Chapter 16
The first train car was empty when Lucy and Jellal entered through. It was some high-class lounging car that would have obviously house a party with champagne, or a group party for a special occasion, no doubt. It was lit with lights and decorated with red velvet couches and trimmings. On top of the couches, on the cushions, where filing boxes stacked with paper and folders. Lucy fixed the straps of her backpack as she went over to one of the couches and looked at the papers.
"What are these?" Lucy asked outloud, glancing over to Jellal scanning the rest of the car before pulling out his small handgun that he kept in his pocket. Lucy was comfortable with Jellal holding the gun or even using long as it didn't hit her, at least.
Jellal looked at the files and shrugged boredly. "Order forms, probably. Drug dealers sometimes do stuff like that...keeps things organized for them," he explained while preparing himself to go towards the back door.
Lucy then peeked at the table next to the couches, seeing three, thick files with a giant red circle marked on the covers. Jellal saw her looking around before smiling to himself. "You're quite a curious one, aren't you?" he teased, causing Lucy to nearly drop one of the files she picked up from the table. "They probably put down the names of their clients and where to deliver them to. It's a very long process and probably very boring for you, Lucy. I wouldn't waste too much time on them."
"You know a lot about this, don't you?" Lucy huffed at his teasing. "It's like you've done stuff like that before."
Jellal chuckled. "Well, yeah, when you're growing up smuggling drugs for the bad guys for the sake of your life, you kinda learn a thing or two about them."
Lucy stilled and stared at Jellal, who seemed unfazed by what he just said. "What?"
Jellal met her stare with a polite smile. "My wife and I were raised in the same gang as kids, and we did jobs that cops wouldn't think children would take part of, like drugs and stuff," he explained briefly. "It wasn't a pretty childhood, I'll be honest, but we definitely got in trouble once we were able to leave together. Makarov found us when we just got out and offered us to join Fairy Tail, and we've been working on our record ever since."
"Don't worry about it, Lucy," Jellal shook his head. "You gotta learn about some of our bad past sometime, right? You know Mira's and her siblings already. It's not a sensitive topic in Fairy Tail, to be honest..."
"But still, I shouldn't have -!" Lucy turned to face him, instantly red in the face. She shut up when Jellal raised his free hand to her.
"Erza was planning on telling you eventually, since it seems we will be working now and she wants to be honest with you," he smirked. "My wife isn't used to making impressions on people like you, so she would most likely freak out if she tried telling you herself - she'll mess up her words when she gets flustered." Lucy nearly popped when she heard him mutter at how he thought she was simply adorable when he proposed to her. Apparently the strong redhead nearly passed out and went on a one-person-conversation with herself about how she probably wouldn't live up to Jellal's expectations as a wife and all.
Lucy's grip on the files tightened. She never knew the history of Jellal and Erza, only knowing them as very mature and super nice and accepting of her. For her, she felt a little bit guilty that she was given everything anyone could ask for (which she didn't, and that's what drove her to run away), while her new home were much less fortunate.
Jellal was busy trying to peek through the curtain of the exit, seeing that the next car behind them was closed from prying eyes. Readying his gun, the older man with the facial tattoo thought for a quick moment before calling for the blonde to come over.
Lucy obeyed quickly and approached his back, going to her toes to peek over his shoulder. "We're going to head into the next car, and I want you to stay behind me since you don't have a gun," Jellal explained to her, opening the door and entering the passage to the next one. Lucy followed, staying close behind him. "When I say it's clear, then you can -!"
Lucy covered her mouth from the scream she was about to let out, and Jellal simply blinked at the noise. Pressing a finger towards his ear, Lucy noticed the earpiece wrapped around the back of his ear - one of those cellphones that stick to your ear - and the blue-haired man nodded before giving Lucy a reassuring smile.
"It's okay," he nodded to her, trying to calm her down. She didn't realize that she was shaking from excitement. Her face was calm, but her eyes and shoulder was tense. "That came from a few cars further down the train. Erza said it was probably Juvia and Sue."
"What was the noise?" Lucy asked in a soft peep, hoping that he heard her.
"Probably a distraction, or they were making their way around," he shrugged, as if it was the most casual thing to ever talk about. "Stay behind me, Lucy."
Lucy did as instructed and watched as Jellal ripped the door open. A muffled shout came from the inside and a quick shot of Jellal's gun made the blonde cover her mouth again before hearing her companion on the inside calling for her. Peeking her head in, Lucy saw a suited man laying on the ground with a shot wound to the shoulder, but passed out.
"Don't worry," Jellal assured her with a hand. The car was filled with boxes and carts with odd characteristics written in black paint. Looking around, Jellal tilt his chin sorely and exhaled. Lucy entered the room, looking around to look at the man exhaling with a gurgle.
"He's passed out," Lucy stated with awe, not minding the little blood coming from his shoulder. Looking up to him, she tilt her head. "You didn't kill him?"
"Don't kill anyone unless they try to kill you first."
"What's the boxes?"
"Cargo, probably," Jellal kicked a corner of one of the stacks of boxes boredly. "Looks Russian, but not what we're looking for. Jason said that the contents would be in bags inside suitcases. Do you see any around?"
"No," Lucy said as she stepped around the unconscious man, glancing around to see if she could spot any suitcase-like material in the cargo hold. With that said, Jellal knelt down and started emptying the man's pockets, only taking the gun that was inside the man's hoister. Lucy watched him leave any money, ID or whatever else that couldn't be used as a weapon before the next door shot open, making them both twist their heads to see two men in the same suit as the one knocked out spotting them. The two security men pulled out their guns and aimed both of them to Lucy and Jellal, making the blonde woman shriek. Jellal, having kneeled down, was about to bolt up when two loud thunks hit the back of their heads, stunning both men before falling face-first to the floor, where Juvia stood behind with the butts of her guns in the air. Sue was peeking behind her, too, snickering at the two fallen men.
Smiling cutely, the blue-haired woman brought her weapons back to the hoisters attached to her thighs. "That would have been messy, if Juvia didn't make it."
"You go, Juvia-sama!" Sue cheered and hugged the woman from behind with a cheeky grin. "That was so badass! I loved it."
"Hey, Juvia," Jellal nodded in greeting to the waving woman.
"Juvia!" Lucy gasped in shock, seeing how calmly the young woman dealt with the two brutes. She watched as the blue-haired racer crouch down and pick up the two guns the men dropped, looking at them with interest before shoving them into her pockets, like Jellal did a moment ago. "Thank you so much, Juvia! I thought we were gonners for a minute."
"Juvia promised Natsu-san that Lucy-chan would be safe," she responded with a cheeky grin, giving the blonde the peace sign. "And you're Juvia's friend, too, and Juvia doesn't like it when her friends are in danger."
"Juvia-sama is so cool, you have no idea!" Sue cheered with confidence as she gave Juvia room to stand back up. "You should've seen her in the other car, man. She kicked their asses - and I helped! I got a guy right in the kisser!" she clenched her fists, making Lucy notice how she was wearing fingerless gloves with sharp studs on them, a little bit stained. "Did ya hear us, too? Juvia let off one of her sticky bombs to get all the guys over and -!"
"Jellal is wasting his time," Juvia pointed out to the blue-haired man, who was looking to a large crate with large writing. "Those boxes are just food."
"Ahh, then I guess we need to move on," Jellal exhaled, crossing his arms.
"No," Juvia shook her head with a sad frown. "Jellal and Lucy can leave the train now."
Lucy blinked slowly, finally noticing when Sue passed by Juvia to look more into the pockets of the fallen men. The backpacks they were wearing looked stuffed and bulky while the younger woman found bullets and wallets. Juvia used her heeled foot to lightly kick Sue's leg, catching her attention.
"Put that back, Sue-chan," Juvia instructed, making the short-haired woman pout.
"But they have cash in them, Juvia-sama!" Sue whined like a child, and Juvia raised her brow and pointed back to the men and the teen finally complied. "Coulda bought some cool stuff with this, man..."
"They're trash money, and Sue-chan is better than trash," Juvia crossed her arms with a motherly look. Lucy blinked and looked back up to the young woman.
"Juvia, what do you mean we can leave now..?"
"They got the drugs already," Jellal said casually, stepping to Lucy's side. "We have nothing else to do in here."
' somewhat of a disappointment,' Lucy's thoughts sighed in her mind. 'I'm just happy to still be alive at this point, though.'
"Oh...I see," Lucy swallowed and looked down.
"Don't be so glum, Lucy-chan," Juvia's sweet voice caught her attention. "Sue-chan's first job was to help deliver in an underground parking lot, and she believed that there would be gun fighting and all that...but there wasn't. Poor Sue-chan was crabby for a whole week! Wouldn't even eat Juvia's treats."
"Don't go tellin' people about me, Juvia-sama!" Sue blushed darkly, holding her face with both hands.
"If anything, Lucy-chan did a wonderful job so far," Juvia winked, completely ignoring the younger woman's banter to her, even when she stood up and hid her face in her chest. Juvia simply pat Sue's beanie and grinned to her new blonde friend. "Now, we just have to get out of here before everyone wakes up, mm?"
"Do you want to go out our way? It's just in the first car and we haven't been having any trouble up until here" Jellal offered, and he gave a silent response when Juvia shook her head. "Alright, thank you again, Juvia."
"It's no problem, Jellal-san," Juvia cheekily smiled and pulled Sue off of her. "Be careful on the way back, though, Trinity Raven have bikes and cars this time, so there is no telling if they will try and hurt you. They were following close behind Erza-san and Natsu-san when you arrived onto the train when Juvia last saw them."
"Understood," Jellal nodded. "You be careful as well."
Juvia bowed her head and turned at her heels. Sue waved to Lucy in goodbye and followed after the blue-haired woman with a hop in her step, leaving the two Fairy Tail members alone with the unconscious bodies. Lucy flinched when she saw one of the men's foot twitched, making Jellal chuckle and told her it was going to be okay.
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