Chapter Six
Okay. Enjoy!
~Third Person~
¤Reminder: Gray hugged Juvia and told her never to speak bad about her self and Juvia fell inlove with Gray.¤
Juvia standed there blushing until Metalicana and Evergreen came out of a room across from one decorated in books, Evergreen opened the one across from Gray's. "Miss Lockser, you'll be staying in here." The nurse says then walks away. Gray thought it was rude since she helped Gajeel in, but shrugged it off. Juvia walked into her room as the half naked man leans on the door, "Gray-kun. If you don't mind Juvia asking, why is Gray-kun in the institute?" "Well. For starters, I hate clothes," He says, chuckling. "And Philophobia, My sister, my mom, my teacher. All of the girls in my old village got kidnapped and they found their bodies by a river dead. Only person I had left was my Dad, who use to work for a gang and got a hit placed on himself. That day I swore to never love again, because everyone who I loved died. Besides my dad, but you know. He's hiding in the witness protection program." Gray says looking down. Juvia realized the mental problem, 'Philophobia'. The fear of loving someone.. Juvia went pale, as if she was just shot in the heart five million times. Gray noticed, "Juvia? You okay?" Gray asks. Juvia was putting away clothes as she randomly stopped out of the blue. Juvia had just fallen inlove with a stranger who was afraid of falling in love with her.
The rain was still pouring and unnoticed tears slid down Juvia's pale face, "Y-Yeah. Can Gray get out of Juvia's room?" Juvia mumbles, Gray realized she dropped the honorifics, giving her a confused look she got up and pushed him out, slamming the door. This didn't go unnoticed by Erza and Lucy, who were going to go catch a quick breakfast before they stopped serving. "Hey, Gray. What happened?" Erza asks, shaking.
"I-I don't know, honestly.." Gray mumbles. "Well..Wanna catch breakfast with us? I'm Lucy!" The blonde smiles. Gray shrugs and walks with the girls, on the other side of the door Juvia was having silent rage. She knew it was uncalled, but she just wanted a normal love life. And she fell in love with a naked stranger she only knows the name of in a mental insititue! Well..Juvia is going to have to help Gray with his problems! She mentally cheered herself on, she was going to reach for the door when she remebered, she forgot to unpack the rest of her stuff. Juvia quickly wanders back and stuffs her clothes in her dresser as she opens her bag with manga, figurines and posters. That were just dying to be placed upon the new room of Juvia.
Meanwhile at the cafeteria they entered, the three hungry friends made it for 8:56. They quickly grabbed something to eat as Erza went over to where Levy was siting, as Lucy and Gray trailed behind. Levy had bags under her eyes, as if something was picking at her brain until she finally snapped. "L-Levy. Have you been sleeping?" Erza mumbles, Levy does a mixture of a nod and a head shake. "The words Erza! The words won't leave me alone. They're trying to attack me! I-I took the pills Erza. They won't leave me alone!" The bluenette sobs. The three look at the bluenette with a confused look, as some one whispers into Lucy ear. "Lucy! She's just paranoid and crazy." Lucy turned her head to see Leo, she smiles. "Yes, Princess. That is correct. You shouldn't be here." Virgo says, once again emotionless as always. "Miss Lucy's fine booody doesn't deserve to be in here with freaks!" Taurus yells. "Yes. Your mind is no where near dark balance, it's all the way to the light." Libra says doing her normal weird dance, "Pun, puun!" Her little dog Plue cheers.
Lucy smiled, it was her friends who knew she wasn't crazy. Not all showed up today. Lucy turned to face them, confusing Erza and Gray as Levy covered her ears. "Don't say that, guys. They just aren't normal!" Lucy giggled, arrogantly. Erza and Gray stared at Lucy, "What's she talking about?" Gray mumbled. Erza who was shaking still, shrugs. "At the front desk Laki said she had minor schizophrenia, maybe she has the mind illusion one...?" Lucy then gives Erza a dirty glare, "No! My friends are right here, you don't see them?" Lucy says gesturing her hand towards air. "Don't bother Miss Lucy, she's just jealous she doesn't have a great booody like you!" Taurus mooed, "Yes Princess. Is it punishment for them?" Virgo asks holding out her arm as the chains fell down, "C'mon. Let's go on a date, Lucy." Leo said pushing his glasses up. "Their balance of arrogantness is heavy." Libra said from behind the cloth, "Pun puun!" Plue nodded in agreement.
Lucy frowned, "C'mon guys. I need other friends too." Erza scrunched up her nose. See Erza. Listen to me next time! Her subconscious scowls, Erza gets up from the table and walks out of the cafeteria leaving behind her half-eaten sandwich. Erza hated people with a passion, they knew how to drop her self esteem so easily. Gray watched as Erza turned the corner and sighed, he was stuck with the blonde who was talking to air, and a bluenette who believed words were attacking her. He starred between the two wondering which would be better to approach for a conversation. "So Levy, you doing okay from the words..?" Gray mumbles, as he realizes what he just said he mentally wished Hulk would high five him in the face for the most stupidest thing ever said. Levy looked at him as her eyebrow twitched. With that Gajeel entered the cafeteria, looking around at the cafeteria that stopped serving. He noticed the raven haired kid from before, walked towards them. Ruffling Gray's hair, "Hey Stripper. Keeping the ladies to your self?" "Uh.. Ew." Gray mumbles. "Yeah. Ew.." Lucy mumbles. "C'mon Looocy! Let's leave!" Taurus holds out his arm. Immediately Leo pushes Taurus out of the way as Lucy grabbed his arm. Leaving Taurus devastated.
Then Lucy in her pearl pink dress, ballet flats. And Loke in his tuxedo, they left the cafeteria to Lucy's room for the rest of free time. Leaving Gajeel, Gray and Levy the only ones in the cafeteria. Gajeel looked around, looking for Levy. "Hey. Where's your pipsqueak girlfriend?" Gajeel jokes. Gray stared daggers at Gajeel, "She's not my girlfriend. And she's not a pipsqueak." Gajeel smirked. 'Awweh. Gajeel I think we made him mad..' A voice from his head chuckles. 'He looks angered already. And we were only getting started.' 'Awweh. C'mon! She was kinda cute!' A new feminine voice entered his head. 'Don't listen to her. She's crazy Gajeel. She was a fucking dewb!' A voice yells angrily. Gajeel stood there. T-That feminine voice had a point...I mean. She was kinda cute... Gajeel mentally thought. "What's wrong Gajeel? Cat caught your tongue?" But he'd never admit that! "Nope. Just processing ways to see if that was right. She was a freaking skinny dewb!" Gajeel laughs. Levy peeped her head out from under the table, eyebrow twitching as she stood up. "I may be skinny. I may be a 'freaking dewb'! BUT THAT GIVES YOU NO RIGHT TO POINT THAT OUT! WHAT IF I CALLED YOU A JACK ASS?! WHAT IF I CALLED YOU SCARY?! HUH?!" By now the little bluenette was infront of Gajeel screaming at him. Gajeel immediately sank down. "N-Now. Excuse me, art is starting soon..." Levy mumbles walking away. "You're gonna need some ice for that burn!" Gray chuckles, walking past Gajeel and after Levy. 'First things first. Gajeel Medlchy Redfox. You're going to apologize!' The feminine voice scolded him. He hung his head and slumped his shoulder. Realizing this girly voice was right.
Juvia entered art. Seeing the present people. Gray, Erza, Levy, Lucy, Natsu and the background people. (A/N Helpless: Yes. Background people. And if you were wondering what happened to Natsu (Lmao I forgot bout him xD) he hate his food. Then got some supplies to finish his door. Then he's there. Anyways. Keep reading!) Lucy and Natsu were chatting about fire spirits. Levy and Erza were quiet as Gray looked out the window at the cloudy skies. The busty bluenette decided to sit beside Gray. She waved, "Hello Gray-kun!" "Hey Juvia...did I make you mad ealier?" Gray asks remebering what happened ealier. "A-Ah. No. Juvia had some, uh... 'Private Things' too put away..." The girl lies. Gray thinks about it, as he turns beet red in embarrassment. Thinking she met undies, when she was really lying straight to Gray's face. "I've actually met some one that looks like you!" Lucy shouts gaining everyone's attention. "Really. Who?" Natsu asks eyes widening. "His name is Kai. It means fire in Japanese- Only difference is he has no scarf and only glasses. And he dresses nice!" Lucy giggles. "He's the fire spirit?! It just snapped now?! I wanna meet him!" Natsu's eyes sparkle as he stands up. "I'll get you next time he visits me! Alright?" Lucy stands up with him holding his hands in her tiny soft ones. Gajeel rolls his eyes. Bonding over something as stupid as a mental illness.. He entered the room as Lucy started. He sat beside Levy, who gave him a glare realizing he was right beside her.
"What do you want?" She snaps. 'Apologize!' The girly voice screams, pounding against his skull. 'Nah. Let's make fun of her ridiculous looking bandana!' 'HE WEARS BANDANAS TOO!' The voices were fighting. Gajeel breathes in as he blocks them out, doing what his heart was telling him. "I-I wanted to apologize. It was wrong of me to pick on you. I'm sorry." He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. Levy eyes widden in shock. She was not expecting this. With that Reedus came in as Levy was about to open her mouth. "Hello. For our new joiners, you'll be painting your doors like the others did yesterday. We have our paint here." Reedus said gesturing to the table full of colors. "That's my cue. See you at Lunch Gray-kun!" Juvia sings skipping off. Getting alot of paint, her brush and a cup of water then skipping out of the room. Following along was Lucy, Gajeel, and the other people. "Alright! Today for you guys I want you to paint something that makes you feel happier. Alright? Alright. Begin!" Reedus says as they grab their stuff, white canvases from Reedus and the cups. While in the hall Juvia was huming one of her favorite song as she painted her door.
Hey Girl, open your walls. Play with your dolls... We'll be a perfect family. When you walk away. Is when we really play... You don't hear me when I say; "Mom, please wake up, Dads with a slut... And your son is smoking cannabis." No one ever listens! This wallpaper glistens. Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen... Places! Places! Get in your places! Put on your dress and throw on your doll faces. Everyone, thinks we're perfect. Please don't let them look through the curtains. Picture! Picture! Smile for your picture! Pose with your brother. Won't you be a good sister? Everyone, thinks that we're perfect. Please don't let them look through the curtains.. D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E, I see things that nobody else sees... D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E, I see things nobody else sees...
Her humming was intrupted, "Whatcha paintin' Jubi?" Gajeel smiles. Juvia rolls her eyes, she and Gajeel went to Phantom Lord Academy. Gajeel was actually the reason Juvia was in this place, when she ran into Metalicana picking up a sespended Gajeel, she was on the phone with them, so she ended telling him about it. Just Juvia's luck... She sighs. Looking down, Juvia ignored him. He gave her a glare. "I'm serious. Whatcha paintin Rain Woman." "A beach. A deserted broken down beach that rains." She mumbles. Gajeel rolls his eyes. "Always so gloomy Jubi." "YEAH CAUSE YA MADE ME LIKE THIS!" She screams causing him to widden his eyes. "W-Woah. Calm down chick. I'm Lucy, and that looks good so far!" Lucy sings from behind Juvia, two doors down, Juvia turns her head, looking at the girl. "Hello Lucy-san. Juvia is pleasured to make your acquaintance." The bluenette bowed, making the metal studded gentlemen roll his eyes. "So formal, Juvia." Gajeel snickers. Juvia was about to bite his head off when she finished everything. She smiled to her self. It was a gloomy beach. The sand was Gray as the water was dark blue, beach chairs rotted as a closed umbrella had rips, a deflated beach ball was in the sand as it rained.
She smiles happily at her door looking over to where Lucy was. Lucy was painting happily doing the shading. She had painted keys with chibi figures over top, some were gold and others silver. She smiles happily. "You're painting is nice, Lucy-san." Juvia smiles. "Thanks Juvia's! Yours is... Dark..?" Lucy awkwardly says making Juvia chuckle. Gajeel looks at the two giggling, making him smile just alittle
Once again Gray had dragged Levy towards the cafeteria as she let's out a whine. "Gray no, please no." "You're going to eat." Right behind her is Erza giggling, but at a safe distance so Levy couldn't touch her. "Erza help me!" Levy whines, trying to reach out. "I-I gotta agree with Gray. You're going to eat. Or your stomach wi--" "Alright, SHUT UP!" Levy screams, not wanting to her this again. Erza jumps backwards, Erza's eyes fill with fear. Exactly as she remebers the last time some one yelled that at her.
Erza's legs were giving out. She couldn't carry another bucket of bricks as she fell over, bricks landing everywhere splattering. "You little brat! Work harder! This hotel won't build it's self!" The worker man screams, hitting Erza's back with a whip as she let's out a scream, Jellal turns his head looking at her, her short red hair, her dirtied feet. The man lifts up his hand, about to hit her. Dropping everything he runs over there shielding her. "JELLAL!" Erza had a frightened expression painted on her face. "Don't worry. I can handle it.." Jellal smiles, lying through his teeth. With that Jellal was whipped once more flying back into Erza's hands. "Please! Stop this!" Erza crys, hugging Jellal. With that Jellal was kicked in the stomach sending both of them back. Jellal stands up, "Erza. Stop disobeying the people and causing troubl! I won't always be here..." Jellal sighs. Erza looks down. "I-I'm sorry.." With that Jellal grips Erza's wrists tightly. "I'm serious Erza!" "Jellal that hurts..!" "ALRIGHT SHUT UP!"
Erza was too blind to realize then, all the pain he received because of her turned into anger. Which caused him to snap. Of course they all knew they weren't building a hotel. It was basically a black market, we're criminals could meet up. What she never saw coming was looking into the eyes of a mad man. She looked down at her wrists, looking at the scars around her wrists. She walks out of the cafeteria. Walking into her room and searching through everything, until she found it. The stress relief of silver she snuck in. Ready to feel the pain she deserves.
Erza still hasn't been seen, and Levy seemed a little better after she finished her book, but terrible she snapped at her. Lucy and Natsu bonded alittle as Juvia stalked Gray who was talking to a Gajeel and Levy all day. Completely unaware of her presence. Levy stabbed her chicken, "You should really eat that. Shrimp..." Gajeel stares at the plate she barley touched. "I'm vegan--" "My ass." Gray scoffs, Levy let's out a growl glaring at the half naked man. "Eat Levy, you're so skinny you could dodge raindrops..." Juvia mutters, making them all jump. "How long have you been there?!" "Since dinner started." Juvia says emotionless. Natsu and Lucy sat at a different table talking. "Do you like cats?" "I'm kind of a dog person." "Oh really? What about foods?" "Spicey!" "Hella yeah!" "Favorite Season?" "Summer!" "You so get me!" Lucy smiles making Natsu somewhat blush. "Favorite color?" "Pink!" "Red!" "So similar!" "Yeah. It's weird!" "Do you believe in fairies?" Lucy asks, Natsu nods. "I believe that fairy's have tails that make different motions for different stuff!" They were so deep in conversation they couldn't hear Levy's loud whining.
"C'mon Levy, eat it or your stomach wi--" Before Juvia could finish Levy stuffed the chicken in her mouth. 'Gah no! It's so fattening! OUT! OUT NOW!' Levy's mind screams. About to spit it out Gajeel gave her a stern look. "Eat it." Levy pouted, chicken still in her mouth. Gajeel growled, with that Levy closes her eyes eating it and making sure it all started the digestive system. "There! Happy! And Juvia. Did Erza tell you to say that?" "No... Juvia use to starve herself because kids called Juvia fat. Her Dad would tell her that. And it's true. Juvia could feel the extreme pain the sinking of her stomach. And her stomach turning. Going to eat her vitals. But in the end. Juvia only got fatter. Starving Juvia's body only made her body store food when she ate it. Incase she tried it again. And of course, Juvia just got picked on more." Juvia says emotionless. No one realized her eyes watering as tears spilled down her pale cheeks. At the terrible memories she wanted to forget. "Oh... Juvia, I'm so sorry..." Gray mumbles, moving towards her and caressing her head. She keeps her sweater sleeve up wyping her eyes. "It's okay! Juvia's better now. Don't worry about her. Let's just worry about Levy-san." She says trying to stay cheerful. "So eating to much makes me fat... and eating after starving also makes me fat...?" Levy mumbles. This was a lose lose situation. She pokes her food as a voice comes through the cafeteria. "Alright everyone! The cafeteria is closing. You have free time for fifteen minutes then fifteen minutes to curfew!" It was none other than Nurse Mirajane, with that she walks out. "Well. Juvia is going to bed. She bids you all farewell." With that Juvia walks away. Retreating to her room taking off her sweater. She runs her finger over the visible cuts of on her full arm, she remebered the time when the oozed to much blood. As she sighed. "I regret..." She mumbles before wiggling into covers.
"I agree with Juvia, I'm going to hit the hay." Gray yawns, "Agreed!" Levy says standing up. "Agreed." Gajeel says. The three friends walk to the door hall as Gray and Gajeel retreat to the room. Levy looks at Erza's cake decorated door lifiting up a fist. Stopping before it hits the door. "I-I... should let her cool down.." Levy mumbles going into her own room. With that Natsu and Lucy came down the hall laughing once more, making the place seem more joyful. "No way!" "Yes way. The teacher was soo mad! Cause apperantly being a pyromaniac doesn't count as an excuse for loosing your homework." Natsu jokes making Lucy laugh. "Yeah. Apperantly my teachers couldn't see the writing! Capricorn had this wonderful book report done! I handed it in. Boy were they mad when I handed in something he did!" Lucy says, making Natsu snicker. "I'm glad I got to meet you!" Lucy smiles, Natsu smiles with her. "Me too. I'll see you tomorrow. Right?" "Yeah!" With that they retreat into their rooms. A somewhat happy ending for the second night of hell.
*A/N I'm sorry for the late updates! I've been working on some offline books... Anyways. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it didn't suck to much! ~Helpless Also. 99 Followers!!! *Lesqueal* Also. HAPPEH FATHER'S DAYY!
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