I wake up and I realize that I'm hanging up inside a big tube. Its like a test tube...those things that they use to hold chemicals... I'm literally being held up by some sort of rope with bubbles of some sort of chemical liquid surrounding me.
I look around and see more test tube like cells holding everyone else.
"I see that you've awakened..." A man says
"You...you were that voice..." I think
"Yes. I was...and your apart of my experiment... YRP..." The man says. I didn't say anything so this man either has telepathy or that was a coincidence...yep he has telepathy.
"YRP?" I accidentally blurt out "What the heck does that mean?"
"You will soon find out...my dear..." He walks away
"My dear?" I say with a shocked face "Uh...I think not."
I start banging on the glass. That's no use.
"I'm so done with this!" I yell "I was really hoping that I didn't have to use this spell..."
The glass breaks and the shards fly everywhere.
I notice that the shards...pinned the man against the wall. His white lab coat is now full of glass shards.
"Phew! You sure are lucky." I say.
"What makes you think that?" The man asks.
"The last time I used this...someone almost died." I say bluntly.
The man's eyes widen as if he's surprised but then he looks downs to avoid my gaze.
"Now...how do I get everyone else out of these things..." I mumble to myself "Aha!"
I see a lever next to a whole bunch of other buttons. Its labeled "release".
"Hmm...that's rather simple. Hopefully this works..." I say.
When I pull the lever the glass disappears and the chemical liquid pours onto the floor. Everyone falls onto the floor.
"Oops..." I say "Maybe I should have done that another way..."
"Well look at Sherlock Holmes..." The man mutters.
"I heard that!" I yell.
"That was kinda what I was aiming for!" The man yells.
"Huh..." I sigh.
I turn away from him and notice that everyone is starting to get up.
"Hey why am I wet?" Gray asks.
"I'll explain it later." I look at everyone "...To all of you...but for now we have to get out of here."
We start walking but I can't stop thinking about everyone being all wet.
"Ok, I feel really bad now so let me do you all a favor and give you some new clothes. Ok?" I say.
"Um...but then we'd-" Wendy stops mid sentence "...Thanks!"
I smile and then look at everyone in their new clothes.
"I'd feel bad if anyone of you got sick." I say "Now that that's over, lets go!"
"Hehehehe..." The man in the lab coat from earlier says .
I don't face him. As I walk away with everyone else, a wave of uneasiness washes over me.
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