been doing whatever Jason sends out to Jose, so this should be better than rummaging for cash in the streets."
"But we can still race, right?" Juvia pouted to him, making him smirk. "At least a couple, when we have free time. Juvia doesn't want to stay stuck inside the bar all day, Nii-chan."
"Yeah, we can still race, squirt," Gajeel smirked a bit bigger, seeing how stars lit in her eyes and she giggled in her seat. "Just make sure you get enough sleep and eat when I tell you, okay? Don't want you falling asleep on the job, especially if we're making big bucks on this bad boy over here." He tapped the silver case resting on her lap. "We can start getting you the good medication and maybe some better food."
"And pay off Nii-chan's criminal fines?" Juvia looked at him with a pout. "Maybe we can get Nii-chan a bed for our room - you can pick it out!"
"Like hell we got room in that cramped place ya call anapartment. We live right above the bar, Juvia," Gajeel rolled his eyes when she began listing off things like better tools for their garage behind the bar, or fix the crack on the counter for Totomaru, as a gift. "You know we don't have a lot of room, and Sol will just take most of the stuff anyway. Jose and Sol knows how much we are getting paid each time, so it's not going to be too much."
Juvia went quiet, but a small smile remained on her face as she hugged the silver case a bit closer to her. "But just think about it, Nii-chan," she said excitedly. "Juvia and Nii-chan can actually try to afford things now, with the employer being a rich man and all."
"We don't know for sure if he's a rich guy, Juvia," Gajeel reminded her. "He could be a stupid politician trying to cover up his own tracks, and using us to get rid of his past. Maybe he's one of those lawyers who get shitheads like me or anyone else out of prison by giving the cops tons of cash."
"Juvia knows, but it's still money," she nodded softly.
Gajeel looked between her and the road ahead of him a couple times before reaching with his free hand to rest atop soft, wavy blue hair. "Ya remember what color you wanted to paint my room, if we managed to get our own place one day?"
"Warm beige, because Nii-chan always complains how cold it is in our room, back at home," Juvia said. "Nii-chan would also get a new set of tools for his box, and in black color. But, Nii-chan has to share with Juvia when she wants to work on her ride, too."
"That's when I'll get you your own set of tools that aren't rusted or chipped," Gajeel chuckled under his breath, ruffling her hair into a knot. "You'll get your very own toolbox, too, so you won't have to share mine anymore."
"But Juvia likes to share with Nii-chan," she whimpered childishly. "Big one to share both of our tools, then?"
"Why not," Gajeel shrugged, shaking his head at her behavior. After a minute of the good kind of silence, the man with multiple piercings stole a glance to his little sister, seeing how she unconsciously rubbed under her eye. "When we get home, I want you to wash up and get to bed."
"But won't Nii-chan want Juvia to make you something to eat? Juvia doesn't mind staying up a little bit longer to make Nii-chan food," she reminded him, her head resting back on the seat.
"You work tomorrow, kid. Remember?"
"Juvia does not mind."
"But I do," the man shoved his large hand to her face, making the twenty-year old whine at his action. "I'm not that bad at making myself something to eat, kid. Who was the one who made you dinners until you could reach the stove and work the oven?"
"Nii-chan is going to make himself one of his man sandwiches and fall asleep before digesting properly," Juvia stated flatly, her eyes narrowing to the road ahead of them. "Then, Nii-chan is going to wake up when he needs to be ready for work, and have to sit on the toilet until his stomach cramps go away. Juvia will tell you that you weren't being smart, and probably -!"
"I'll have Totomaru make me a fucking salad, okay? How's that? Spinach salad with a little bit of cheese and no dressing. I'll wait for a half hour before going to sleep. Happy?" Gajeel wheezed in his own misery as he listed what he was going to do, since he knows how well his sister could predict what will happen...since he usually did that.
"Juvia is always happy," she perked, smiling widely as her brother groaned. "Nii-chan can practice eating salad when he and Levy-chan finally go on a date someday!"
Gajeel smacked his head on the wheel.
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