Chapter Three
Okay. Am I the only one who notices Erza has brown eyes, but sometimes in the anime they're purple?! But Crystalmy188 wrote the other chapter. :D Hope you enjoyed her writing!
~Third Person~
A Nurse who looked like Mirajane came to give Levy her pills, expect she had shorter hair. "Hello Levy, I'm Nurse Lisanna. Can you takes these for me?" Nurse Lisanna smiles, Levy takes the small cup they normally use for ketchup that was filled with stuff she was suppose to take to help her 'Feel Better'. "How am I suppose to take these?" The bluenette asks holding the small cup. Nurse Lisanna smiles, "You can take them with water from the bathroom, on the first floor." The nurse smiled, moving out of the way so the bluenette could go to the washroom, still in Levy's rainbow pajamas from this morning. She was in the bathroom to see a redhead at the counter, atleast I'm not alone in this hell hole.. Levy mentally sighs. "Hello! I'm Levy McGarden. Who are you?" Levy asks politely, still startling the red head causing her to jump. Erza turns her attention towards the bluenette named Levy, softly smiling. "Hello...My name...Is Erza...Erza Scarlet." Erza said, Levy went into a stall and dumped the pills in the toilet, flushing them. Levy didn't need pills. Levy was healthy. Levy didn't need to be here, at all... The red head giggled, "That's actually what I did too." The redhead said to no one in particular. This caused Levy to laugh,
"Hey. Great minds think alike." Levy said as she grabbed then cup and shuffled out. Slowly, "See ya later Scarlet." Levy waves goodbye as she walks out. Sending a shiver up the read heads spine. As her sickness played through her head, Anthropophobia..Anthropophobia..Anthropophobia..But not all people are bad, for istance Levy seems nice! Erza mentally told her self. Erza looked at the mirror, it still disturbed her. Bad people roamed the world, even inocents like Levy could still be cold hearted killers. The red head let's out a yawn as she walks out of the bathroom, going back to her room.
As the little Bluenette stoped at her front door she handed the smiling Lisanna her cup back, "Thanks. And here, this is your schedule for your days here." Nurse Lisanna says handing Levy a paper as she walks out.
7:00 - Wake up Call (Room Search Sundays)
8:00-9:00 - Breakfast
9:00-10:00 - Free Time
10:00-11:55 - Arts and Crafts
12:00-1:00 - Lunch
1:00-2:00 - Free Time
2:00-3:00 - Group Session
3:00-4:00 - Gym (Week Days) Outside Rec (Weekends)
4:00 -7:30 - Free Time/Lounge Opens/Closes
7:30-8:30 - Dinner
8:30-9:45 - Free Time
10:00 - Curfew
10:30 - Lights Out
Oh. What a wonderful schedule! It reminds me of school with alot of lunches. Levy mentally cheered. Levy looked at the clock as it read; 8:30. Levy could go get breakfast, Levy heard her stomach growl. I should go get so— But no! Who knows how many calories it has? The sugar? One bite and for all you know you could blow up like a balloon. Levy sighed, mentally crossing off eating, what could they do for free time? Levy got up and slipped off her rainbow dash slippers and changed into black uggs she packed as she roamed the halls of the Institute. She was looking for a library, sure. She got dizzy when words started flying at her, and it was fustrating when the words kept her in her own little bubble till she was finished. But Levy loved books. They were like a paradise. Levy still found nothing, she walked in the elevator hoping she'd find something downstairs, as the elevator dinged she reached the first floor wondering once more untill she reached the front desk she saw the receptionist. She read the plac, Laki Olietta. Levy smiles,"Excuse me, Miss Olietta. Do you guys have any books?" Levy asks smiling. Laki's eyes widden as she shakes her head, "Sorry." Much to Levy's dismay. She realized. Her parents told them. She sighed as she walks off, heading to the cafeteria to atleast see what they have.
Levy walked into the small room to see Erza sitting alone, the small bluenette sat beside Scarlet. Smiling, she turned to Erza. "How you doing today?" Erza stares at Levy smiling weakly. "Good. I don't know, I over heard we get to paint our doors with what we like.." Erza says looking at the floor. Levy smiles as Gray walks in, his clothes stuck on him. "H-Hello..." Gray mumbles sitting beside Levy, Levy smiles and waves. "Hello. I'm Levy! Who are you?" Much to Erza's surpise, How could she not stop and think how we could a killer..? She mentally asks herself.
¤Later That Night¤
Ultear walks into the room with Jellal, who looks like he's calmed down a bit. "Hello Jellal." The purple haired woman smiles. "Ultear." Jellal says from the corner of the room, "Did you take the medication?" The woman asks closing the door making her way towards the door. Much to Jellal's dimsay, he nodded. He hadn't seen the 'Black Wizard' at all today. He doesn't remeber the last time he saw him, it was most likley before he came to this 'hell hole'. "Do you remeber what I said to you before I left?" Ultear asks sitting down on the white block, Jellal nodded. It has been on his mind this whole time. "Do you have any answers?" She smiles, Jellal shakes his head. Sadly, he couldn't think of one good reason. He could tell there were some, but it was like he forgot. Maybe the wizard visited him, and those stupid pills made him forget..? He mentally thought, Ultear smiles. "So how are you feeling Jellal?" "Pretty lonley...Sometimes memories hit me pretty hard when I'm alone, I'm not saying I regret doing what I did. But I feel terrible I hurt Erza.." Jellal mumbles the last part, Ultear who heard raises a brow. "Erza? Tell me more about this 'Erza'." Ultear says tapping her pen on the clipboard, she had a hunch he was talking about Erza Scarlet. A girl who was checked into this hospital this morning.
"Erza Scarlet, yeah. We got stolen from our families. Forced to dig for materials, Erza even lost an eye. I only let her go, I still feel bad though. I was the one who took her eye...I wonder some times, if she's living." He mumbles, on the verge of tears Jellal bit his lips. Refusing to cry infront of a nurse. "Well Jellal, she is living. Actually, she's a patient here. Suffering from severe Anthropophobia..." Ultear mumbles, writing down what he said so she would make sure she didn't accidentally hit a nerve with the redhead by accident. Jellal's eyes widden, "Really?...Anthropophobia...The 'fear of people..'" Ultear nods. "The faster you heal the faster you move down a floor. Now get some sleep Jellal, I need to go fill out some paper work." Ultear says getting up, Jellal nodded. This short session already had Jellal's head spinning, as Ultear left and made sure the door was locked Jellal looked up at the white ceiling. As he realized he was the one who gave Erza her sickenness.
¤The Next Day¤
Gray once again did the same thing he did yesterday. Flushing his pills down the toilet, accept now he saw a pinkette in here. He knew more people joined through out the day yesterday, but he needed to be friendly. Sure, he talked to Levy and Erza a little, but he also needed guy friends in this hell hole. "H-Hey. I'm Gray. Did you join today?" Gray asks, studdering. The pinkette shakes his head, "I joined yesterday mornin' I guess. I was sleeping. And I'm Natsu Dragneel." The pinkette smiles. Much to Gray's surprising, "Hey. Did those nurses give you pills too?" Natsu smirks. Gray nods, "I came in here to 'take' them." He says putting air quotes as they laugh. Next door was the girls bathroom, which Erza came out of. The bathrooms were on the first floor close to the front desk, so Erza could hear what was happening up front.
"Lucy Heartfilia. Minor Schizophrenia, correct?" Laki asks as Erza hears fingers tapping the keyboard. "BUT I DONT HAVE ISSUES!" A girl yells, Erza walks over and peaks over the wall. Seeing a blonde girl next to a dirty blonde, behind them two raven haired gentle men and a lone bluenette. "You will speak to me in no such way Lucy!" The dirty blonde man yelled, smacking 'Lucy' in the back if the hair. "S-Sir! You shouldn't do that, Mr. Heartfi—" Laki started but was soon intrupted. "If she's my daughter I get to do what the hell I want to her!" The man roared, Erza who had suddenly found courage to stand up for a human. "Still! That doesn't give you a right to yell at her!" Erza screams, catching everyone's eyes turned to the redhead. Laki's eyes suddenly lit up. "Erza! Can you take Lucy up to the room next to yours? We have her booked next to your room anyways." Laki begs, Erza got this message. She didn't want to send Lucy up with a nurse and her 'Father'. Erza breathed in and smiled, "Sure." She was pushing past her thoughts claiming Lucy could be a killer.
But she felt sorry for this blonde. The blonde escaped her fathers grasp and grabbed her suitcases rushing ahead of Erza. "Lucy! What?! Don't go off with that filth!" Erza heard Lucy's dad yell. Erza ran after Lucy as they started walking down the hall. "So, what's your name?" The busty blonde casually asked, "Erza Scarlet. You?" Erza replied, not really good with small talk. "Lucy Heartfilia. But I'm sure the whole hospital heard it!" Lucy jokes, "If you don't mind me asking, what are you in for?" The blonde asks as they stepped into the elevator. "U-Uh. Anthropophobia..What kind of Schizophrenia do you have?" Erza studders, Lucy's eyes widden. The fear of people. "Crap! I'm sorry I didn't realize you..I'm sorry!...And Um. Apperantly I'm seeing things, but I don't believe my dad!" Lucy smiles. Erza smiles, some one who apologizes for something she hasn't even done? I didn't think these kinds of people existed.. Erza snapped out of her thoughts from the elevator dinging, as they walked out. Past a metal door decorated in flames, a wood door decorated in snowflakes, another with books as they stopped at a blank door. "This will be your room, mine is the one next to yours decorated with cakes if you need me. Since its 8:30 breakfast is still on if you haven't ate anything." Erza says, Lucy opens the door much to their surpise. Both females thought it was locked. Lucy looked around, it was small but it would do.
Meanwhile the floor under Laki had finally got Mr. Heartfilia out of the building. Taking the next patient. "Gajeel Redfox in for Schizophrenia? Okay. Nurse Evergreen will take you upstairs." Laki says as a brunette comes out. "Okay." With that the Redfox boys head out. The bluenette walks up. "J-Juvia Lockser. I called for Juvia's self. Depression and cutting..." Juvia mumbles. Laki smiles sofly, "Alright sweetie. Nurse Macao will lead you to your room." With that Juvia picks up her bags as a purple haired man steps out. The two walk away. Laki breathes in.
Today will a long day..
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